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myOtaku.com: goddessofhatred

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

here is my life story:
well lets see.........ok ok i got it........it all began when i was born on a cold wednesday night on december 2,1992 ....skips a few years .....one day when i was five i was playing with a bouncy ball when a bee lANDED ON MY BACK SO I WAS crying and all cuz it was SOOOO scary then it flew off (days later) i was in school and got in trouble for not singing a song about colors same year i was in a tornado and over at a friends house then while they all ran to get to safety they forgot about me and there i was standing and crying in the middle of the living room(years later)ok this is the good stuff right here here goes one day i got in trouble gfor calling my third grade teacher mrs.elma mrs.elmo (oops my bad)yeah i got recess detention for that one(next year)my mom was arrested for child abuse so my sis and i spent two weeks in foster care which sux big time i always got in trouble for something that i didnt do i hated it then i ended up living with my grandparents for two years which was hard but i survived after that i went to live back with my dad and his new wife and step son i hated it so much she always told my father some sort of lie that made him angry at me i spent almost all my time at my friends houses cuz it was so bad then finally after calling the cops on my dad my nieghbors bought my sis and i plane tickets to come back to missouri so then all the way to the airport my father just lectured us about respect then when i told him that he should have tried earning iit he slapped me across the face so now here i am in Laquey,Missouri but this is way better than Connecticut its not so busy here but im happy here cuz i met all of you caring nice people ~pulls out tissue and blows nose~well thanks for listening to my story

yours truly,


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