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myOtaku.com: eva girl

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hi guys! Yesterday was cool in that summer program I'm in. The classes I'm in are physical science, something about wetlands, and a butterfly class (it teaches you the anatomy of butterflies) We got to go outside and catch butterrflies and today we're going to have them displayed ^^ It's really cool, and we will take trips once the classes are over like in 2 1/2 weeks. I cant wait.

In other news.
Have any of you heard of this new anime that is coming out called "FAFNER"? I saw the preview to it on the APPLESEED DVD and I just want to know more of it. I'm searching on it but I havent got alot of info. It's being released by GENEON.

The 26-episode Fafner series is the twenty-first century's answer to Neon Genesis Evangelion -- a post apocalyptic giant robot saga with an elliptical plot structure and an overlay of Norse/German Mythology (Fafner is a key character in the Wagner's Ring Cycle) that lends depth to the proceedings.

(Evangelion fans like me will love this anime) =>

Plot Summary: Tatsumiyajima is the central island in the middle of a small cluster of islands, in a sleepy backwater of the Japanese isles. Not much happens there, and the island's young people go to school knowing that their lives are likely to remain peaceful and undisturbed. Or so they have been taught... but the truth is different. The fate of mankind is on the line, and Tatsumiyajima is the last line of defense against a hostile and incomprehensible enemy. At the center of it all, fighting for Humanity's continued existence, is the giant robot Fafner, the dragon that guards this final treasure of mankind.

This anime features the character designs of Hisashi Hirai [Gundam Seed].

Sounds interesting huh. Well if you see the review you will be left like a kid in a candy store. Here are some images of the series but try to see the trailer to it, you will enjoy it.

The first DVD for this anime is planed to be released on July.

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~eva girl~

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