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myOtaku.com: Homsar88

Monday, May 14, 2007

   The wires of doom are off!!!!!!!
Soi Fon
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Saturday: I don't remember doing much during that time period. All I remember is trying to nap and not succeeding. Oh, well. Back to the drawing board again, eh?

Sunday: Well, since it was was Mother's Day we left dad's house early in the morning(more like 10 o clock but still!!!). Anyways, since it was mom's special day(not her birthday but it was a day dedicated to her so we all did what she wanted us to) we all went to Chilis and then to the mall to see SpiderMan 3. And we had tons of fun! Well, at least I did anyways. At Chili's mom let me draw on the coasters and have a dessrt instead real food for lunch! Yayz! I got to have a molten choclate cake! While eating my cake I said, "I may never be this happy ever again!". lol. It was REALLY that good though. And when we went to SpiderMan 3 I really enjoyed it(unlike some of my friends. oh, well. It's all good). Especially since it introduced my fav. villain Venom! He is like sooooooo cool! *comicbook guy voice* Best Villain Ever.

Monday/Today/the main reason for all of my joy: Well, today I left school early tyo go to an ortho appointment. This one was going to determine whether I was to get braces this month, or not. Well, after the nurse left my orthodontist came in really fast, which surprised me(sorta). And after looking in there for a little while, he decided that I could get my TPA(upper, comes with nance) and Space Maintainer(lower) removed. And I was totally surprised(for reals this time!). And I am sooooo happy! Now, I no longer have a lisp(I had a slight one) and I can chew gum again! Victory! I wont get braces!!!!!! *hugs everyone*

P.S. Go Venom!(even if he is an evil villain ruled by wrath, jealousy, and avarice! I still think he's the best(villain that is)!)

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