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myOtaku.com: Ekedo

Thursday, June 14, 2007

   ja! hallo! wei geht es ihnen?

i say "yes! hallo! how are you doing?"
well... today was a busy day ^_^' i stayed at work late ^-^ 2 hours actuall ^-^' uheh
oh! i got my hair cut X3 i like it alot X3 but now i have to do somthing with my face... like get a new one XD kyahah!
anywho ^-^' i am trying to get my pack filled up, but my clothes are in the washer o_o they all dirty ^-^' i got nothin to wear o_o eek! ^-^' well ihave stuff to wear but X3 uheh
and my best friend (yes it's a guy) keeps trying to send me emails, but it wont let him recieve them from me T~T *cries* damn computer!! *sigh* T^T why me? i no like the whole thing... all it does is mess with my friensships T~T *sigh* what ever.... ach nien!!
anywhe o_o i am bored right now... but i am busy too T~T what...is...the...deal?! 0_0
well here's a drug induced poem X3 if you can't read it for the blinking o_o smoke some crack ^-^' heh that'll work for sute XP NOT!

src="http://content.pyzam.com/toys/textflash.swf?optitext=Tick032tock044032click032clack046046046032time032passes044032life032goes032on044032when032the032shadows032engulf032you044032take032a032breath032of032the032sun044032when032hatered032blinds032you032break032through032with032a032laugh044032when032sadness032binds032you032cut032it032with032a032smile046046046046" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="150" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Create your own Flashy Text

^-^ kk! later guys and gals X3 *hugs*]

1. poetry rox man!! XD
2. so does smash mouth ^-^' heh
3. what else rocks?
4. if 2+3=5 then what does no+yes equel?

Kabuto's Wisdom
Kabuto: don't ask "why?" ...ask "why not?"
Hakujo: *mocks* don't say "yes" say "no" blah blah piss!!
Ekedo: o_o you mean haku!
Hakujo: >.< shut up!

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