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myOtaku.com: itzushi-kun

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Hello, you know me as itzushi in the manga crimson rain
which is in my favorites.
it is titled shinku ame
my name is travis, I helped co-write the manga and from popular demand, joined here.
Well, I must admit that many things are going to be happening with our manga.
Jayleen, christian, and I have been working our brains out for new ideas.
As a co-writer I must admit that I dissapear a lot leaving my home and going to friends, the only reason I am not fired is because I know enough to keep myself in XD
Well, I design, I work more with technology and designing. I am not much of an artist but I can design really cool character for an artist to draw.

I am currently holding a contest for shinku ame along with Tsunekochan
My contest will find my OC a girlfriend and hers will find the owners of the elemental blade


Friday, June 15, 2007

I am holding a contest to see who will be my Oc's girlfriend within shinku ame.

the rules are basic
Rule #1
We cannot accept any OC's from the families
Uchiha clan
Nara clan
no relation to kakashi, or naruto, or any main character, has to be yur own creation.

Rule #2
for your submission, draw your OC with my OC in anything romantic related.
Nothing over pg-13

Rule #3
Entries MUST be in color.

Rule #4
One entry per person

Rule #5
This one was brought in from a question.
You can't be from konoha because of the war, only ally villages. If you want to make your oc in sound go ahead XD


First place
Your character in the manga
Your character girlfriend to my character


voting starting friday

Entries so far:

Good luck and have fun drawing XD

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

   Tsunekochans contest

talk about really hard to pick the winner. sorry it took so long but the result is over.

please continue to draw.

and dont worry all your pictures were amazing

Tsunekochans is holding a contest to find characters for shinku ame.

Shinku Ame Character Design Contest
This contest has now been extended to TheOtaku! We need more characters for our Shinku Ame so I'm hosting this contest so you guys can get the opportunity to have your own OC featured in our manga!


In the manga there is a group of 6 swordsmen who each hold a blade with a specific elemental power. Fire,Water,Earth,Air,Darkness,and Light. Guided by their swords' animal spirit, they help keep balance and peace to the shinobi world. At the moment we only have two of these six swordsmen. Eizokusei Kinashi holds the Blade of Fire and Zetsumei Ishinari holds the Blade of Water. For this contest we need 4 other swordsmen.

To enter you must pic one of the remaining elements (Earth, Air, Darkness and Light) and create your OC along with the sword design.

.: RULES .:

1. To enter you have to reply to this journal entry saying that you will enter. If you haven't replied to this journal and entered the contest elsewhere then your entry will not be submitted.

2. Be as creative as possible with your design. Mary-Sue-ish entries such as OC's that look a lot like existing Naruto characters or " my oc has a past similar to Kakashi's" will not be allowed.

3. You may have the character design and the sword design on seperate pics if neccesary.

4. Entries must be in color. Without color it'll be harder to picture the character. Even though the manga will be in black and white it'll be able help me depict what levels of grays to use when I'm inking the pages. Adding color also helps me know what colors to use if I'm ever making a colored manga page in between or if I'm going to put your OC on one of the covers. If you want to leave your entry uncolored then at least give me a color pallete.

5. Entries have to be full-bodied. You can add other elements such character expressions and the likes if you wish.

6. Keep your pics up to PG-13 level. Blood is allowed as long as it's not gushing from a dead body or someone that's just been beheaded or something like that o_o.

7. There is only one entry per person. As mentioned in rule #3, you may have the sword and character design seperate.

8. When submitting your entry you must send me the link to it. You can't expect me to go searching through your gallery to find your submission. Please send me the link it saves me a lot of time.

.: PRIZES .:

There will be 4 winners, one for each element. The winner will have there designed OC appear in the manga. The winner will also get 3 free requests of their choice as bonus consolation prizes. Think of it as my special gifts of thanks for helping me and the co-writers out big time ^^.


I'm free for the whole summer! The deadline will be August 19th NO EXCEPTIONS! I will not bump up the date at all. That's the day before I start school again so I can't change it.

Good luck everyone and have fun drawing! If you have any questions please ask. Tell your friends about it, the more the merrier. I'm expecting a lot of entries.

* On a final note, we already chose names for each of the blades. Each named to describe the color of the blades' metal.

Blade of Fire: Chitana (Blood Blade)
Blade of Water: Kiritana (Mist Blade)
Blade of Air: Yukitana (Snow Blade)
Blade of Earth: Dorotana (Mud Blade)
Blade of Darkness: Kagetana (Shadow Blade)
Blade of Light: Hitana (Sun Blade)*

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   I must be out of my mind!
I open my mail and I see that someone wants me to show my art instead of complain of how I am not an artist, so i am going to start posting some art I did, please try to be understanding that I don't draw and I have just started.
I am more of a designer anyways XD

I got my haircut
~cries~ I love my hair long, I look nice with it, now I look so messed up.

I hate my hair short...

My mom tinhks I look so nice, but I hate it and loads of peopel hate it, the only person who loves it is my mom, but I bear with it, because when I am 18...
i can wear my hair however I want

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   Rock on!

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