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myOtaku.com: Inner Imagination

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 08/14/07:
...Cool... I have a dark and light... never really thought about that one... whooo... ~rolles eyes~...

Personality Quiz: Are You a pessimist? or an Optimist?
I think you struck the perfect balence of dark and light energy. you know ying and yang. good job! ^_^ know its okay to occasionaly lose your cool or the opisite. good job at finding your balence.
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:
I hate grapes... but yet I am one!

What Fruit are You? (Detailed personality description.)
YOU are a GRAPE! You are very reflective, sensitive, flexible, creative, and prefer to work in groups. you learn best when you can work and share with others, balance work with play, can communicate, and are noncompetitive. You tend to have trouble giving exact answers, focusing on one thing at a time, and organizing. Try to pay more attention to detail. Don't rush into things, and be less emotional when making some decisions. Ideal job: Some kind of artist/musician.
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:

What Art Form are You?

Technical Theatre.You're more of a backstage kind of person, whether it be helping a friend or moving props back and forth. You're always there to give a helping hand. Sometimes it may seem like you're underappreciated, but in truth, everyone notices what a great person you are. You have a quiet beauty that people may act like they don't notice, but they really admire you for it!Personality Traits: Caring, Kind, Secretive, Mysterious, Sly, Witty, Gentle, Appreciative of Life, Polite.
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:

First Impressions are everything. How do people perceive you?
Your the shy one of the bunch, which is no at all bad, no matter what people say or what you believe. Sometime being timid can be mistaken for being humble and that's ALWAYS a good thing! Just try to put yourself out there a little more, I know it'll be hard because I have the same problem. What I do, is think, well I'm not going to know these people forever, so what's the big deal if they don't like me today? I hope that helps in some way!!
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:

How TRULY OriginalUnique Are You?
Stubbornly Different.You simply could not stand being called "normal" In every aspect of your life you strive to be different from everyone around you. You wouldn't be caught dead listening to main stream music or wearing the latest fasion. To you rules were made to be broken and you fell that all the people who follow them are pathetic sheep, just following the crowd. No one could ever truely understand you, and no one could ever be like you. You like that, and intend to do everything in your power to keep it like that!
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:

~What do you believe yourself as?(Stunning ANIME pictures!!!)~

You believe yourself as lonely, lost person! People think you are a lonely person, because you are rarely seen with other people!!! People know very little about you because you are barely ever seen! You don't like to hang out were people usually meet! You like to go to places were people don't go!!!
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Result Posted on 08/09/07:
Don't feel good... gah...

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What’s Your Bleach Fun-ness Level?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 08/08/07:

True or False - 100 Questions
Does the statement describe you or not?
I love to be the center of attention.:False.
I have a tattoo.:False.
I have a piercing.:False.
I have a cat.:True.
I have a dog.:False.
I have been sent to the principal's office.:True.
I have been suspended.:False.
I have gotten detention.:It's both...
I have been expelled.:False.
I have gotten in a fight at school.:True.
I have lost an iPod.:True.
I have lost a cell phone.:True.
I have listened to classical music and enjoyed it.:True.
I have listened to rap and enjoyed it.:FALSE.
I have listened to showtunes and enjoyed it.:...Don't know.
I have seen a movie with Lindsay Lohan in it.:True.
I have taken an art class.:True.
I have written a song.:False.
I have written a poem.:True.
I have been part of a wedding party.:False.
I have been to a funeral.:True.
I have baked a cake.:True.
I have baked cookies.:True.
I have bought shoes that cost over a hundred dollars.:False.
I have made fun of someone.:True.
I have read a Harry Potter book.:True.
I have read the Chronicles of Narnia.:False.
I have read A Series if Unfortunate Events.:TRUE.
I have read A Wrinkle in Time.:False.
I have read Animal Farm.:False.
I have read the dictionary.:True...seriously.
I own a dictionary.:True.
I own a thesaurus.:False.
I have lost a text book.:True.
I have had a cavity.:False.
I have broken a bone.:True.
I have had an X-Ray.:True.
I have broken a bone.:...This was asked twice.
I have had chicken pox.:True.
I have had pnuemonia.:No idea what that is...
I have had a child.:False.
I have been in a parade.:True.
I have sung karaoke.:True.
I have had a cup of tea.:True.
I have sang in public.:True.
I have danced in public.:True.
I have made a teacher cry.:False.
I have made a teacher laugh.:False.
I have been to the house of one of my teachers.:False.
I have seen The Princess Bride.:Sounds familiar...
I have faked sick.:False.
I have taken a foreign language class.:True.
I have spoke in a British accent for an entire day.:False.
I have fallen of a horse.:False.
I have riden a horse.:False.
I have placed a saddle on a horse.:False.
I have driven a tractor.:False.
I have held a duck.:True.
I have held a shark.:False.
I have held an iguana.:True.
I have held a rabbit.:True.
I have held a hamster.:True.
I have held a guinea pig.:True.
I have held a mouse.:True.
I have held a rat.:True.
I have held a chick.:False.
I have held a cat.:True.
I have gotten a free doughnut at Krispy Kreme.:False.
I have seen a teacher outside of school and said "hi" to them.:False.
I have seen a teacher outside of school and ignored them.:True.
I have cried myself to sleep.:True.
I have written a love letter.:True.
I have recieved a love letter.:False.
I have been to Disneyland.:False.
I have left the country.:True.
I am British.:False.
I am German.:False.
I am Spanish.:False.
I am Asian.:True.
I am Italian.:True.
I am Black.:False.
I am Scottish.:False.
I am Swiss.:False.
I am Irish.:False.
I am tall.:Middle.
I am fat.:True.
I am skinny.:False.
I am in love.:False.
I am loved.:True... apparently.
I am alive.:False.
I am happy.:False.
I am confused.:True.
I am depressed.:True.
I am excited.:False.
I wish it were summer.:False.
I wish I was older.:True.
I wish I was younger.:True.
I wish I could start over.:True.
I miss someone.:True.
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Result Posted on 08/08/07:
Yay, imagination b-_-d.

Art Thou? -Your Art Style Personality

You are Fantasy. You have an active and firey imagination, and you love escaping into strange, beautiful worlds. You're intensely curious and dive in to new experiences with vigour. As a result, you may sometimes be dissconected to reality, or at least bored by it. People see you as a dreamer, and they're probably right. You spend a lot of time inside your head.
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Result Posted on 08/08/07:

The Time Killer.
I know you just love yourself so much, this whole section is of you!
Name? I said FULL name!:Leo Says Fuck.
where were you born? state? city?:Death Town Row.
Do you still live in that same place?:Yep.
If no, do you wan't to go back?:No.
Zodiac sign?:The whole entire thing.
Are you single?:Yep.
if not, who are you dating?:You're dad.
Eye color?:Throw up.
Hair Color?:Puke.
is it fake?:Yeah, it's fake puke.
Do you have glasses?:Yeah.
Are you one of those kid's who don't eat meat?:Nope.
Are you a trouble maker in school?:All depends.
Do you get good grades?:Hell no XD. You insane!?
Boy's name?:Jace
Girl's name?:...Brocolli :D.
Day of the week?:Wendesday! HA! I spelt it right XP. ...I think...
Month of the year?:August.
Hour of the day?:12:00
Okay on to the "Not making any sence section"
Why are you taking this?:Boredom.
Is this what you concider fun?:Yeah, I mean, sarcastic remarks and stupid ones for the goal.
What is on your desktop backround?:A goth girl with a watch that's pretty :3.
What time is it?:2:52 AM
What is the last thing you ate?:...I... don't remember o_o.
Look around the room your in...Tell me 5 things you see?:Phone, cabinet, desk, printer, boxes.
Guess how many stairs you have in your house?:Uuuuuh, can't do that >_>;.
Guess how many windows you have in your house?:A whole lot XD.
Do believe that breaking a mirror brings you 7 years of bad luck?:No.
What was the last thing you laughed about?:A volleyball game with my own hands XD.
Could you see yourself being a murderer?:Yeah, perfectly.
mumble jumbles
what animial do you think has the best life?*not humans*:Birds.
why?:Because, they can fly with nothing holding them down but their tiredness.
5 things you thought about today?:Volleyball, moving my arms, remembering to breathe, drawings, walking.
What are you wearing?:Clothes, duh.
Do you rember what your wore yesterday?:Yeah, I think so... maybe.
Do you have a best friend?:All my friends.
What is "its" name?:My friends are its? I don't think so, they're FAR from its.
Pick a number 1-10:5
Do you like roller costers?:Yeah.
Do you play any sports?:Nope.
What is your favorite sport to watch?:Nothing.
What is your favorite teams for all sports?:The losers.
If the internet was sex i would be?:The offender.
Can you see yourself getting aressted?:Yeah.
Do you really think cop's sit at a desk and eat doughnuts?:Sometimes.
Do you crack your knucles? or any other bone in your body?:Yeah.
Have you ever broken a bone?:Yeah.
Have you ever broken anyone elses bone?:No.
Have you ever been in a fight, a real fight, a fist fight?:Not really.
What time is it now?:FUCK THE TIME.
What is your IM screename?:...XD.
What is your favorite candy?:Food candy.
Are you a gum chewer?:Yeah.
Have you or do you have braces?:Used to.
Have you ever gotten stiches?:Yeah.
How often do you lie, white lies count. scale 1-10 ten being a lot.:Uh.... I don't know. Like I keep track of that.
What is your favorie fruit:Oranges.
Question 44 Did you pick 3 or 7?:Nope.
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