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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, here we go
"Murphy's law is a popular adage in Western culture that most likely originated at Edwards Air Force Base in 1948. The Law broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance."
It's a shame that this law really exists...because I experienced it first hand yesterday. So here I am, waiting anxiously for class to end, so I can talk to K-chan. She had a snow day and we would've had a blast yesterday, except things didn't go as planned, and we couldn't talk, so we made plans for after school (my time). Oh, did I mention that class let out an hour early yesterday? Which means the library wouldn't open until four...provided Murphy didn't intervene. It was around 3:40 when my lovely K-chan was able to get on, so I went to the library early to make sure I got a computer...that didn't matter. So mean and Hyli end up going to the library, and waiting until 5ish. Murphy's getting ready to strike...because at around 5:15, she said she had to go, which was fine by me, because I was sorry she had to wait so long, and for nothing. So we leave the library and start going to the cafeteria, and when we get there, lo and behold, Murphy's law kicks in! The librarian drove past us and "promptly" to the library. I have never wanted to hurt a fictional...thing so much in my life. So, thanks to the power of text messages and Angel Zakuro, the library was saved from my wrath...

And that my friends, is the main event that of yesterday's...events. Other than that, I found out that I am, in fact, going home this weekend. I'm gonna clean out the ipod (get rid of songs I for some reason don't/can't listen to...no seriously, I can't listen to Hikari!) and maybe get some soup...no, scratch that, I WILL get some soup. But I don't want the normal chicken noodle or mushroom soup...I'm crazy enough to ask for soup suggestions...because being sick does things to you. What other things can I rant about, I mean, my fingers are finally NOT freezi-friggin' weather.

*looks at fingers*
Damn you eight little bastards for reminding me how much Texas is being a ditz. I don't think the state itself realizes that it's Texas...you know, the state where most westerns take place...where high noon means you're gonna be six feet under...where people go "Yeehaw" and those dustball things bounce around everywhere. It was freezing yesterday and it's FREEZING today, literally, puddles are frozen and everything. That and I think it's actually allergies that are getting to me. *shrugs*

Well, thanks for dropping by and checking out everything and stuff. I'm getting really sick of the teachers and everything here, so I'm probably gonna be getting ready to graduate this place and finally be done with it. But I can't do that just yet, I need to find a job or something out of state. So yeah, hope you guys have a good,healthy day, and maybe I'll catch you later.

Oh yeah, I'm thinking about posting my story up on Friday's...I dunno, sound good? And on a random closing note, having your phone on vibrate is a bad idea when you keep forgetting about it.

I remember...they're tumbleweeds! The dustball thingies...that is...

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