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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Day #2, lets see how it goes...
Holy crap I’m burnt out…I actually did some running around for some customers…while I admit it’s mainly for show, because I could care less as to what total strangers want from me in a department I’m not familiar with. Seriously, me and another furniture rep are basically forced half the time to go into the Toy area and help sort things out there, because there’s only one chick working that area. Kinda makes you wonder how many reps were left in the furniture area. If you guessed none, then you couldn’t be more correct. I hate how we’re tossed around constantly, as if our position and opinion didn’t matter. Anyway, while I’m on the subject of my job, I got along with my boss a BIT better, although his constant order of commands was irritating me, because he’s telling me to do something I’m ALREADY doing. Eh, he’s kinda loopy, out there, way outta town, you know, phrase it how you would in your local lingo. There’s a major drawback to working in a place where you’re constantly on your feet. It’s well, the fact that, if you’re not usually on feet….well, I take that back. School is almost the same, except imagine instead of sitting in class, you’re constantly standing up, pointlessly arranging candles, picture frames, and…more candles. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself actually re-arranging crap, so as to make it look like I give a damn. But hey, in essence, I get paid to walk around and make things look symmetrical, at the price of a headache and pains in the legs and feet (bet if I got up right now, I’d stumble they’re in so much pain).

Yeah, I’m not even gonna try all the way, since I’m in the middle of a rant and stuff. But enough about work…sorta. I’ve noticed several people from my high school and stuff and thank god I fly under their radar. You’re probably thinking, that’s not nice to say, but uh…eh. You know the cliques and crap, and a majority of them were of course, in the ones I didn’t care for. Jock, emo, prep, all of the above...so yeah, as long as I can pass them and they don’t attempt a fake and half-hearted hello like my fellow em-ploy-ee’s, then it’s alright by me. Which brings me to another point that involves some BS from none other than my dad. Screw it, I’ll keep it short, basically, he finds it completely bogus about my mentality of life. “Are you gonna be alone all of your life?!” “…Hm…doesn’t bother me too much, as long as I’m doing well I guess I’m alright.” “So what if your friends all move away and you’re left here by yourself? Do you socialize at work? Are you gonna get a girlfriend? (insert other philosophical…I think…questions here)” I answer in order, “Then I guess I’ll be here or wherever by myself, as for work, I only complain about it to other people close by who actually give me the time of day. As for a girlfriend, not too crazy about pursuing one for the sake of it I guess.” I then shrugged, and he got all huffy and left mumbling about something or…something.

So yeah, I’m a pessimistic and I’m not too crazy about doing things or something. I’d like to, but I already know that I won’t be able to do it / be any good at it. I wanna do some kind of snow sport, like snowboard or skiing or something, but I’m pretty sure if it’s anything like a skateboard, I’m gonna suck at it. That’s enough venting for now, I’ll save it for another paragraph or something.

Guess I’ll respond to yesterday’s (it’s like, 1 a.m. here, and I work at 10 a.m….booo) comments.
KD – Yeah, not a career path exactly, but it’s a paycheck, and at the start, that’s all you really need. Emphasis on need…that and I hope to get into college this semester…thinking about raising hell for once…nah, I’ll probably just sulk on the side rows of the class, take notes, and be done with it. Oh, the wallpaper, I couldn’t tell you where I got it exactly, I was just trolling some Haruhi boards and there it was. I suffer from Haruhi-ism, and I’ve got a folder FULL of the stuff, including an awesome game that I gotta find out how to upload.

AZ – Firstly, it’s not your fault, and it wasn’t only your birthday I missed, although I knew for sure yours was one I missed…although that doesn’t make it any better, now does it? You know I could never feel that way about you, and don’t say that, that’s just crazy talk. Big mess? Dunno what you’re talking about there, but stop apologizing for everything, you haven’t done anything. And yeah, I’m gonna try and post more here, but the times will be as random as my work hours.

TotW – Guess what, I can use Word apparently; it’s Word 2003 that I can’t use or something. Anyway, no matter, Word just looks better is all really. Your grandpa is semi-lucky in that department, but I constantly here that place getting calls, and I’d rather not have to deal with phone calls. My first job and all you know. I wish it was a BIT warmer, but eh, I’ll take what I can get.

And with this, I say bye to all you old and new people for now, and until next time I guess.

(Oh, and the wallpaper, combo of Haruhi and Persona3)

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