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myOtaku.com: FairyHr

Saturday, August 20, 2005

   sorry so long...

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hi ya!
i know it's been a long time...but i've been realy bussy...band camp just ended yesterday...and today i already went to a perade and i have another one at 3...*sigh*..it's been a bit...but o well...i should be able to post more now...schol for me starts the 29th...but ne way...i gess i shoule give u chapter 5 of my fanfic...so here it is!

-right outside the school after class-

Kigamie: Kintanie wait up!

Kintanie: wats up Kigamie?

Kigamie: not much...just been looking for Sage.

Kintanie: why were you looking for Sage?

Kigamie: um...well, you see, he was my boyfirend...but after I left "Hells Revenge"

Kintanie; wait...what?

Kigamie: when i left...he thought i was week...and didn't have the strenth to take care of an enamey...but i reliesed that u weren't the enamey...they were...and when i tryed to tell him that...

Kintanie: he just thought you were makeing excueses...

Kigamie: exactly

Kintanie: so, what were you planning to do?

Kigamie: well...i thought that he could get to know you...

Kintanie: Kigamie, if he is suposta kill me...what makes you think that he would want to get to know me?

Kigamie: people can chainge

Kintanie: he hasn't yet...

Kigamie: that doesn't mean that he can't...i did

Kintanie: that is different...

Kigamie: how is that different?

Kintanie: you wanted to see the trouth

Kigamie: how do you know that he don't want to chainge?

Kintanie: i don't...

Kigamie: then give it a chance...

Kintanie: what?...a chance to kill me?

Kigamie: no, a chance to chainge

Kintanie: ...your not gona change your mind about this are you?

Kigamie: not a chance

Kintanie: then fine...but if he even gives a hint that he wants to kill me...then it's off...

Kigamie: fair enough!

((i hope u like this chapter!...o...and if u missed some of the other chapters...they are still on the site...check the arcives...or scroll down for resent chapters))

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