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myOtaku.com: Jakketh

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Hey there, all of you... erm... people! Yeah... the people who visited my little... um... Aw, forget it.

Anywho. An update for 10-12-06, yesh?

I recently realized how utterly BORING my FMA OC is next to all of the other gorgeous OCs out there, especially awesome ones like Carmen Haile. Nothing I can really do about that, huh? But I can introduce my OC, little by little, on this little page thing of mine. So... That's what I'll be doing. (I could also draw more pictures of her- I think I only have, like, two. ><)

Quick Biography:
Name: Brianna Jameson
Alchemy: None
Auotmail: None
Eyes: Hazel/Green
Hair: Mousy Brown
Personality: Unstable, sometimes solemn, sometimes childish.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

   History Lessons
(A day in the life of a young Brianna Jameson.)

Quick fingers darted up to brush a stray lock of hair out of hazel eyes, which were riveted on a book hidden in her lap- After all, if the teacher knew she was reading her mother's 'Clinical Nursing' book instead of the history text it would get taken away, and then her mother would inevitably find it missing, and things would just go downhill from there. Homework already done and pushed to the top right corner of the desk, the history book already read (to the last page, not that anyone would believe her), she sunk down lower in her seat, eyes scanning the last few words of the entry before putting the bookmark between the pages and pulling up her History book, pretending to be absorbed in the Civil War as the teacher passed. As soon as the old broad sat back down, she pushed the bright red textbook away and opened the college book discreetly.

So busy was she with the long words (nuemosephaly, hemophelia) that she nearly screamed when a cool had dropped on her bare shoulder. She turned like the girl in the horror movies, the way that made everyone know she was going to see a monster, and cracked a nervous grin in the face of her strict teacher.


"... And if I ever hear that you 'borrowed' one of my books again, you will be grounded for three days. Three days! Do you understand that? No going out to play, no soccer practice after school!"

"Yes, Mamma," muttered Brianna, absently pushing the slender glasses back up to the bridge of her nose as she walked. The book that she had been so close to finishing was tucked in her mother's bag, and Brianna didn't have the heart to tell the woman that she really didn't care- it wasn't as if she had any real friends anyways, and the soccer practice was more to prove that she wasn't /just/ a bookworm than because she enjoyed it.

Actually, she would have been glad to have been grounded- three days of laying on her bed, just reading? Paradise! Oh well, maybe she would just, erm, 'borrow' the book again to finish that last chapter... And if she happened to get caught...

(I wrote this on the spot, so don't comment saying 'It SUCKS' and stuff, kay? ^^ So, can you see why she's boring compared to the other OCs? She doesn't know anyone from the series until she's around 16. Y.Y Oh well.)

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