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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wow...it's 1:11 a.m.
I really need to stop all these uber late night...nights. Seriously, not only am I sleeping late...well, thats the only problem. That and my parents complaining about that crap, specifically my dad. Like right now, I hear footsteops, and if I hear a knock on my door, I'm sure that'll be my mom or something, telling me to turn all my crap off. *sighs* So yeah, to be honest, nothing's changed at all back here at home, along with the city or town or whatever you call this place. I'm gonna try and fit in more stuff, and comment back after I wake up, but more onto other things.

So I'm in a bit of a little bet from my parents. If me and my sister can get all the cement chipped out of the hall, we get money. Yeah, nothing bad about that little bet, except well...yeah, nothing's up with that. Oh, and I guess if I get it done soon, I'll be able to put some money towards car insurance, or a car period, whichever comes first. My dad is trying to give me his truck, so he can get his own car. He's finally doing something for himself, and well, I'm not gonna stop him. All the crap he has to put with, I'm surprised he didn't do something like this sooner. So yeah, if things go well...or decent, I'll be able to drive myself places.

Ok, tiny paragraphs aside, I've got nothing to brag about. Seriously, nothing exciting has happened as of yet. I mean, we had a week of rain, but that's more of an act of weather and the atmosphere and all that other good stuff. Hmm...well, I guess I could say I FINALLY got this huge jump drive working and currently putting stuff in it, because I'm sick of my computer. Too many things pop up when I boot it up, it randomly resets itself, sometimes not even going back to normal. I mean, it's on, but it doesn't load, the monitor just sits on a black screen. No, nothing was wrong with the monitor, but I knew that it was messing up. So a formatting I will do, after I save my roms, anime, etc. I'll do it when I don't need to be on the computer...when that is I don't know. Yes, I know what some of you computer buffs are saying, "de-frag it, de-frag it!" ...I'll pass and just save myself the trouble of doing something I've never done.

Thinking up random things to say when you're busy getting ready for sleep isn't exactly an easy task. That and seeing random commercials about stuff we don't care about (honestly, first MySweetSixteen now Celebrity Super Weddings? We don't give a damn!) Sorry, crap like that gets on my nerves to no end for some reason. Well, I'm gonna log, while throwing down a clip most of you will probably skip over. *shrugs*

Eh...shortest one I had, since the others were about games some of you (read: NONE) have heard of, or are interested in, or I've already shown it and it was meh, or someone ELSE showed it (not a shameless plug, but like Hyli...whom I've shown that Mario hardest level video. Guess I'll let him load up the rest of video then I guess.)

Well, outta here, ciao for now and stuff.

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