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myOtaku.com: Kisara

Thursday, September 23, 2004

   School pwns me..Yes it really does
The subject tells it all. God I hate school,I always have a shit load of homework which really sucks. I can't wait until the weekend -.-

I had to put my LP fansite on hiatus since I was neglecting it..again. It'll be back soon..hopefully. I just need more content,eh,I'll probably be too lazy to do that too. If you want a preview of the upcoming layout of the site click here. I know it's not even up but I very proud of it XDD

Well,nothing exciting to tell you really. And if I told you how my day was I would start a never ending rant of boredom. Hehe,ok so it wasn't that bad. But I will hate every frickin even day for the rest of my life. On even days I have gym,we do the same damn thing all the time which frickin sucks really..When we were running the mile (I was walking it :P) I kept going "I fucking hate this I fucking hate this.." through the whole thing. AHH! I hate school :P

Hopefully the rest of the week gets better -.- Oh and I probably won't be able to go to all of your sites today..Sorry

Oh and my ear hurts like hell. Everytime I have gym I have to take off all my earrings. I have like 3 peircings and one of them is kinda new and it hurts when I take it off and on and off.
Another reason why I hate gym
BTW:When I turn 13 I'll get like 2 more peircings if my parents let me. Hehe,it'll hurt more but oh well at least I look cool :P

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