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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Monday, April 2, 2007

u know, today wouldn't be so bad if i didn't have this bitch subbing our class. she thinks we're completely stupid (tho that's wat she really is) i swear this lady is stupid. i have to type and make sure she isn't about to come over and watch me. i just want to like stab her or soemthing...well, i swear. i have to do an outline and (cause she's a teacher for another class.) she wants us to do it her way, not the way i've been taught by my real teacher!!!!! omg i want to scream at her!!!! i hate her!!!! she can burn in hell for all care!!!

sorry, i had to get that out. this teacher pisses me off. (i would be adding cuss words, but she's around every corner!!, i mean, she acts like i've never written an outline...stupid bitch)

well happy belated April Fools!
Did y'all see the prank Adam pulled? and SomeGuy? they were fricken hilarious!!! check them out if u haven't. ^^

my comic is going pretty swell. i've redone three of the fmc pages (i love how they turned out, it's amazing what a higher resolution does for u!!) lol and sketched an ouran page and a hiei page. ^^ so i'm doing good.

tho my parents pissed me off yesterday. basically i tried talking to them about how i really felt. and they got all pissed and were like "how the hell do u get ideas like that" and shit. they bashed me for how i think and crap, so i'm never going to them again. yah...i know this is long, sorry. well i'll see if i can post later with the fanfic.

twink out!

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