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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Friday, September 14, 2007

like hell, bitch
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i hate my english teacher. did i ever mention that? cause i really hate her. like, she got all mad after i made the comment of not liking the french gov't. (cause they kinda were traitors to the U.S and junk, but i won't go into that) and she got all bitchy and junk, saying that they were smart for not getting into the crap that the U.S was getting into and junk) which really pissed me off. and then, we took a lord of the flies quiz, and like, half of her questions are two way things. and when i got a bad grade, and wanted to ask questions, she ignored me! and later on, she kept ignoring me! so i hate her at the moment. >_<

in other news, isn't my new theme cool? it's from one of my fav webcomics called "applegeeks". and the four panel comic, it's from it too. ^^ isn't it cool?

and that's all i have, talk to u laters!! o, go check out the website if u can, and go see Teapot Domescan's new artwork!! (yaoi lovers will like!)

twink out!

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