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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Monday, February 12, 2007

Another sickly weekend...
Yeah, I'm sick again, thanks to some dormmates I refuse to name (behold, the power of paranthesis Hyli and the1jp! quit getting sick and stuff around me!). *clears throat* But yeah, ever since Friday my throats been feeling really iffy. I mean, Friday was good and everything, but Saturday things got all bad because I almost couldn't talk it hurt so badly. Well, it would have been totally bad, but with the help of K-chan's messages and stuff, I actually started feeling better toward the end of the night. Sunday morning was hell, I barely got up to eat...dunno how I managed to get up and do so, because I swear I walked THROUGH the door...in a sense. I don't remember pulling the handle thingie, then again...it's a pull from the inside. Anyway, thanks to more messages from K-chan I started feeling better faster and and a little past the afternoon I started feeling much better and stuff, so yeah. *hugs her* If it wasn't for her I'd probably still be feeling like utter craptitude.

But that's just a summary of what happened TO me, and now, for the usual random events brought to you by well...me. *shrugs* My peaceful days and nights have come to an end, because my roommate is back from leave, which sucks for me, because that means more crap I have to put up with when I'm trying to relax (ooh, just reminded myself of something else that's happened regarding him.) Where was I? ...No really...Oh yeah, on Friday I was flipping out because my towel went missing. Yeah, not a big deal to you guys, but when you've had someone (an old roommate) steal your ps2 (don't worry, I got it back somehow, buts thats another story), you have a tendency to let paranoia get the best of you somehow. Oh, that and it's one of my only towels, so I was pissed, because I never got "hit up" for having it out, and then he comes and it disappears. Well, long story short, he put it under the sink, and well, yeah, that's where it was...needless to say I was still pissed. Now on to the second part...I made him think I was a serial killer...somehow. So yesterday, I had a headache, and decided to just listen to some...how should I put it...soft music? Like, Inuyasha and .hack and stuff, in my room, and because I had a headache, with the lights off, because they hurt. Well, I hear him come in and turn the lights on, and I see him going through his locker. After a few seconds he turns around and sees me and totally freaks.

Him: Goddamn Brothers! What the hell!
Me: *takes off earphones* What?
Him: Christ dude, I coulda had a heart attack! I'm not gonna wake up and see you doing some weird crap or something am I?
Me: What? Nah, I'm just trying to relax before we go through lame roll call, you know?

Yeah, it was heavily censored, but yeah, whatever. Anyway, I think I FINALLY get to go home this weekend...I haven't been home since christmas break, and that's a month and some weeks by now. It sucks, and I'm not sure if I wanna bring any systems back or anything. I totally wanna bring my Dreamcast, but my ps2/gamecube is a totally different decision...which one...which one...

Well, that's my rant about some stuff that barely happened this weekend, but hopefully something remotely interesting will happen today. Other than me and K-chan's anniversary of tm-ing. *hugs her again* Again, it's thanks to her I don't feel like crap, so yeah, thanks so much for your words and everything over the weekend. Oh, and to the rest of you, thanks for reading another long rant on random events in my life, it's appreciated. Hope you all have an awesome day.

Oh yeah, now I'm stuck with a permanent THREE private messages...

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