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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Friday, February 9, 2007

*climbs from under a desk*
God, the second this phone loses a bar it's as if the power wants to just drain away or some crap. Lost one yesterday, and this morning it's on it's last three. *smacks phone* Making go to the most inconvenient plugs of all places and crap...oh, and it can't hold pictures of anything, so yeah, I need to remember to get all the info out of it when I change it, because this phone won't exist for much longer. >_>
If you hadn't already realized, this post will contain SOME minor fits of rage...well, more like frustration towards things that get in my way...like the library.

Ooooh the library...the bastards that...well, let me start from the beginning. Me and K-chan were in another riveting conversation when class decided to end on time. And by on time I mean the teacher called rolled a little before four and we were released. I rush to the library thinking we can finish talking for the day, but then I see a group of people coming FROM the library, so I'm thinking, "Please let them be lost or soemthing and not coming from the library..." I get around a small building, and I see no silver sedan...the doors were closed, and a note on said door. In laymens terms (who ever the hell that is) it said: "We're closed due to academic meeting, we'll be open around 5:15ish." So after letting that crappy piece of news settle in, I turn around in disappointment....only to see Hyli end up doing the same. So yeah, needless to say, we were both...irked for our own reasons. But the lame didn't stop there.

We decide, okay, we go eat or something, and go to the library, and then hope roll call (sorry grave, our barbie of an RA don't have scrotes to kick...I hope...) will be smooth moving. All went according to plan, except for the whole sneak "Jab" Hyli decided to give me on the way back to the dorm. Needless to say I'm gonna get him back, but maybe not as extreme as I did another dormmate who thought he'd get away with jabbing me...while I was texting K-chan. I got him back for that, but then he got me again, and we continued to trade jabs until dorm detail. Afterwards I wait a while, deciding when to get him back, then went to knock on there door. Thank god we don't have peepholes, because his roommate opened the door, then tried to lock me out. After I realized he was serious about locking me out, even with my fingers in the door, I used actual force and barged in (roommate #2 tried to prop himself on the wall and his feet on the door...lucky I didn't break them) and got the jabber (roommate #1) in a headlock and noogie jabbed him. After that, I calmly leave, but then he decides to push me out, so I turn around, shoulder the door and corner him, and super noogie jabbed him (I think I bent his glasses). So yeah, Hyli, Yoko, the1jp, if you're reading, don't think I forgot, and I'm getting one last revenge jab before I duck out of this horseplay crap.

Which brings me to another point, the whole rough-housing crap the dorm commonly houses. I'm not taking any part of this, and go ahead and think I'm "weak" or some bullcrap. Guess I should say this part of the post is being brought on by my friends Room Wars...posse, the YinYang gang (wtf, there's nothing yinyang about jumping random ass roommates) and well, there need to play around too much. Yesterday, I accidentally stumbled into a meeting where they planned on jumping some guys, needless to say that was cut short because the Barbie RA isn't a complete fool. I heard her over my ipod, so I calmly got up and left while the "YinYang" ran back into ONE room...like lambs to a slaughter.

Don't worry ya'll, this long post is almost oevr with. Oh, and apparently, I'm "movin' on up!"...ok, no more pop culture today. But still, I'm being made a DA (I think it means detail assistant, I'm not sure...nor do I care.) because I don't wanna be one. *waits for the wtf responses* Yeah, thanks to being friends with SGA, the people who are to assign said DA positions, decided to give me one because I don't want to be one. *sigh* I wish someone would give me a hard time, seriously, putting up with other peoples crap equals well, something not good for...someone.

Okay, I believe I've ranted long enough, so I'm gonna go ahead and go and find something to do....because as usual, when my parent's say might/maybe/probably it usually leads to no/sorry son/maybe next time. Well, thanks to all of you who read and everything yesterday and today. Hope you all have a great Friday, and a good weekend.

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