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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Friday, February 16, 2007

   About time...Friday..
I'd probably be excited about the fact that it's Friday, but as you probably already know...I'm still sick. Yep, my immune system apparently thinks I haven't suffered enough, and isn't kicking in as hard as it should. But, if my plans aren't ruined by my parents and their constant need to add more and more to the house, I can probably get some rest, soup, Ramen, and relief. Yes, I classify Ramen and soup as two different things, mainly because Ramen is easier to make...especially here at JC. Even thinking too hard causes a headache, but I'll stop on that, because I'm sure you're as sick as I am (no, seriously, I'm of sick of being sick) of hearing me and my illness. So now, onto more random happenings.....

*thinks* Ow...well, thankfully my schedule is incredibly well...heck it isn't flexible, I'm just lucky. Anyway, I finally got a chance to have a nice, riveting (that's the word I want I think) conversation with mah K-chan. *hugs her* If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be miserable in this condition. I still wanna do something....destructive...to the library. Try to kick me off-*grumbles*. But hopefully this weekend will be filled with our awesome chats, chock full of random, chocolate sponges, and IGW's. Breaking news, an otaku I know recently got married! *applause and in shock* While I congratulate him, along with the class, we question how/who married him. We're not saying he's bad, but he was a tad (understatement) obnoxious...funny, but obnoxious. Hm, amazing how things work out, and I'm hoping for the best for him. We're still shocked though.

Now on to dorm things...nothing much happened other me and Hyli doing random things in ssbm. I guess he wanted to practice and compare our Dr. Mario's Tornado recovery and the craziest thing happened. Although I'll explain, because well, some of you might be like wtf, but here goes. You're supposed to use Down+B and keep hitting B uber fast to go up...like a tornado, and with the Doc, it's the easiest out of the Mario's. So we're practicing, right next to each other, with me getting the highest. He's still amazed as to how my thumb moves that fast, I still don't see what's so hard about it. *shrugs* Anyway, we getting in sync and the out of the blue we mess up at same exact time, with the same exact move.

Hyli: What the ****, how'd we-!?
Me: Alright, that's it, we're too psychic, I'm done!
*resets match*
Me: This is that trippy stuff you see on Ripley's or something.
*passes controller*

Ah, yeah, other than that, I don't think anything much happened...nope, hardly anything bad happened too. So yeah, I'm gonna HOPE that I get a little better over the weekend, and what else...oh, thanks for dropping by and everything, and I believe I've decided to post the story on Fridays and maybe Wednesdays...in a different post. So until Tuesday (or Monday), ciao for now, because I'm gonna do the usual of commenting and pm-ing.

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