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myOtaku.com: InuyashaReborn

Friday, September 24, 2004

well, that's the last time i have a political conversation with those two. we're were talking about politics and the election at our lunch table today, which would make sense, as well, some of us (well, then again maybe its just me that's gonna be old enough) will be able to vote in this election. so i was telling my friend nick who i was gonna vote for. when i said probably kerry he got the weirdest look on his face. geez, never seen him so surprised. obviously nick is gonna be a republican, probably. then i explained that i really didnt like either of the candidates, but that i liked what the democratic party stood for, therefore, i was voting democratic. well, the jessie asks me if i even listened to the debates and stuff, b/c i told her i hadn't before (which i dont), and i told her i asked my mom about it. she summarizes the news report better. plus the conventions and reports can be biased :/ yea, so then i was explaining what exactly i liked about that particular party. you would not believe how defensive she got when i said that i preferred kerry's stand on whether abortion should be legalized or not. all she did was repeat over and over that it's murder and they're killing babies. well, duh, i know that, she knows i know that, but she didn't really want to listen to what i had to say about it. yea i know it's killing babies, yea i think it's wrong, BUT we can't just all of a sudden say that nobody can have abortions anymore. if we did that, then we'd have all these back-alley abortionists and MORE people would die. meaning the woman could die in the process of attempting an abortion. (either by herself or someone who it's trained to do so.) it's like prohibition, when they banned alcohol, people started bootlegging liquor, and lots of times they wouldnt be safe to drink, b/c whoever made it, made it wrong. same thing. if we really want to ban abortion, we need to phase it out, like putting huge taxes on the operation to have one, discouraging people. but there's another side to look at. i've been raised catholic, so i've heard all this stuff over and over and over. god gives us free will. so if we illegalize abortion, we are taking away a priviledge given to people by god. now some people are prolly thinking now, but thats innocent babies, its not just choosing to harm yourself. but look at it this way. it's the same thing as when someone murders a baby who's already been born or a kid. they didnt choose to be murdered, and there's nothing they could have done to prevent it. murder is illegal, but that doesnt stop some people. you see what i mean? geez, the world is just goin to hell i swear. i'm gonna be an independant anyway.

sorry about that, you prolly didnt wanna have to read all that.... but whatever, maybe i enlightened someone. um, that's about all i've got to say. i need to go get some dinner before i have to go play (in the band) at the football game tonight, and put up with the annoying little middle school children band people. it's like a recruitment thing for my high school, but those kids are brats X_X

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