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Sunday, December 4, 2005

Bored as always. I think i'll do some homework or something later. But for now...i'll busy myself with being bored.

Wow, I found like...2 things that make me freakishly happy: A good fanfic that takes forever to update, but finally does, and makes it worth the wait; and pics of Eb O.o I wouldn't think I would be so excited to see a pic of him drawn by another person, but it freaks me out so much I squeal and laugh until I start crying. It's very strange...

But would make an awesome birthday present *hint hint, wink wink*

Anyways, 2 new pics are up...excitingful.

And my damn cousin's lizard is gonna die. T.T He's not taking care of it AT ALL. I wouldn't usually care, but his lizard's ALBINO. So I can't just stand there and let it die. I water and feed it every now and then, but...I WANT it...it's ALBINO! You don't understand...no. I MUST have it! I'm willing to pay up to 150 bucks for it...yes...the prettyful albino...mm...

Albiiinoooo....*slobbers on keyboard*

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Saturday, December 3, 2005

I went through all my personal messages or whatever the hell they are and deleted over 50 of them O_o Yesh...

All requests should be done by Christmas...If not...oops? Heh. XD

Yeah...I started playing an awesome game last night called "Thief" on Xbox. Pretty cool game, you can sneak up behind people, kill them or knock them out, steal from their pockets...You can stay in the shadows and not be seen...Yeah...

Lesse'...nothing else, I guess....'cept thank god it's the weekend :D

Tata, all

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Thursday, December 1, 2005

*does a little dance....makes a little love*
Blaaaaaaah. Nothing to do.

By God, the worst thing about getting into groups in school when you have to do a poster, is that you're usually the one who has to draw it. *snarls* I painted mine, though. It was fun, but frustrating at the same time...yes.

Newayz...I'm BORED. Anybody have a link to some doujinshi (can be naughty) or a good Yugioh fanfic (without Anzu) or just...some humorous stuff? (besides funnyjunk). Mhm...

Methinks...Well, I don't know what methinks. Stuff. Yes, stuff...

New art...not very interesting...


...and I must thank iloveinuyasha09 for the oh so loverly pic she drew for meh! Yay! *heart heart*

...Bored still.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

*Makes strange noises*
Well, then...I didn't have to go to school today *grins like an idiot* Somebody took off all the valves on the bus tires, so school was cancelled (thank god).

Nothing new...'CEPT I GOT AN XBOX! HAHAHAH! Yes...yes indeed. Didn't do much today. Looked up some stuffs on UUQ (the best element ever) and looked for my friend's shoes. How exciting. I talked to Cermsie, though. Loverly Cermsie...so loverly.

Psh...I probably have to go to school tomorrow. Oh, the dread. Blaaah, i'm gonna go. And...do stuff. Perhaps scan some pictures or something.

Tata, all.

P.S...you should all add me to your MSN. There's never anybody to talk to on that. (besides Cermsie *heart heart*) Just go up above this post and you'll see the prettyful msn e-mail thing. Add meh or I'll hunt you down and feast upon your intestines. Yes...

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Friday, November 18, 2005

I...am bored. There's nothing to do here 'cept read and play ancient video games. But whatever. At least tomorrow's Friday (or today, depending on your time frame)

Yes...I had such a loverly convo with Cermsie. That so made my day. I lurve you! <3

I watched "Saving Private Ryan". That was a pretty cool movie. Though I didn't like the ending (dammit)

But, meh. I'm gonna go and read until I fall asleep or something.

~Tata, all.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"Bakura is the kind of person that when you're done shaking hands with him, make sure you still have all your fingers." -Unknown

Screw, it. I'm going to everybody's sites. I feel bad enough as it is.

I got my scanner to work (finally) so you'll see a few pics up. Not many, though.

Anyway, i'm off to look at sites. Tata! ^_~

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Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Hi, all! Sorreh I haven't been on in such a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time! My cousin got on my computer, downloaded some crap, caused it to crash, which essentially caused it to reboot. So I lost everything. My stories, my pictures, my favorites, my songs, my blah blah blah. Aaaaaand since I don't have Norton right now on my comp, I'm not really supposed to be on here right now...But I am, anyway (shhh) lol. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get to anybody's sites because of that, though. The links or the pictures and all that stupid crap might mess up my computer somehow. I've no idea how exactly, but whatever. So...I sowwyyyyy! And to those waiting for pictures? I sowwwwwyyyyyyyyyyyyy again! My scanner got uninstalled when my cousin fucked up my computer, and it's been acting weird since I re-installed it and the scanner itself doesn't work. It prints and copies fine (i've no idea how it copies, since it has to scan the picture) but when I scan a picture to put on my computer, it dies. But uh...i'll fix that...someday. Lol. But i'll be going now...I guess... Yeah. Tata, all. I've missied you! XOXO
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Sunday, August 28, 2005

*still hasn't gone to anybody's site...or answered guestbook sigs.*

Damn. *hits self*

I sowwy, all.

Just saying this now, kuz I won't later: "If any of you had a request pic or an art trade with me, you're gonna have to say so again by PM'n me and giving me details." (except for CCI, I have yours, babe. *still working on it*)

I deleted like...everything in my PM boxy. *oops*

Yes, enough of me being naggy. 'tis mummy-kins's birthday tomorrow, so i'm gonna paint her a huge poster with some raggedy ann dolls or something that reminds her of her childhood. (she's obsessed with herself when she was 'ittle)

Aaaaand we're going to the state fair tomorrow! Hell yah. My cousin and I are going on this huge bungy thingy. It's...big. It's like an oversized sling-shot, just people are in it (but they stay in it, lol)

And yah. School's staring innnn...a week? I'll get on everyday then. Sorreh again, all ^^;

...i'll attempt to get to peep's sites...but it's most definitialy not guaranteed O_o;

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Monday, August 8, 2005

Hello, all. 's been awhile, hasn't it? X3 Welllll...since school is starting, i'll no longer have anything to do, so i'll be able to get on this thing more often. I am extremely sorry for not visiting all of your sites, and every day I felt guilty about not getting on ^^;

Hmmm...I also found out I have a deviantart account (that i totally forgot about) so, all of the more naughty pics will be able to seen over there. i'll leave a link up in my...introduction thingy up there...

I'll try to visit people tomorrow, since it's five in the morning here right now XP

Tata, all.

~Another fanart is up X3~

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Oh, well...fuck

Hum. At first my computer wouldn't work. Kuz internet connection died. Then it did work. But then I kinda neglected...the prettyful. Ha.


I found a bunch of old crap I had as a kid...like...a Digimon pen, and a bunch of old movies like "Francis in the Navy" and stuffs. Haha. I also found some freakish dolls. XD

No new art. 'Tis hasn't been drawing...at all. Besides doodles. But those are doodles. So...nyeh. Will visit everybody later, though! ^.^

...and perhaps draw somefink.

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