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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Monday, January 29, 2007

Warning: Post will contain content regarding illness, things, and dumb deer (more on that later)
*cough* Currently listening to Namco x Capcom's Ghouls and Ghosts and well, doing my best to not cough up a lung. Ever since near the end of last week, I've been coming down with like, a cold or something. I blame people in the dorm, I'm not naming names (seriously, I'm not blaming you Hyli) but yeah, several people are getting sick around me, and I'll be damned if I go through the torture that I went through when I first got here. That and it doesn't help that I'm not even feeling up to well, anything lately....

Ugh, ever been sick for so long you forgot what it was like to be healthy? I mean, not "oh my god put me out of my misery" sick, but like, "I wanna lie down forever" sick or something. When I first came to JC, I almost wanted hurt someone else because it hurt so much. I guess that's what happens when allergies decide to go all out and wail on your sinuses. My eyes felt like they were under pressure, couldn't breathe through my nose, I constantly heard this high pitched sound. I can barely explain it, but it's like, the sound of a T.V. that's on, but showing a blank screen. *shrug* I guess that's the best way I could describe it.

But I'm better now, I just have to work on my luck or something, because I've had so many so calls with vehicles here, it's not even funny. I mean, "the bus" is an exception, that's 100% movie material right there, but take last night for example. Here I am, enjoying the breeze for once, and just taking in the "me" time that I rarely get, when I notice the moon, for once in I dunno how days, maybe months. I notice that it's a little more than half, and end up looking at it while I walk, you know, cause it looks awesome and everything. Next thing I know, I see headlights and I quickly sidestep the bastard truck that almost hit me.

Now, I'm not insulting animals or anything like that, it's just that, well, I can see why you always hear about deer getting hit by cars. What I CAN'T see, is why they don't um...I dunno...move? Maybe it's me, but uh, yeah, I guess I should pay attention more, despite the fact that I was on the sidewalk to my dorm. Yeah, people are lazy enough to drive their muddy tires all over our sidewalk just to deliver a message or something...

Sorry this post was full of nothing and nonsense, but I have being sick to blame. Eh, I'm gonna try and visit more sites today, and I'll probably get some more of this work done (hopefully another chapter) this week. *shrugs* Well, hope you all have a tolerable Monday. I know something's gonna happen today...

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