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myOtaku.com: hikari 1

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 05/28/06:

How do you react when you are afraid? ( ...with pics... )

KICK ASS! You fight! You don't want to let someone make you afraid! So you laugh at the fear and fight it! It's probbably a bit careless and dangerous but better than do nothing, because than you'll loose anyway! Go you!
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Result Posted on 05/21/06:

Result Posted on 05/21/06:
this is my black cat he like 2 play with peolpe so have fun

table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="250">
adopt your own virtual pet!