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myOtaku.com: HolyOtaKOObatman

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Welcome to my site. :3

I'm pretty new to showing people my drawings, because I tend to just draw for myself and be satisfied. However, that isn't as fun as it use to. So, since I have already some brillant, talented friends on here, I joined!

Hopefully I can meet new people!

I'll try to post my art as much as I can, but, sadly, I can't get on the main computer but twice a week.

Enjoy my site!


"Their words tattoed in his her veins."

Meg & Dia - Monster

Monday, May 21, 2007

   RANT (which will be deleted sooner or later)
I'm SO, so, SO tired of people who just don't apperciate things. There is many things going on with that, especially the past couple of weeks, one person being this girl at my school. I took the time out of my day to get her a cake, set up a surprise party to first block and get her a damn gift she didn't even seem to like.

She got pissed due to her not getting the 'biggest' piece of cake and then she DARED to ask me to send her ballons! I just stared at her like she was crazy, snapping out and saying, "SORRY, I just spent twenty bucks on you YESTERDAY! I sort of ran out of money."

Then she is constantly putting me down on my french, I'm trying, but she keeps going, "I can memorize things better than you! Why did you pick such a long part? You can't even say things properly." Arrrrgh. I just want to smash my face into the desk!

My french teacher is constantly picking me, dissing my clothes, DARING to say I copied my paper because it was 'too well written' just to shove it in her fat face that I wrote it all! She constantly calls me out in the class embarassing the hell out of me, picking on my clothing, basically calling me a WHORE.

I'm in fear of failing science.

And I have this hatred lately growing and very big problem with patiences and understanding. As I'm growing closer to some friends, I feel farther from others and it doesn't seem to bother them much. And I'm worried for the mental health of What Up hoe, thy best friend. Even though I know she's strong she's going through a hella lot and I wish I could do something to just make her smile and take a load off for a while. Same with Liser, I know she's going through a bit. Well, a lot of friends really.

Annd.... just blah.

Cedar point showed up apporaching anger at everything, shoving this kid away and swearing at him every other word because he was bothering me, which, if one knows me, I don't like to swear to much, but lately it keep slipping (as Kristen points out xP, lol)

But I don't know.
My birthday is in three weeks and five days!
And that means school ENDS in three weeks and four days!

Something to look forward too.
I'm gonna stop now, I don't want to rant about everything, I would take up pages. o.o

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