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myOtaku.com: kagome47

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Sw33tSamurai90 (04/18/04)

nice page! and also...ur post about the mean teacher...yea, my lang arts teacher is pregant, and me and a few friends are planning to have a baby shower for her ^^. well i hope things get better. also i'll friend u...buh bye for now, and also..thanx for stopping by my page!


Marik2112 (04/18/04)

I like your site!!!! Thanks for signing my GB!!!!


(And I like both Mariks ^-^)

Himura (04/18/04)

Hi! Thanks fer comin' to my site...I guess.

ghettostar0492 (04/18/04)

hey just lookin around, and man ive got to say cool site!!!!!!! Why dont u swing by my site and sign my gb 4 me. oh i almost forgot ill add u as a friend.is it aight wit u? * opps * i gotta go.
Ja ne

Masao Shinamuri (04/18/04)

Thanks for signing my guestbook! I like your site! I wish I knew what Saiyuki was....it makes things that much harder to understand your site. I admit that I thought I'd already visited your site. With so many friends, I lose track of where I've been! *oops* Hope you don't mind! Ja ne!

Drake (04/18/04)

Cool Site, I like the music

Anime Dragon (04/18/04)

you sign mine, i sign yours, now we freinds k ^_^ nice place ya got, im impreased, an yea...im a really nice person no matter wat lol. well dont be a stranger *waves*

animefreack (04/18/04)

Hi. Your site is nice too. ^^

CrissWheeler (04/18/04)

I love ur site!!!!If u don't mind...I would like to add u as one of my friends..u can add me as one of urs if u want tas!!Have a nice day!!*smiles idiotically*

Junpe (04/18/04)

I like ur site too. Thanx for signing my geust book!
C.E.L.L Says Hi!

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