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myOtaku.com: hieiartemis

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Monday, July 18, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
My brother and I save our change in a bank. When it gets to be over twenty dollars (this time it was $60.58) we turn it into cash and split the money. I got $30 today, but I didn't want to spend all of it. I just spent about $8 on Ruruoni Kenshin Volume 3. I haven't read but a few pages, but I'll say this now: Aioshi is a lot hotter in the anime than the manga. Sometimes that happens, though. Vice-versa as well.

That's just about all for today, I guess. It's starting to storm where I am! *yeep*

Ja mate ne!^^

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
Alright, I've returned. I've decided on creating a blog before I tackle an actual site, just to see if it gets overwhelming. I've also suddenly remembered my password to my MyO site "Mirai Trunks" and given the fact I'm in another obsession stage with Trunks, I'll be working on that, too. I just hope I can juggle all this successfully.

Nothing much has been going on in Hieiartemis's twisted world. I've been busy worrying about school, though. It's less than a month away (Aug. 15th) and they're making us take an extra math class now by taking away Home Ec. Greaaaaat...I can hardly wait. Summer vacation's almost over!!! Last year we started Aug. 30th! We're going 15 days earlier! AND DO YOU KNOW WHY?!!! SO WE GET A LONGER WINTER BREAK AND THE SEMESTER ENDS EARLIER! I WANT TO ENJOY THE WEATHER NOW! WINTER IS MY LEAST FAVORITE SEASON!!!! *sigh* I'm sorry, this just angers me.

I'm in the middle of watching Project A-KO on VHS. It's pretty old, but has anyone else watched it? A-Ko rocks, but C-Ko gets on my nerves. I don't know why that blue-haired girl would want her as her "friend" instead of A-Ko.

Ja mate ne!^^

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
Gomen nasai! I haven't been updating everyday. I've been busy looking for the best place to create a website and cleaning out my Picture folder. I deleted 75 Trunks pics yesterday! I feel so bad...but, anyway, about this website. As soon as I get a name and stuff I'll start working on it, which will be today, so this may take up a lot of time. I'm not leaving here by any means, I'm just going to work my hardest on this new site. I'll make sure to come here whenever I can and don't worry, I won't be gone for really long periods of time.

Oooh! Great Job!
You are a *huge* anime fan! You are just like me,
you mainly daydream about anime, sleep and
think about anime, and are a total anime

Anime Addict Quiz, Are You One?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the Duelist of Faith!

You're the Duelist of Faith!

Keep on
believing! n.n It's going to be a great future!

What Kind of Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ja mate ne!^^

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Saturday, July 9, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
My friend list just went blank! Woohoo, I'm posting EARLY!!!

Well...yesterday I went to my Uncle Donald's house who was hosting a barbecue for my Uncle Tim who came from Kansas to visit. I basically played with my cousins, Brittni and Zach. They knew virtually NOTHING about anime...*groan* Those poor children...never knowing the joy we otaku know so well.

I'll make it to sites the next time I get on the computer, later today.

Ja mate ne!^^

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

"I like to move it move it!"

You are a creative and free individual, who marches to the beat of a different drum. You have a bad habit of telling lies and making up excuses, but you have an amazing talent for imaginative things. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?

Thanks, Melanie, for the glompable pic! Who's Your DBZ Guy?

Uhhh....I wasn't quite aiming for Gohan-san...*gasp* Trunks-kun!!!

4 Things

Name 4 things you have done today:

- seen "Madagascar"

- went to Wal-Mart

- took my brother to get his allergy shots

- listened to A LOT of CDs

Name 4 things you are thinking about right now:

- Veggie-sama!

- Trunks-kun

- Pringles

- DBZ Anime

Name 4 scents you love:

- Lavendar...thingy

- roses

- vanilla

- chocolate

Name 4 things you'd never wear:

- a hat that says "Anime is the corruption of our youth." It's NOT true!

- A shirt that says "I LUV KAME SENNIN"

- 6 inch heels

- anything itchy

Name the last 4 things you have bought:

- DBZ manga 6

- DBZ manga 7

- DBZ manga 8

- DB manga 10

Name 4 things drinks you regularly drink:

- Water

- Pepsi

- Sprite

- apple juice

Name 4 bands/groups most people don't know you like:

- Backstreet Boys (yeup)

- Crossfade

- Savage Garden

- Finger Eleven

Name 4 bad habits you have:

- nail-biting

- worrying

- eating chocolate and ranch TOO much

- forgetting things

Name 4 things you wish you had:

- Veggie-sama...

- Trunks-kun...

- Hiei-sama...

- Nataku-chan...

Name 4 people who know you best:

- Namo-chan

- ka-san

- Kino-chan

- ne-sama

This survey was taken at powersugoi.net!

Ja mate ne!^^

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Monday, July 4, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and
often try to figure out the meaning of life,
why we are all here etc. You may not be so
social, and often think twice before acting but
those thoughts you have in your mind never stop
flowing in. Sometimes you can be so
concentrated you forget about other things that
you have to do. Don't change, this world needs
deep people.

What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

You guys don't realize how true this quiz is...

Alright, my "thing" I mentioned yesterday has been postponed until tomorrow. I'm not quite done with it and I had quite a long day. I got a "You Can Draw Manga" guide and DBZ Volume 5. There was also a free preview mag of Shojo Beat and I really like "Absolute Boyfriend" by Yuu Watase.

That's all for today! Ja mate ne!^^

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Sunday, July 3, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
Tomorrow I'm probably going to watch fireworks! It depends on how my mom is feeling, but she said as long as she's not dying, we'll be going. Yay! I went with Namo-chan last year, and I plan on taking her again.

Alright, I believe my site is getting a little boring. I want to be entertained, so I'm going to be experimenting with a few things. I'm going comment on these different anime things (all of my opinion) just to see how many people agree or disagree. It will be informational, too. It'll start up tomorrow, because I want to type it up before I post it.

Ja mate ne!^^

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Saturday, July 2, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
Damn! The day I want to finally post, my computer starts screwing up like it normally does! The past couple of days, it's been working great. This baka computer has to have something against MyO. There's no other explanation.

Well, I haven't been doing anything much. Today I've probably watched three of four hours of anime. I still have three more tapes to go, too.

Hmmm...not much else to say. Oh! DBZ has been going very well in my opinion. But bleh, I still hate the dialouge. If it wasn't uncut, I might barf everytime I watched it.

"Terror on Arlia" showed me (finally) just how ruthless Vegeta used to be. I didn't want him to destroy that planet he just helped to save, but I knew he would. For the first time, I hated Vegeta. I absolutely hated what he did, who he was, and how he acted. I finally understood his evil side. When Babidi put him under that spell and turned him into Majin Vegeta, I didn't mind. I thought it was cool. Sure, it was rotten when he killed those people at the tournament, but I loved Vegeta enough to just root him on. I wanted him to beat Goku. But I never understood who he was before, before Goku and Buruma. He was a cold-hearted, ruthless murderer. I loved the softer Vegeta; he's all I knew.

Maybe I'm thinking about this all too much. The manga never amde me feel this way. I guess it's because of those aliens, the two lovers. They only got to be together for a moment before their doom. It angered me that Vegeta would just kill those people for no good reason.

Uhhh...gomen...Ja mate ne!^^

*walks off with huge sweatdrop*...Baka!

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

   Osu! Ora Goku!
I gotta start shopping for something to wear at my cousin's wedding!

What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what??"The monkey flew down and stole my cracker."
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Past Life Piracy
by Forchan
Your name
Ship NameShinigami
# of ships you sacked246
How you diedPeacefully....what kind of pirate were you?
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Love Calculator
by EbonyScythe
1st Person Name
2nd Person Name
1st Person Gender
2nd Person Gender
Compatibility Percent97
Time TogetherNineteen years
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Ja mate ne!^^

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

   Wheeler Update!
Namo-chan came over and we did absolutely nothing for...probably 90 minutes straight. Finally, I found my old VHSs when I was a boyband freak. We watched all the stuff I taped on about two of them...how Barney got on Tape #6...bleh.

Hmmm...I wonder when I'm gonna know the re-sults for my MRI. I bet they were amazed when they saw a tiny Inuyasha flailing a Tetsusaiga furiously where my brain should have been.

As I type this, it's 8:41pm. DBZ will be on soon, 9:30, actually. Last night's episode ruled! Sweet, sweet Raditz-coughed-up-blood-two-times-sweet. One thing did disturb me, though. Did Veggie-sama ever mention being a Super Saiya-jin in the manga? 'Cause hell if I remember! I actully think we don't find out about SSJ till the Freeza stuff, but hey, I could be wrong, though I'm very well informed when it comes to my anime. *shrug* I have the manga, so I'll see if I'm wrong.

I'm still working on getting my banners and stuff back up!

Ja mate ne!^^

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