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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

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well, i have to say, my sister is getting married...on the 23...of june....in north carolina. ain't she nice? we almost thought we wouldn't be able to go (and she was fine w/that!) but she bought us all plane tickets and made hotel reservations, so i guess it's OKAY. but not great. *sigh* i hate siblings. but in other news...

i'm feeling a little better, thanks so much to everyone who was here for me, and to those who just listen to my needless rants. (i have many of those, dont' i?) but in other news, i just came to the conclusion, i'd never posted any pictures of my kingdom hearts oc! *le gasp!* lol it's not a fanmanga, but a very detailed fanfiction that i have been working on for a year now! (over i think...i started it when kh2 came out, and then i decided to go back and make it for kh as well...u'll understand if u read it...it's waay to long to write out). i think i'll post it on quizilla (gosh, i haven't been on there in a while!) if anyone feels the urge to read it. well, i think that's about it...o, and i am working on requests! (i haven't forgotten!) it's just it's hard when i'm thinking of so many different things! (tho i can't take anymore, i have waaay to many to draw! T_T) well, gotta go, art calls! have a wonderful day!

twink out!

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