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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Saturday, February 2, 2008

shake n' bake baby
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hi guys!! hope y'all been doing okay, this will be a quick post so i can let y'all know i'm still alive! lol

um...what happened this week? nothing much, but i'm afraid i might have to move so that's a real bummer.

reccomendations for the week.

shojo: the land of the blindfolded. rating: everyone. it's a great series for someone who's tired of reading dark deppressing stories and it's a nice easy read.

shonen: tsubasa rating: 15+ that's my honest opinion. at the beginning it's pretty okay (like 13+) but it gets pretty dark. but it's a great story for both boys and girls and has lots of plot twists. all the characters are colorful and it's done in the usual CLAMP swing! ^^


1) have any of y'all read either series? if so, what do u think about them? and if not, do u think u want to read it?

well, that's about all, i'll do a longer post later!!

twink out!

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