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myOtaku.com: Hoaryu

Friday, January 26, 2007

HCIF (Holy Crap It's Friday!)
Well, it's Friday, again, and whether or not it'll be an awesome one will be...well...I dunno, I'm just rambling now. Yesterday was kinda lame, except for a few things that happened last night. So yeah, to summarize, I'm ranting on lock-down, over-hyped stuff, and...Hm, today's gonna be an off day, because I'm totally feeling meh.

Well, yesterday can described with only a few events or something. When classes finished, we did the usual, the whole get to the dorm and wait to see if we bombed our dorm score or something, and sure enough, with the power hungry biatch (she's not even worthy of mention by name), there was no score directly posted. So me and some friends decided to have, or try to, have some fun playing gamecube and stuff, but it didn't last long for me anyway. Hell, I haven't played my DS in a while either, so I think something's up...either that or I'm just not in like, my groove or whatever you call it when you don't feel like doing your usual thing. After dinner, we hunted down (yes, he's a pain to find when you actually look for him) another dormmate and got one of his dvd's, Beerfest. Now, before anyone get's all excited about "oh my god, you're watching beerfest!", lemme just tell you, it's not what it's cracked up to be. Or at least, not to me since I don't drink, which is all they did in the movie...basically. Drink, some plot, drink, some more plot, drink, probably more plot, with drinking following the rest. And by probably I mean I haven't finished watching it, because we had detail and afterwards, things kinda went on lockdown, more on that later. I think from now on, I'm gonna wait until movies get on dvd, or hear some really reliable opinions on them, because this, and the so-called hilarity of clerks 2 kinda left me not laughing my ass off. But, I'm not saying the movie isn't bad, I'm just saying, if you like to see a bunch of guys drink beer and alcohol, then well, enjoy.

Ah, detail, then one time of the time that can be pain in the neck, or an inconvenience...depends on what detail you get. Me unfortunately got stuck with pick trash up outside for detail, but that's okay, because I get to take my time and mind my own business for once. Well, this detail interrupted the movie, and all was going well, until the RA said we're on lockdown because of some situation. After a while I ask someone what the hell was going on, and they say drug search. We don't need to be on lockdown for something as simple as a drug search, and I think I would know, because my room a few months back was searched, and yeah, drugs were found, all owned by the ass of a roommate I had, but more on that later (holy crap, guess this post won't be so boring after all).

...Guess this is later, so a few months back, like, june or july or something, I had the privilege of being put under unbelievable stress in a single night. I'm not sure if I ranted about this before, but-.*shrugs*. We'll call the roommate who had the drugs A, and the other two B and C. Anyway, A was being his usual "gangsta" self and being a total ass when he decided it'd be a good idea to show off his stash (first mistake), and bragged and yadda yadda. He then threatened us to not "snitch" (yeah, that's what you call doing the right/smart thing, for example, if you get attacked, reporting it to the authorities and whatnot), to which we all said "We won't". I wasn't gonna say anything to anybody...at the moment, because I try not to get involved in anyway. Then the little bastard (yeah, I'm pretty sure he acts the way does because he's shortish) decided to shove it under everyone's nose, mine included (second mistake). I knocked it away from and had to restrain myself from doing something reckless, because he was a minor (last mistake) and he would've played everyone for fools. Well, later that night, around midnight, officers came in (with dogs) and searched the room, apparently due to someone else saying something. This isn't something you normally wake up to in the middle of the night, so I panicked a little, and we all ended up having to go to Wellness for testing...

Long story short, everyone in the room was good, except for A, who's probably off somewhere in a mess hall trying to protect his cornbread (HA, I made a funny, kudos to those get this one. Hint: Double meaning, one of which is literally his cornbread >_>). Hm...so back on lighter and better subjects, I need to decide where I'm gonna thank you guys and everything, because random paragraph gratitude is weird. But still, thanks for reading and stuff, and catch some of ya'll later.

1. ...I'd ask something, but I don't know what, so...got questions?

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