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myOtaku.com: Grey Cat

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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spade alchemist (01/13/07)

Cool site, sasuke rocks.
I'll add you of course!
Pm me anytime!

yuripriss (01/11/07)

Hey!Sorry just got back.Sucks that you have to change your site for that person.Anyway,your new site kicks ass!Love the layout..and your new name's cool.Cant the drop the name cat huh?^^

Thanks for adding me and signing my guestbook once again.Im very grateful!


Shi-sama07 (01/07/07)

Hey there its me shi-the destroyer (shi-chan) I had to get another account because this thing was acting like a retard so please just re-add me kay laterz!!

aodtr666 (01/04/07)

....thank you for your notification of the site change.... farewell.... until fate beckons....

TwistedNightmare (01/04/07)

Thanks for signing my guestbook..... again. lol

Well, your new site is better than your last one. I love the wallpaper and the music. Love the layout.... I wish I had your computer skills. lol

Well, I'll be adding you to my friends' list.... again.

Night shade2 (01/03/07)

I am sorry about your old site.Hopefully this site will be as good as your old one.I know how it feels to lose a site.I hope that all goes well with this one.And in my heart and the hearts of other otaku you will always be a otaku ledgend.Your sasuke theme is very good.I will add you as a friend again.
Night shade

kittyunicorn16 (01/03/07)

thanks for the heads up on your new site.i'll readd you.

Shireishou (01/03/07)

Ah... white cat san..... ^^ I miss you....
happy new year ^^

Sure.. I re add you. ^^ Glad U inform Ur new site to me ^^

evilcookie-1 (01/03/07)

hey there ^_^ lol i figure it out lol i feel stupid know anyways came to sign this gb of yours cause your a really kool friend *huggs8 and well im adding you as a friend and oh i forgot to tell you i LOVE this site of yours ^_^

lordsesshomaru (01/02/07)

Thank you for visiting my site recently. Every visit that I receive is appreciated! Your site looks good, that it does. I see that you launched this one just today too. Cool. ^_^

I hope to hear from you again soon. ttyl ^^

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