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myOtaku.com: Inner Imagination

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 08/01/07:

My Quite Original Turn Downs to Pick Up Lines.
Guy: Are your feet tired? cause you've been running through my mind all day. girl: I've been running all day? Well why stop now? *run away*
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Result Posted on 08/01/07:
It made laugh... XD.

My Quite Original Turn Downs to Pick Up Lines.
Ok I stole this line from What I Like About You. Response is completly original.Guy: Hey! There's no smoking inside!Girl: I'm..not smokingGuy: Yes you are. Girl: You'd be smoking too if a guy just crashed and burned in front of you
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Result Posted on 08/01/07:
Hog monkeys

YOUR HILARIOUS ZODIAC INFORMATION! ( do not take if you are easily offended)
SAGITTARIUS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Result Posted on 08/01/07:

~What do you believe yourself as?(Stunning ANIME pictures!!!)~

You believe yourself as confused, addled person! People describe you as confused, lost person!!! People think you don't know what you are doing. You are at a stage in your life were you don't know where to go or where to turn! Your are often seen wandering around with a dazed expression on your face!!!
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Result Posted on 08/01/07:
HOLY CRAP... THIS WAS LONG... - _-;;;;;.... Yeah, I'm mean and sarcastic... it's just me, so there.

1000 Questions -- The [Second] Longest ORIGINAL Survey on Bzoink (I made a longer one!)
=>This or That<=
Pie or cake?::Cake...and Pie... Piake!
Pie or 3.14159...?::Pie...
Chocolate or vanilla?::Chocolate
Black or white?::White.
Ceiling or floor?::Ceiling
Couch or bed?::Bed
Cough or sneeze?::Sneeze
On or off?::Off?
Closed or open?::Closed
Brush or comb?::Brush
Long or short?::Long...short...LONG?!
Big or small?::Small
Wet or dry?::Dry
Under or over?::Under
Top or bottom?::Bottom
Fly or fall?::Fly
Smile or frown?::Frown
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?::Sorrow
Hot or cold?::Cold
Warm or cool?::Warm
Rough or smooth?::Smooth
Cat or dog?::...Uh... both! HA! I DECALRE I CAN DO THAT! MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!
Snake or bird?::Snake
Shark or T-Rex?::T-Rex :p.
Past or present?::Past.
Science fiction or fantasy?::Fantasy
Dull or sharp?::Sharp
Live forever or die young?::Die young
Books or television?::Books
Jump or skip?::Skip
Fast or slow?::Fast
Run or walk?::Walk
Guy or girl?::Guy?
Disney or Warner Brothers?::Disney
Belle or Jasmine?::Belle
Gaston or Cruella Deville?::Cruella?
Food or friends?::Friends
Colors or black and white?::Colors
Cute or pretty?::Uh... pretty?
Good or evil?::Both o_O?
Fruits or vegetables?::Fruits
Milk or juice?::Juice
Hot chocolate or gingerale?::Ew... to both... hot choco makes me sick DX.
Beer or wine?::Neither.
Movies or cartoons?::Movies.
Pillow or blanket?::Blanket
Moon or stars?::Stars
Sky or sea?::Sky
Explode or implode?::Implode!
=>Odd Questions<=
What color is the bottom of your tongue?::Pink?
Your foot?::Red?
Do you have any medical problems concerning feet?::No.
Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush?::Only if it involves someone dying and nothing involving anything in it... just him... exploding and dying... a... a very... very... VERY painful death...
Do you chew on your homework?::Yeah.
Pencils?::Pen caps.
Do you read the dictionary?::Twice...
Encyclopedia?::Nope, don't have one.
Atlas?::Nope, don't have that one either.
Road map?::Nope :/.
Do you memorize random facts?::Yeah.
Do you stalk anyone?::...>_>;... Confidential information...
Does anyone stalk you?::I... don't think so... or... they're stalking me right now O_O.
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?::No.
Do you dust your lawn?::No.
Do you collect dust?::No.
Baby teeth?::...My mom threw my baby teeth away DX.
Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute?::Rather keep clean, thanks.
Do you wish prostitution was legal?::...To make people earn money for sex they shouldn't even be having... no.
Do you use lotion on your feet?::No.
Do you have problems with Canadians?::...Uh... no... I don't think so... except they have really good bacon :p.
Mexicans?::~shrugs~ I don't know.
Americans?::Some of them can be real assholes and jerks... fuck them.
The French?::~thinks~ I dunno...
The English?::Tea?
Have you ever played a kazoo?::Don't think so.
Have you ever shot someone?::...With a slingshot... yes.
How many pairs of underwear do you own?::...I don't count my undies o_O;.
Jeans?::A whole bunch.
What ring size are you?::I... don't wear rings... O_O.
Belt size?::No idea.
Have you ever gotten anything amputated?::...Nope.
Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?::Used to XD.
Do you eat a lot?::Sometimes.
Do you get excited over cameras?::NO.
Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?::Nope.
Poison?::...>_>;.... And that's all your getting.
Knives?::Knived are fun :D. Play with them little kids... PLAY WITH THEM... Aren't I a good role-model...~sweat drop~.
Cheese?::Melted cheese is good... and that's it.
Penguins?::PENGUINS <3.
Scrawny African children?::Uh... nope?
Midgets?::They're small X3.
Pirates?::Arrr.... give me your booty... ~sweat drop~...Uh... I didn't just type that.
Corny jokes?::Either you laugh or cry... or just kick them for making such a lame joke.
Are you a virgin?::Yeah.
Are you a hermaphrodite?::...Uh, I don't think so... I'm to lazy to look it up right now... so... I'm just going to say no.
Do you tie string to your teeth?::THAT DON'T WORK!
Do you bite yourself?::Yeah.
Cut yourself?::Used to.
Do you get cold sores often?::No.
Do you have a cold right now?::No.
Do you suffer from chronic migraines?::No.
Do you like to touch sharp objects?::Oh yes... to test out how sharp it is... if it's dull... it sucks!
Do you have a twitching problem?::Uh... I don't think so... but I do twitch randomly though.
Are you homicidal?::...>_>...<_<... Uh.. Confidential.
What do you do on the computer?::Things... that will make your brain implode in your head and then the brain ooze will just come gushing out of your head :p.
Anything your parents should know about?::Nope. They don't need to know about my life... they ruined enough of it already even WITHOUT knowing on what goes on :|.
Are you happy with your life?::No.
Is everybody else happy with your life?::No.
Do you like 100% white grape juice?::...Don't like grapes...
Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?::The leaves... the bark is brown.
How big is the universe?::BIG!? O_O...
What's the logic behind your answer?::I don't know... BIG.
How many hours of sleep do you get every night?::Eight... and sometimes passed eight hours... all depends.
What do you dream about?::A bunch of stuff that I can't remember all of it.
Anything your parents should know about?::...No?
Do you fall for Internet advertisements?::No.
Do you enjoy bungee jumping?::Never went... want to go and see if the rope will break when I go :D.
Do you have AIM?::Yeah.
MSN?::Confused me... GREATLY.
A Neopets account?::Used to... I forgot what I named myself... MY NEOPET IS DEAD DX!!!
A Vampirefreaks account?::Nope.
A Quizilla account?::Used to... have two of them.... >_>;.
A Bzoink account?::Nope.
Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?::Sometimes.
Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?::Sometimes.
Do you get attacked by ladybugs?::My friends house does each fall :D.
Are you scared of everything that breathes?::No.
Doesn't breathe?::No.
Are you scared of anything at all?::Yeah.
What?::Uh... cars with people in them, spider webs more than the actual spider, uh... yelling... at me... o_O;.
Which cardinal direction do you like best?::Um... I don't know... North?
Do you have a life?::...What do you mean about this... "life"? I go outside and hang sometimes, sure, but... other than that... hello computer and music.
Do you have a microphone on your computer?::Yeah.
A webcam?::...Unfortunately...yes.
A scanner?::Yes.
A printer?::Yes.
A cordless mouse?::...Something better... it's ATTACHED. Oooooooh.
Does your mouse light up?::Nope.
Are you scared of mice?::No.
What kind of computer do you have?::Mac... -_-.
Were you ever physically abused?::A few.
Do you wish you were a fish?::No.
A cat?::When I was little.
A dog?::When I was little.
Do you have a cell phone?::Yeah.
What kind is it?::...Uh... I forgot... see how much I pay attention to my broken cellphone XD.
Do you weasel out of things?::Yes.
Do your teachers like you?::...They... most likely "pretend" to just get me out there.
Do your parents like you?::Doubt it... GREATLY.
Do your siblings like you?::I have none... so no :D.
Does karma, if it exists, love you?::No idea.
Did you have a tail when you were born?::Uh, I'm supposed to know this how when I don't interact or ask anything about when I was born...?
Do you enjoy school?::No.
Do you sleep under or over the covers?::Under, sometimes over.
Do you sleep in a bed?::Yeah.
Do you catch yourself floating at times?::...DUDE! I WANT TO FLOAT!!! MAKE ME FLOAT!!!
Are you a packrat?::Yeah... a really... really bad one >_>;.
Do you know HTML or CSS?::Yeah, but not all, I'm no supergenious...
Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?::Sometimes... I think.
Do you shy away from social situations?::Yeah.
Are you obsessed with shiny things?::...No, not at all... OMG!! A SHINY HUBCAP!!! ~Tries prying it off the car~ GIVE IT!!! GIVE IT, DAMN YOU!
Are you at least attracted to them?::All the time.
Do you know what you're going to get for the holidays?::No.
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?::I WOULD LOVE TO SMASH A GUITAR!!! The only thing I can play, a smashing guitar ~grins~.
Do you label other people?::All depends who.
Are you proud?::No.
Do you like scrambled eggs?::Ew.
=>How bad can I make you Look?<=
Do you wash your hands frequently?::Yeah.
Do you wet the bed?::No.
What age did you stop?::I don't know.
Do you lie a lot?::Sometimes... but mostly, I speak truth :/.
Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?::Yeah XD.
Brush your hair?::Depends if I'm lazy or not ._.
Do you use deoderant?::Yeah.
Do you masturbate?::No.
How often?::Never, I'M GOOD :))))))!
Are you an alcoholic?::No.
A druggie?::No.
Do you drink illegally?::No.
Do you wear underwear?::Yeah, I'm wearing one right now, isn't that just amazing!?
Do you change your underwear frequently?::Yeah.
Are you a coward?::Sometimes.
A loser?::Yeah, definitely.
An idiot?::...What's an idiot? Oh yeah, me :D.
Do you chatspeak?::Wtf r u talkin bout? ...~shoots myself for that~...
Are you a bad friend?::Sometimes... I'm not going to lie.
Are you untrustworthy?::I say yes... but I try and keep my trusts good.
Unreliable?::All depends what they're relying on me for.
Do you pick your nose?::With a tissue... noses get itchy >.
Are you imperfect?::Who isn't?
Ugly?::Oh yeah! I break mirrors when I look in them.
Do you have bad hair?::Um... don't know.
A big nose?::Don't know.
Are you shallow?::Don't think so.
Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?::...Do parents count when they know I don't?
Do you have any /important/ talents?::No.
Do you burp often?::All the time.
Are you impolite?::Depends...
Disrespectful?::Oh yeah XD.
Sadistic?::...Sometimes... depends what mood I'm in really.
Are you a pansy?::Don't think so...?
Are you a conformist? (Hot Topic is a mainstream store, by the way.)::Not really.
Are you a fan of George W. Bush?::NO.
Do you have buck teeth?::I have them DX. AND YES, YES I DO. I WANT THEM GONE!
Mental illnesses?::...When you're alone and hear voices in your head... it's not so lonely anymore...
Are you fake?::I can say, yes.
Does your breath smell?::Sometimes.
Do you have a strong body odor?::Don't think so.
Do you have bad teeth?::Don't know.
Do you have a bull ring through your nose?::No.
Are you overweight?::Friends think not, I say yes.
Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?::No.
A tattoo?::No.
Are you a wannabe?::No.
Do you get bad grades?::Sometimes... but mostly yes.
What's your IQ level?::You think I know?
Are you a bad guesser?::All depends what I'm trying to guess...
Are you slow?::Sometimes.
Are you bad at reading people?::Sometimes... but not all the time.
Are you too nice for your own good?::...Depends what mood I'm in... is all.
Do you have a lot of friends?::Not really.
Do you give in easily?::Not really... again.
Are you stubborn?::Yeah.
Are you annoying?::Sometimes.
Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things?::Sometimes... when there's nothing else to talk about and sometimes it leads to funny things.
Are you a necrophilliac?::No.
Are you incestuous?::...It has incest in it so I'm just going to say no.
Is your room messy?::Half.
Do you make fun of other people?::Sometimes.
Do you respect your body?::No.
Are you arrogant?::...My dad calls me that with ignorant all the time... uh.... I don't know.
Do you have low self-esteem?::Yeah.
Are you unique?::Don't know.
Are your hands clammy?::No.
Are you short?::No.
Are you freakishly tall?::No.
Do you like Simple Plan?::...Used to.
Do you believe in God?::Yeah.
Do you believe in magic?::That died.
True love?::...Love died and I'm hoping it will never come back... EVER.
Satan?::Meh... ~shrugs~.
The Lord and Lady?::Uh, sure?
The Goddess?::Sure?
The Greek Gods or Goddesses?::Sure?
The Pagan Gods or Goddesses?::Sure?
Are you an atheist?::Used to be.
Agnostic?::Don't know.
Do you believe in fairies?::Depends...
Dragons?::Used to...
Santa?::Used to...
The Easter Bunny?::Used to...
The Tooth Fairy?::Used to...
Mermaids?::Not really...
Karma?::I DON'T KNOW.
Do you believe in the Aztec Gods?::Uh, don't know...sure?
Mayan Gods?::Sure?
Incan Gods?::Sure?
Do you believe that each different belief creates a new reality?::...Sure?
Do you believe in life on other planets?::Not really...
Do you believe in parallel universes?::Sometimes...
Do you believe that black holes are time portals?::I wish.
Do you believe in Eternity?::Sure.
Do you believe in evolution?::Sure? We're monkeys... we can go ook, eek, ook...
Do you believe in life after death?::Depends... still trying to figure something out...
What happens to us after we die?::My theory... is my theory... and I'm keeping my theory... to me.
Do you believe in superheroes?::No.
Super villains?::No.
Do you believe in Fate?::Fate's nothing but a lie.
That everything has a purpose?::No.
Do you believe that everything revolves around money?::...I'm starting to think so...
Sex?::Sex can just die already... NO MORE DAMN BABIES ON THIS EARTH!
Love?::Tch... love? Everything revolves around love? It seems everything revolves around more hate than love ever did. ...Okay, that was the hippie days... SHUT UP!!!
Success?::The lucky ones.
Making yourself happy?::...Sometimes... it DOES sometimes revolve around that.
Making others happy?::That should be an all round thing but... it doesn't happen very often anymore.
Religion?::Used to be... but now people just disobey it ~shrugs~ lives, nothing we can do about it unless you brain wash the babies.
Politics?::Suck... plain and simple.
Do you believe in miracles?::Miracles sometimes happens without explanation... but, that's all it's really put as... as for believing... I don't know.
Ghosts?::I believe in thems.
Do you believe there's a someone for everyone?::Pfft, no.
Do you believe in true, selfless happiness?::All depends...
Do you believe in selfessness at all?::Selfessless isn't even a word o_O!? I looked it up, it gave me nothing. So, that question got cancelled because of typo! Hooshaw!
Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen?::Used to it, but once that same wish never came true... ha! Wishes just died.
Do you believe that the means justify the ends?::Mean the average... there wasn't a justify in the song o_O;.
Do you believe that anything can happen?::No... not everything can happen... :/ I'm negetive, so what of it?
=>The Basics<=
Name::Leo Says Fuck... a lot.
Gender::I'm a shemale! I feel so proud of myself :D!
Happy with it?::Oh yeeeeah, keeps people guessing on what I am ~_^.
Eye color::Puke.
Happy with it?::Dude, who WOULDN'T want the color puke for eyes :3?
If not, what would you change it to?::...Uh... PURPLE EYES!
Hair color::Throw up.
Happy with it?::No, rather have baby throw up than this throw up for hair.
If not, what would you change it to?::Purple... or orange... always wanted orange hair...
Hair length::Grown back to my shoulders.
Hair style::Pony tail or just down... nothing complicated.
Have you ever dyed your hair?::Highlighted...
What color?::Auburn highlights.
Do you dye your hair frequently?::No... after that... didn't do anything with my hair again that involved dye.
Has it ever gotten damaged?::...It died D:.
Are you clean-shaven?::....Sure?
What's your body type?::I keep on hearing athletic...
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between?::Uh, somewhere inbetween?
Thin or full lips?::...~eye twitch~... I HATE MY LIPS.... GREATLY...
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between?::Thick... -_-;.
Have you ever had lice?::Nope.
How old were you?::...It's not lice... it's RICE. Yummy.... (inside joke... with myself... >_>;.)
Nicknames::Leo, Umeko, Yona
Happy with them?::Sure, better than my real name.
What made you choose them?::...Choose what?
If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?::I have no idea... but probably my dads and grandpa's name... they have no Imagination at all... bugs me.
Think of the situation above. What would you want your name to be?::...Jace :D... Why.... I don't know.
If you had a choice, would you drop your last name?::Yeah.... I don't want people knowing who I'm related too... >_>;.
What heritage does your first name imply?::...French? But now my dad's saying Italian... THEY KNOW NOTHING AND THEY'RE MAKING ME KNOW NOTHING!!!!!!
Middle name?::...Only a few people know... ~zips lip~
Last name?::...Are you really that idiotic to write such a question? Rumplestilskin...Yup.
Place of birth::In a hospital, der. They had nice and cold tables there where they leave the babies for dead... I was one of the lucky ones. Horrible... or... was it REALLY that horrible?
Date of birth::900 Billion BC.
Nationality::I'm part chicken :D!
Were you named after anyone?::Yeah.
Who?::Dead Grandma... she was OLD.
What side of the family does your name come from?::....My dad's?
Did your parents immigrate?::My mom did... wish she didn't... should have left her for dead.
How about your grandparents?::Like hell I know.
Your great grandparents?::...GREAT Grandparents????? .....Explain more oh wise quiz...
Farther back into your family?::My family travels farther? ...I necessarilly don't care either way anyway :/.
Where did they emmigrate from?::...Expect someone to know that and memorize each little bit of their family life and expect them to remember what happened in their life... photographic memory... -_-;.
Where did they immigrate to?::To the graveyard.
Skin color::...White and tan :D! I'm a special chomeleon... however you spell that animal DX. Whatever.
What's your facial structure like?::...Like a face?
Happy with it?::~shrugs~ It's a height.
Weight::Weightless, duh.
Happy with it?::DUDE! Weightless... you can like, float, man!
How old are your parents?::THEY LIE DX. My mom still claims she's 29.
What's your father's name?::Idiot.
Your mother's?::...Skanky Whore Mother :D.
Do you have any siblings?::No.
How old are they?::They're zero.
What are their names?::Susan, Greg, George, Fred, Billy, Samantha, Charles... yeah, the boys... likes the girls... they always keep their rooms locked, don't know why though...with the girls.
Do you get along with your family?::No, unless you call two cats living in one room who hate one another scratching and beating on one another and then the dog coming to eat us both getting along :p.
Do you wish they were different?::Yeah...
Were you ever abused by any member of your family?::Yeah.
Were you ever betrayed by a member of your family?::...I trusted my family? Since when did I trust them?
Did your family ever disown any other member of your family?::...My cousins almost disowned me :D.
If so, why?::Mental breakdown of the brain... >_>;.
Who do you get along with most?::In the family, uh, no one.
Year::...I have a favorite year!? AWESOME! ...Now only if it could tell what that year is...
Decade::...Dinosaur Land decade?
Century::...21st Century!?
Millenium::~burps~ That Millenium.
Movie::...Pan's Labyrinth... sure.
Book::...Don't know... don't have a fav. book.
River::...Mississippi River! ...It's just fun to say, sing, and type.
Lake::...A lake? Der...
Ocean::DX... GO AWAY.
Country::The Underground Country of... Mentropolis!? ...Sure, let's go with that.
City::...The City of Atlantis... the one supposedly that sunk... yeah, that one.
State::...I almost failed Geography DX. YOU EXPECT ME TO HAVE A FAVORITE STATE!?
Province::...Don't know... forgot what the word meant... and I'm not looking it up for this thing... I already had to look up one word that wasn't even a WORD!
Place to go in your neighborhood::The park... SWINGS <3.
Person::A person, who else?
Relative::We have to have a favorite relative or life isn't complete? Hmmm... ~thinks~ Life shall never be completed for me then :p.
Pet::Uh... a dog would be nice... but... cats are nice also. Fish just die easily ~cries~.
Actress::DIE IN ANOTHER HOLE!!! WITH SHARP OBJECTS AND STOP LOOKING PRETTY!!! ~Stabs a random one repeatedly~.
Celebrity::...~grabs Mary-Kate and Ashley dolls, stabbing them with pins and needles of all sorts~...What? Voo-doo... I also have plenty more too... STUPID CELEBRITIES DX!!!!!!!!!
Musician::Don't know... Billy Talent?
Singer::...Don't know either.
Band::Antic Cafe but now going back to Maximum The Hormone.
Movie genre::...Don't know either.... as long as it keeps me zoned and watching, it's all good.
Book genre::...That one's hard.... Mystery is good... but so aren't others... baaaaah...
Play genre::I... don't watch plays... the last time I saw one was in school... on a DVD thing... and it was an Opera... I fell asleep on the floor...
Play::Romeo and Juliet! ...I wanted to kill Romeo instead of him killing himself... NEW PLOT TWIST!
Musical::...Rent... only musical I've seen... but it was on DVD... in school... in chorus...
Poem::Poems are good... don't know though... -_-;.
Writer::...Uuuuuuuh... Lemony Snicket... still just going to keep on putting him...~sweat drop~.
Song::...Super Rabbit - Antic Cafe, sure.
Sport::Sports.... died... on... me.... a... long... while... ago.
Food::I don't know, food :D!
Brand of cereal::TREATS! ...I'm still obsessed with Treats...
Candy bar::Wonka Bars... first thing came to mind.
Disney princess::I... seriously don't have one... I think... I hated them all when I was little... and I still do. Can watch them and not mind or anything, good movies, but... just no.
Disney prince::Can I put that I hated them too ^^;?
Disney villain::...Uh... uh... uh... uh... uh... Don't have one either o.O;;.
Disney character::Uuuuuuuuh.... ~drools, falling over~...A-bah? ~brain died~
CD::Don't know... :p.
Director::I wonder if Chickens could do a better job than some directors out there... ~thinks~...Interesting sight that would be...indeed.
Videogame::Kingdom Hearts I+II.... yes, I still like those games... scared about three though.
Computer game::Don't know... the sonic game... I wonder if this computer would be able to take that disc... hmmmm....
Game::Rock, Paper, Scissors, SLAP.
Board game::Checkers :D.
Word game::Scrabble.
Clothing style::Uh, wear clothes and make sure they're comfy o_O?
Truth or dare question::Truth... I don't take dares unless I really feeling up to one.
Fairy tale::Don't know... so, I'm just picking Repunzel... stupid, blonde, long haired dreamer.... BLAH.
Lullaby::Never had one >_>;.
Holiday::Feh.... like I know...
Miscellaneous item::Tacks.
Storybook character::Violet - Unfortunate Events Series... wow, that one was just random o_O;.
Movie character::Uh.... I don't know... the chicken in that one movie where... the world blew up... sure, yeah, that works ^^!
Play character::...Donuts....Mmmmmm....donuts....
Musical character::Dunno... but I do know... I have a half eaten donut in meh belly... yummy...
College::~Burps~....The burping college, why not!?
Football team::Can all break their leg.... no... literally... break their legs.
Soccer team::Can fall unconcious from the soccer ball hitting their heads so many times and not being able to see straight for hours or see darkness, it all depends if their eyes close.
Tennis player::Twisted his leg, fell on the ground screaming in pain, throwing the racket away, missing the ball, screaming, "DAMMIT!!! I BROKE ANOTHER ONE!!!"
Hockey team::Let a puck fly into their helmets through the plastic, that would be a funny sight to see alright.
Basketball team::Play Basketball like Soccer... but keep the basketball.
Baseball team::Can miss and just use the bats to bat their heads straight off their shoulders... watch the literal heads fly!
Swimmer::Drowned in a cramping accident, too much ice-cream, yup.
Track star::Fell over one of those things that he had to jump over, cracked his head open, bled, the rest kept on running. Yup, left him for dead on the track.
Vegetable::Ew, vegies... uuuuuh... vegie, vegie, vegie.... CORN!
Fruit::CARAMELS!!! ...Wait... that's not a fruit... okay, oranges.
Toothpaste brand::...Colgate! Not Crest, because that's a car company... even though... I still think it might be a toothpaste brand as well... yeah.
Type of computer::...Dells are good.... I guess... Mac's are... MAC'S NEED MORE BUTTONS DX.
Medication::Depression pills... mmmmmm.... depression in a pill.
Poison::Wrotten shell fish type thing... let someone eat it... ~evil grin~...Muahahahahahahhaaha, death!
Type of sword::Katana? Sure, why not, a katana.
Type of gun::One that goes, BANG, BANG, BANG!
Planet::Pluto!!!! ...THEY GOT RID OF PLUTO DX!!! Saturn!!!
Space feature::...? The dark sky with the pretty gases in the dark sky?
Breed of cat::Coon cat?
Dog::Golden Retreiver...Retriever... ANYWAY YOU WANT TO PUT IT!
Spider::Squished ones.
Fish::Living ones.
Species of crustacean::Uh... Lobsters.
Arachnid::...Same as spiders... squished ones....
Insect::Owies... no.
Pair of socks::The ones with the puppy and the strawberry! THOSE SOCKS ARE SO... socky... ~blinks~.
Scooby-Doo character::Scooby-Doo XD.
Spongebob Squarepants character::...Sandy... I guess... or... maybe Patrick.... reasons for that.
Quote::Blah, blah, blah my needs.
Adage::Useless information may come in useless times.
President::Should not rule.
Astrological sign::...Sagi. Yeah, still don't know how to spell it... BAH TO YOU.
Chinese zodiac sign::...It goes... bah, bah ~eats some grass~, BAH.
Number::9Q34958798480281-40235Y8938Q03590485Y983W it's such an awesome number it had to have letters and hyphens in there too!
Short story::I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge... and GUESS what I saw in that fridge..................................................................................FOOD!!!!!! :D!
Definition::That thing has a definition? ~does a double take~ Uh... it means... Pull up your pants in cave man! Yup, definitely.
Time period::Cave man times, yep... exactly... ~nodding, slowly walking away~
Dictionary brand::Websters...
Series of books::Unfortunate Series.
Publishing company::Don't know, his name is Lemony though... wonder if he looks like a lemon and that's why he keeps on hiding and he's just been feeding us lies.
Illustrator::No idea... I think him too... don't remember though ~shrugs~. It was someone though... it's not Imaginary.
Artist::Dude... their's a whole lot of artist around... so... yeah.
Childhood story::Went to the park, right... and GUESS WHAT... I saw.... I saw... I saw... an ant hill... THEY WERE EATING MY DEAD GERBAL FRED D:!!!! ...No, not really... man, I'm so lame XD.
Childhood memory::Me... crying a whole lot... from hurt feelings... damn, I was such a cryer back then... ~sweat drop~.
Serial killer::ME... No, not really.... what's the point with this question exactly?
Medieval torture device::The beheading one... slowly cut through their neck while they're suffering and screaming while you're just wanting the answers out of him...What? It could be a device...
Instrument::Smashing Guitar ^_^!!!
Brand of chocolate::Wonka bars.
Candy::OMG!!!! CANDY!!! ~Attacks the screen~ CANDY!!!! MAYBE THE WORD IS MADE OUT OF CANDY!!!
Brand of candy::Uh... Wonka?
Time of day::12:00 Either Noon or Morning.
Codename Amour and Adori use::Bonnie and Clyde o_O?
Letter::Chicken soup with rice... mmmmm.... rice... or should I say... "lice"?
Inside joke::Rice morphed into Lice.... ~sighs~...
Joke::Knock, knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Stop crying, it's just a joke. HAHAHAHAHA... ~rolls eyes~...
Onomotapoeia::Uh... I remember nothing from the Eighth... I think it was that grade... about that word.
Alliteration::That just sounds familiar... >_>;.
=>The Ideal Mate<=
Hair color::Does it matter?
Hair length::Medium? Not too long, not too short... but it doesn't necessarilly matter, not does it? NO. Unless you're shallow, then you'll have a problem there.
Hair style::Messy?
Eye color::It matters... how? ...Wait... you'll be staring into them... still, THEIR COLORS!
Skin color::Rainbow Skin :D!
Any makeup?::Meh, I support guys who where eyeliner ~shrugs~. ONLY eyeliner though... lipstick is an exception though... sometimes.
Clothing style::~shrugs~ Anything they feel comfortable in, why not?
Shy or outgoing?::A bit of both...?
Happy or depressed?::Uh, if they were happy all the time, robot, definitely, depressed all the time, get therapy and sort your problems. Does middle count...? Anyone... anyone...? ...-_-;.
Funny or serious?::Both... once again... Funny would be nice, but sometimes serious is the way to go too, so why not mix them up and see an explosion happen :/.
Abusive or kind?::Uh... abusive would hurt! So, yeah, kind.
Respectful or perverted?::Both, once again. ...What...? STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT O_O.
Completely describe their personality::...A... personality... like... AS LONG AS THEY HAVE ONE DX!?
This is another space if you need it::...Fear the talking tree of random :D.
Ideal height::Uh.... as long as... I can see them when I open a door and be like, hey you!
Ideal weight::As long as they weigh something... don't want to weigh zero now, do you?
Body type::And as long as they have a body... that would be odd if they didn't... GREATLY.
Completely describe their appearances::As long as they have an appearance... nothing more.
This is another space if you need it::...Fuck you spaces! ~flips it off~
Cup size or condom size::o_O... Uuuuuuh... As long as they have SOMETHING at least.
Masochistic or sadistic?::Uh, let's go with the first one then ._.?
Conformist or nonconformist?::Uh... if it means making decisions... uh, the first one. I can't make decisions for the life of me.
Artistic or athletic?::...Aritstic.
t r u e or f a l s e (:
true or false ?
you're a girl:True
you're in high school:True
you own a dog:False
you're an only child:True
you've eaten out with a bunch of friends:True
you're single:True
you're bored:True
you have an AIM sn:True
your last cellphone bill was over the top:False
you get mad easily:True
you find yourself with a lot of energy at the randomest of times:True
you currently like someone:False
you regret something that you've done:True
others have called you pretty or cute:...Unfortunately... true.
you like to watch tv:...Uh... Tralse...
you like playing with your hair:True
your hair is brown:...Uh... Tralse
you have a secret that no one knows:False?
you've kissed someone you shouldn't have:False
you've had a bf/gf before:False
you've been dumped before:False
you shop or have shoped at victoria's secret:False
in the past month you have watched a movie:True
in the past month you have cut your hair:False
in the past month you have gone swimming:False
in the past month you have gone to a party:False
you have crashed a party before:False
you have gone to a party thrown by someone you don't even know:False
you are huggable:False
you like to play video games:True
you like/LOVE to shop:FALSE
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Result Posted on 07/28/07:
...Nothing really much to say... XP.

My Answers to Survey The Most Random

1 - When was the last time you cried? Don't remember.
2 - Have you ever faked sick? No.
3 - What was the last lie you said? Don't remember.
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie? No.
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? I don't know.
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain? Yeah.
7 - Have you ever been drunk? No.
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs? No.
9 - Do you smoke? No.
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? Doorbell ditch.
11 - What is your full name? Leo Says Fuck.
12 - What is your blood-type? How the hell am I supposed to know this?
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident? No.
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? Still didn't receive any.
15 - Who was your first kiss? Go die in a ditch :D.
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship? No.
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex? No.
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush? They gave me this awkward look and then walked away >_>;.
19 - What is your favourite sport to play? Don't know...
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call? Yeah.
21 - Have you ever said Those are big balls? Yes, yes I did.
22 - What's your favourite childhood memory? I have one?
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret? Not really...
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up? Like hell I know.
25 - What is your political persuassion? Political stuff can burn in a huge pile full of gasoline.
26 - Have you ever had cybersex? As a guy.
27 - Do you believe in g-d? Yeah.
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight? FUCK LOVE. OMG...
29 - Do you believe in karma? Sure.
30 - Who was your first crush? A fucktard.
31 - Who do yo uhave a crush on? Mr. Stick... he has a shirt... but, Mr. Stick needs a pear of pants...
32 - How would you describe yourself? Ordinary.
33 - What are you afraid of? Cars with people.
34 - Are you religious? Sure.
35 - What does your screen name mean? Inner Imagination, means, Inner Imagination, duh.
36 - What person do you trust the most? Trusting is beginning to become a downside...
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? They died before anything even started... they're buried in my backyard, would you like to see the remains?
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved? The positive ones.
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? Don't know, I just agree :p.
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? Omfg.... just... DO ALL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT IS FUCKING LOVE OR SOMETHING!? Jeezeum...
41 - What is your greatest strength? I have one?
42 - What is your greatest weakness? A bunch of things.
43 - What is your perfect pizza? Pizza :p.
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? The time.
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed? ...MINE, THEY'RE MINE...
46 - What college do you want to go to? Don't know.
47 - Do you get along with your family? No.
48 - Do you play any instruments? No.
49 - What kind of music do you like? All kinds, kill the rap and country, and hip-hop or anything in those categories...
50 - Do you think you're attractive? No.
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo? No.
52 - How many piercings do you have? None.
53 - Who makes you laugh? People.
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? ...I have a thought...
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body? Yeah.
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush? Fuck the celebrities.
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent? The talking chocolate bar so when you bite into them, they say, "OUCH!".
58 - Have you ever broken a bone? Yeah.
59 - What happens after you die? Don't know until it happens.
60 - Do you watch or read the news? Neither.
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being? Emotional.
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? Most likely.
63 - If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to? Ordinary.
64 - If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go Before I was even born and if I could, make myself not be born at all.
65 - If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? Everything.
66 - Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No.
67 - Have you ever played strip poker? No.
68 - Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? No.
69 - What do you want your friends to think about you? I don't know.
70 - Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? A HUGE one.
71 - HAve you ever bitten someone? Yeah.
72 - When's your birthday? A long time from now.
73 - Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah... just figured that out a little whiles ago.
74 - Do you make wishes on shooting stars? Sadly... yes.
75 - Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? Food :D.
76 - If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? The day that I was born.
77 - Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes.
78 - Have you ever been in love? No.
79 - Are you a morning person or a night person? Night person.
80 - Do you have any phobias? People say the Love Phobia...
81 - What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? Can't choose.
82 - Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth? Yeah.
83 - How many screen names do you have? A bunch, and I have some that I even forgot about... damn, need to see how they're doing too...
84 - Do any medical problems run in your family? Don't know.
85 - Have anyone ever been disowned from your family? I wish I was disowned from my family.
86 - Have you ever had a nightmare? Slept through them.
87 - Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? Enemies.
88 - Would you ever participate in a threesome? No.
89 - Would you ever pay for a prostititue? No.
90 - Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? No.
91 - Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? Never had one and cheating is just wrong.
92 - Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Almost.
93 - Have you ever written a love letter? Yeah...
94 - Have you ever attempted suicide? Yeah.
95 - Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxers.
96 - Have you ever been in a fistfight? No.
97 - Do you have any hidden talents? Sure.
98 - What is one thing you want me to know about you? I don't take love lightly ~glares~.
99 - What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? ...I don't know... nor care... CAKE.
100 - Do you usually prefer books or movies? Movies but sometimes the books are just better.
101 - Who is your favourite person to talk to? ...A friend.
102 - Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? A friend.
103 - Would you ever have sex before marriage? My plan is no... but if it happens... meh, it happens.
104 - Who do you talk to most on the phone? A friend.
105 - Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of? No.
106 - Do you prefer british or american spelling of words? American?
107 - Have you ever gotten detention? Always got out of it.
108 - How do you vent your anger? In a lot of ways.
109 - Have you ever been on a diet? Yeah.
110 - Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you? Depends on how young and old.
111 - Is your best friend a virgin? No clue.
112 - What's a rumor someone has spread about you? Don't know.
113 - What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing? ...~blinks~...Uh... I don't know...
114 - What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? Yelled?
115 - What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? Listened?
116 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? No.
117 - Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? Yeah.
118 - Have you ever wanted to murder someone? I have a list going...
119 - Have you ever hated someone? Yeah.
120 - Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? Either way... it's both going to be silent...
121 - Do you consider yourself popular? No, don't ever want to be either.
122 - Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? No.
123 - Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? No.
124 - Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? No.
125 - What is your favourite book? A book.
126 - Do you have a collection of anything? Used to...
127 - Are you happy with the person you are becoming? No.
128 - Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? Yeah...
129 - What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? I don't know... hopefully on my own...
130 - Are you happy with the life you have? No...

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Result Posted on 07/28/07:
Tch... read all of this if you dare... like I care... ¬_¬....

a awesome survey
name:Leo Says Fuck.
age:READ THE PRO! ...Okay, I have no age, there.
location:Drowning in a pool of my hearts own blood ._.
born in:a hospital.
DOB:...~shakes head~...
weight:Enough to fall through the cement ground :p.
body type:People say athletic...
hair color:Throw up.
eye color:Puke.
syle:My own?
are you
in love:No.
wit who:No one.
been in love before:No.
wit who:NO ONE.
a tease:KILL MY DAD.
nice:Depends what mood I'm in and if I even WANT to be nice to you.
a nerd:Anime nerd.
have u
passed out:No.
got high:No.
done drugs:No.
made out wit sumone at a party:No.
how many ppl:None...
wat their names r:Learn to type right, Fuck you, and Kill the drunkard.
liked sumone older:Yeah.
liked sumone younger:...No.
first person
u liked:My business, not yours.
u loved (not ur family):No.
u kissed:No one.
u made out wit:No one.
u went out wit:NO one.
u went the farthest wit:No one.
how far:NO ONE.
u hugged:I don't know.
last person
u kissed:No one.
u said i love u to:No one.
u hugged:Like hell I remember.
u went out wit:No one.
u made out wit:No one.
u talked to:A friend.
u flirted wit:No one.
r u a fag:Are you retarded?
r u straight:Are you a complete idiot?
dick or pussy:I don't know, but I do know you have both you stupid fucking idiot who made this fucked quiz.
ass or titties:I'm only taking this because now, I'm pissed and need to release anger on someone and this thing doesn't talk BACK.
hand or mouth:FUCK YOU.
guys or girls:Go suck it.
steak or chicken:They're both good...
moutain dew or vault:Neither.
do u like to read:Sometimes.
longest relationship:Go die in a ditch, motherfucker.
how long was it:Hope it's a large, painful ditch.
r u still together:With spikes at the bottom of it.
how long will it last:And your blood just gushing everywhere as the animals look down at you from the top and laugh, laugh, laugh, and more laughter shall fill the air.
type of music u like:A whole bunch.
fav. song:Super Rabbit
fav. artist/band/singer:Like hell I know anymore.... just you need to go back to school!
fav. movie:Pan's Labyrinth.
fav. tv show:Like I know.
fav. stuffed animal:...There's a whole bunch of stuffed animals that I like...
fav. book:Don't know...
fav. time of day:Night.
fav. day of week:....I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL IT O_O... DAMMIT!
fav. place to be at:In my house... alone... with no one around... music at hand with internet...
fav. sport:Anything will a hard ball in it... throw it at someone and watch them get into pain... and then laugh... as hard as you can while they're hollering in pain...
fav. team:The Fuck You Groundhogs.
fav. actor:Why can't they all just die already ~cries~!?
fav. actress:. . . DIE.
wat u like doin the most:Being alone... shut up.
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Result Posted on 07/28/07:
I can be pervy... when I wanna.

A (Very) Personal Survey
About You
name:Leo Says Fuck.
age:I'm dead.
birthday:It was a cold, cold, cold, very cold day that day....
Your Favorites
band:Antic Cafe.
singer:...Uh... Billy Talent is a singer... even though more people sing with him... sure.
actor:DIE, ASS, DIE.
actress:DIE, BITCH, DIE.
movie:Pan's Labyrinth.
song:Uh... Super Rabbit?
sexual position:o.O...Kinky!
time of day:FUCK THE TIME! What's up with time with you people!?
Your Relationships
boyfriend/girlfriend:Okay, time for fake play time <3!
how long have you been together:They've been together for about a year.
is it true love:To the girl yes, to the guy, woo, free sex! Finally, a stripper I DON'T have to pay for.
how old is he/she:The girl is 25 and the guy is 40, do the math and find out the square root of that.
have you frenched this person:Yes, they have frenched countless times.
have you banged this person:Oh yes, they have done it every chance they got. Even in the open... with the windows and shades open... and you can hear them through the walls of house... ~eye twitch~...
Friends*who is....
the quietest:Friends.
the sexiest:Friends.
the funniest:Friends.
the smartest:Friends.
the loudest:Friends.
This Survey
did you like it:I like fake play time, I got to make things up ^^.
will you take more if I make them:I just like the typing... nothing more :p.
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Result Posted on 07/27/07:
Yeah, I'm cruel on these things... point?

Let's go a little more in depth
The Basics..of course!
What's your name?:Leo Says Fuck.
How old are you?:Read the damn pro.
When's your birthday?:In the deepest cold of winter.
Where were you born?:In a hospital.
Do you have any siblings?:No.
Are your parents still together?:Sadly, yes.
Do you like your family?:No.
Are you a miracle child?:It's a miracle they got together and had me :/.
What's your favorite color?:Purple.
What's your favorite sport?:The sport of finding dead things on the side of the road.
What's your favorite TV show?:Don't necessarilly have one.... I think... I don't know, maybe I do.
What's your favorite movie?:Pan's Labyrinth.
What is (are) your favorite song(s)?:You think I feel like listing them out on here?
What's your favorite book?:Nooooo idea.
Now for the more in depth side of you.
Do you have someone who is your hero?:All my life, nope.
Do you have someone that is like your second father?:Yeah, I guess...
Do you have someone who is like your second mother?:Sure....
Do you have someone that is like a sibling to you?:Yeah.
Have you ever had your heartbroken?:Yeah.
Have you ever seen something that broke your heart?:Yeah.
Have you ever loved someone so much you cried?:Love, what is this... "love"?
Would you take a bullet for anyone?:If it means instant death.
Would you DIE for anyone?:Just read the top there...
Are you affectionate?:Sometimes.
Do you like hugs or bear hugs?:Bear hugs hurt!
You like the small things or the hanging all over you things?:Small things, thank you.
Do you actually hate someone?:YES.
Have you ever physically hurt someone on purpose?:No.
Have you ever emotionally hurt someone on purpose?:No.
Have you loved someone outside of your family as a family member?:Uh, wha?
Have you been in love with a boy/girl yet?:No.
Are you ever too young to fall in love?:...If you fall into love at one, then that's one amazing, loving baby.
Have you ever been in serious physical pain?:Don't think so.
Have you ever been in serious emotional pain?:Yeah.
Has someone close to you died?:Sure, my grandmother, but I didn't even cry at the funeral and the old ladies started laughing at me for no reason at all, fucking old ladies.
What would you do if your best friend died?:I... wouldn't know what I would do...
Do you even have a best friend?:Yeah.
Do you have someone who is your "safe haven"?:Ummm... sure?
To whom do you run to when all else fails?:Friends.
Has your world ever crashed down around you?:Yeah.
When you get angry, what do you do?:...Temper tantrum of doom...
When you are sad, what do you do?:All kinds of things...
When you are happy, what do you do?:Act like a total hyper active moron :p.
Is there a song that makes you cry?:No, sad, yes, cry, no.
Who was the last person you hugged?:Don't remember.
Who was the last person you kissed?:No one.
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?:No.
If you do, do you love them?:HATE YOU.
Have you ever broken anything?:Yeah.
Does it hurt as bad as everyone says it does?:I dunno, I was like... 2.
Are you a druggie?:No.
Are you an alcoholic?:No.
Are you stubborn?:Yeah.
Are you sarcastic?:Sometimes.
Do you swear?:Yeah.
Are you honest?:Sometimes, but most of the time, yes.
Are you trusthworthy?:Yeah, I think so anyway...
Are you responsible?:Um.... uh... repeat?
Are you intellegent?:In my own stupid way, yes.
Are you atheletic?:No.
Do you believe in God?:Yeah.
Do you believe in miracles?:No.
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?:Meh... I'm sticking with my own theory...
Do you believe in karma?:Sure.
Do you believe in fate?:No, not anymore.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?:Sometimes.
Do you believe in luck?:No.
Do you believe in yourself?:No.
Will there be a World War III?:Most likely on how this world is turning out.
Will humanity eventually snuff itself out?:Most likely.
What's something that really gets under your skin?:Don't know until it happens.
What are some songs that really mean something to you?:There's a whole bunch... so, I'm lazy, no typey it all out.
What is the most common misconception of you?:No idea.
Can you write with both hands?:My left handwriting dies...
What's the best feeling in the world?:I hear it's love... but no... I don't know.
What's the worst feeling in the world?:Being broken.
What is your favorite song lyric?:Can't tell that one either.
If you could turn invisible, where would you go?:A bunch of places :p.
If you could read minds, whose would you read?:Everyone's, duh.
If you could fly, where would you fly too?:Oooooooh, on top of the clouds and I would stay put for the rest of my life... only go back down for food and breaks.
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?:Never had one, would never do it anyway.
Would you ever cheat on them?:...Read the top.
Have you ever hurt someone to make them see something?:None that I can remember... random people, yeah...
Have you ever gotten mad at someone so they would see you're serious?:Yeah.
What makes you smile?:Simple things, idiotic things, random things... I mean banana's make me laugh randomly.
What makes you frown?:A lot of things that I'm putting on here because it's for my brain only and no one else's.
Does seeing the people you smile make you smile?:Sometimes.
Would you do anything to see the people you love smile?:Maybe.
What's the worst thing you've ever done?:Don't know...
What's the meanest thing you've ever said?:Oh jeeze, I say a whole bunch of mean things XD.
What's the wierdest thing you've ever seen?:Do I really have to type it? No, no I don't think so.
What is your greatest fear?:Cars with people in them.
What is your goal in life?:No goals...
Are you a virgin?:Yeah.
Have you ever been to any kind of therapy?:Yeah.
Why?:...Because I have voices in my head telling everyone to shut they're fucking mouth about every single thing that goes on. Damn... my voices are cruel.
Would you erase anything from your past?:Yeah.
Are you afraid of the future?:No.
What do you want to be when you grow up?:Like hell I know right now.
Can you see your friends in your future still?:Some.
Are you a disappointment?:Yeah, greatly.
Do you hate to let people down?:Yeah.
Would you ever want to be perfect?:No.
What would you do if you could fast forward time?:A bunch of things.
What would you do if you could go back in time?:Dinosaur period, see how they actually died, and then I would die too with them... first human! Woot!
Do you want to get out of your town?:Yeah.
Will you come back to your town to settle down?:...HOPEFULLY NOT.
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