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Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I really hate the way my site looks on this computer, blah. what does it look like to you? It appears to have no wallpaper, no background image on my posts, and the menu color is brown. plus its stretched out to the side to far....ew.

Oh well. today i feel sick, and my 3 year old cousin is coming in to town today for a week.

Late post, i know, but....oh well.



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Saturday, August 26, 2006


Yesterday i did somthing with my friends for the first time in two months, it was nice. I had a bonfire at one of their houses, went out for dinner, then went to see two of my other friends one of which is now living by herself which is nifty...BUT... When we got there it REEEEKED of cigarettes and marijuana, and as it turns out this was her second time being hyped on Ecstasy!?!?!

yes, E. The drug notoriouse for killing people on their first try, my friend is now involved in. I knew she was all into drugs and was looking for meth previously, but i stopped her when i told her i would tell her parents, but since i left it was like a free for all for her.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

she was all creepy, her eyes were constantly rolling to the back of her head, and she said she saw a deer...no, no. it was a cat. Then she would run up the street in her bare feet.


But yes, tonight is ladies night ^_^ at Houstons (bar) so me and my buddies are going (without druggy of coarse) itll be fun. Girls get in free, woot!

that tis be all!

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

   back in canada for a while

I have returned to my home town for a few weeks, the drive was long, mostly cause we didnt stop, just drove through the nights. wasting time sucks, and we are thoroughly sick to death of hotels right now.

Canada...sweet, sweet canada. *sigh*

I realize now how slow people drive here, its insane! i guess ive gotten used to the speed limit being 70 miles in the city.

My house looks sad, it was my childhood home!! my first and so far last home (untill i go back down to calif). They trimmed and wrecked my awsome tree they dugg up my moms roses, the HOT TUBS GONE! what is this world coming to? its all brown now. its strange seeing people, strangers walk freely in your old house you lived in for 18 years.

sad. sad.

but our new house is awsome, HMPH!! (in their smug german faces!!)


i missed being an adult, here now i can go to the bar, buy alcohal, and be free as a canadian!

til i go back in a few weeks -_-'

oh well


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Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hurray, my dads here (just got here, at the hotel) so tomorrow we can do some seriouse ass kickery on getting furniture for our new house, i cant wait! Has anyone heard of this store called "the smoke store"....yeah, its not what it sounds like...well, im sure its almost exactly what it sounds like cause they sell cigars but they have some seriousely intence swords there including katana sets, that are for a whopping $34!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!! i bought one sword off ebay for $124 (a nice one of that hmph!) they also have gladiator and medievil styl junk thats uber kewl. and some of the deadliest looking knives ive EVER seen with gut wrenching blades. pretty crazy

I dont know why i brought that up, u guess cause i have nothing else to up date on.

how are you?


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

   file not found


Ive been fixing up my site, cant decide on a theme and isnt happy with a wallpaper for more than a day, but im having technical difficultys.

Its been so long and since i redid my site when i got back i erased everything and cant remember what the code is to keep your wallpaper in place when you scroll up and down, if anyone can help me that would be AWSOME!! you can PM it or just post it as a comment however you like to do it.

I feel like a rookie all over again :'(




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Saturday, August 12, 2006


i cant believe theres a L.A county down here called "Corona", believe it or not, im currently living in a town named after a mexican beer (a mighty good beer might i add ;) ) The people here are really nice, and most of them speak english :D bwahaha!

not much to update on considering im still in a hotel and not moving around very much, 'cept im going back to canada in two weeks for a little while till our escrow is finally over. Cant wait to go back and be an adult again!! woot, got plans to go to winnipeg with my friends, be able to go to the bar again, see my grandparents again, and chillax with a sence of freedom. T
Then ill be able to mail my application in for the military and be getting somewhere. (applications sitting in storage with all our stuff) dumb hey?

but yes, trying to get to peoples sites who have all updated, and of coarse Thanks to those who have remembered me and have stopped by and left comments^_^ really am gratefull!


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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

   missed you!! teehee!

Things are very much hellish on this end with this hotel thing during escrow. Nothing has gone right since we got here, the money for our house took 3 weeks longer than expected to get to us, then as soon as we get it my dad starts work, and of coarse my mother doesnt have her visa yet, so renting is not an option. Plus for some fucked up reason EVERYONE HERE IS MEXICAN AND DONT SPEAK ENGLISH! Ahhhhh!! (im not racist, but make an effort already in and english speaking country) and whats weird is that we're honost people and since we got here have been acctually kicked out of two hotels where the maid has lied, like us leaving our animals unattended, and having a party or somthing with more than 4 people per room! what crap! LIARS!! grrrrrr

house...soon, we're going to have a massive house warming party to put this waiting behind us and get druuuunk.

Yesterday i went to the grand canyon though, it was fun, hiked 10 miles and got exactly 106 pictures haha! lots of squirls. cute!

Im also finding that some peoples sites are hard to access, every site i enter it tells me to access activeX or somthing then there would be an error on page, im using dial up right now, that might be a problem.

ill try my darndest to get there though!!!

good to be back!


Hurray! the sexiest thing you'll ever see in a james bond film!
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Sunday, August 6, 2006

   howdy children

*sigh* it sucks how you go away for a long time and you come back, no body remembers you, people remove you from their friend list, and you no longer have a ranking...this is crap. i would say serves me right, but its not my fault i didnt have internet access. trying to get around to peoples sites but it seems completely and utterly a waste of my time when people remove you from their friend list....just keep trying i suppose. someday when i get in a house ill make some more drawings to add, havent been drawing lately...grr for moving.

Im in a hotel...fun fun, we were in california but every hotel we went to they found a way to lie and have us kicked out, plus they are all mexican and didnt speak english for some fucked up reason (i guess california once was mexico, but...grr) so we're in arizona right now while going through escrow, but we got a really sweet house lined up, its a $700,000 plus house and is massive compared to the bungalo i lived in in canada.

but ill be going back to canada soon what with the major recruitment going on, and considering i still have four years of college before i can train for the air force i hope the need doesnt die down at all.

but...if you read the thing about the major oil jackpot in the rockymountains they SHOULD with draw the soldiers from iraq..they should, but knowing busch that crasy hick basterd will find a different excuss to keep them there other than oil. I caught whim of world war 3, but thats bull shit probebly, since when was the U.S. the center of a world war? never, thats when, haha.
i shouldnt bash americans or ill get shot, considering i live here now.

well. buhbye, i promise ill be more consistant with visiting peoples sites and such now that im becoming more settled down, and have Graduated!!! ^_^ which was a pretty big deal for me considering i barely made it with 29 credits, 1 more than needed to graduate, thats what you get for slacking off and skipping class.


there, i feel better now


such a cliche, but i love bleach, so here yuh go!
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Thursday, August 3, 2006


Im back again, with internet again...finally. Finally moved out of canada :'( i miss it, americans are scary ass drivers, and they stare a lot... oh well

Im finally in California! went to down town los angeles for the first time and saw a good 100 hobos, and strange enough, a dead dog, dry blood around its mouth and partially coverd by a tarp, saw the hollywood sign, drove through malibu and saw the pacific ocean, malibu of coarse where mel gibson was arrested recently.

But yes...try to get around to sites and catch up a bit.


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Monday, April 10, 2006

   Alive and kicking

Hello everyone...which is probebly refering to the only 1 person that will read this...oh well, its what i get for never updating. I stand by the fact that its not my fault! We lost our internet and arent planning on getting it back untill we move to California at the end of the summer. Its to bad cause i miss this site.

UPDATE: Im graduating this year! HUZZAH!! and i just got back last night from a 7 hour concert, "the taste of chaos" Anyone heard of it?? yeah, it was boring except when Thrice and Silverstein were playing but i got some sweeet swag! Other than that nothing worth your while writting about, TTYL!

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