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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Friday, March 16, 2007

Late Post
*sigh* Thanks to the ignorance of my classmates, I'm forced to put up with MIS...or I had to, until I left and ninja'd my way into my next class. This computer has no blocks either, so I'm gonna have a blast on gamefaqs and stuff. This post was originally gonna be about me making fun of the PHB that roams the building, with her tacky as hell green windsuit jacket. She looked like something that got coughed up out the 80's...one of the bad things anyway. But now I'm probably gonna keep this post short because not only is my story posted today, I'm gonna be answering questions and stuff from yesterday.

K-chan (Angel Zakuro to you guys >_>): How do you do your psychic? Well, I think it's due to being your awesome self, but that's just me. Oh, and do I like cake? Of course, but the flavor is a totally different thing. *hugs*

kirbysdouble: Rhetorical or not, I'm gonna answer it. I need my sleep, but today is Friday, and I need to practice for God and Titan mode...soooo...*pops caffiene pills* Oh, as for your other one, I'd save my family.

Lady Catra: Hm, I wouldn't be happy, I'd be less stressed that's for sure. Hm, that'd great if they would though, because sometimes they brag about stuff that no one should here about...

silver star rose: I'm sorry, even though we made an excellent concoction (holy I butchered that word...oh well) I'd have to go with the shrooms. Because I'm weird like that...although I'd probably pass on onion soup.

imouto: Cloning? Well, depends on the purpose...but then again, even if it was for like, saving someone's organs or something, it'd still be...no, I'll have to pm you this one or something, this is gonna get me started on morals and stuff, and thats the last thing I wanna rant about on a Friday.

grave13: Yeah, the reason it sounds like that weird al song was because I saw it on robot chicken. It was hilarious, and I thought, that's a fool proof plan for an invasion of weasels...or rats or something. I got GoW II cheaper because I haggled and stuff. As for Kelsey being magical...well, she just is, that's how awesome she is.

Hm, this post ended up being slightly longer than I thought, so I guess I'll cut it off here. Thanks for dropping by like, usual, and I hope you all have a good and well, wear green. St. Pat's day and all. This post would've been finished WAAAAY sooner, with better stuff other than the first paragraph. Ciao for now and all!

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