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Saturday, July 29, 2006

So sorry I wasn't on the past few days, I was fishing and shizzle. I still tried to get to sites, though. Hopefully that makes up for it? :D

My little baby frog is growing, though he's still smaller than my pinky fingernail, lol.

Oh, for those of you who couldn't see the pic of meh and you still want to follow these 'lil retarted instructions (if you already saw it or if you don't want to, then ignore them and skip down to the "706", lol):

Go HERE: http://www.deviantart.com/view/36974100/ (just copy and paste it up at your HTML bar *duh*)

If the stupid "you need to be logged in" comes up, then press the refresh button.

If that doesn't work, go to my DA account (http://albino-yaoi.deviantart.com/) press "scraps" and...you should be able to see which one's which XD

If the stupid "you need to be logged in" comes up again, just press the refresh button and try again.

If none of that works...well...oh, well XD


New art should be up later (not much, mind you, but something)

Hmm...I need to draw more pics of Morte...he's the shit XD

'S it! TTFN, babes.

PS: Cats go meow
Pigs go oink
Horses go neigh
Dogs go ruff and

~ From Suzaku12

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

I woke up to "Get up, you're workin' today."

I was like "Huuuh? Noooooooooooo" I literally said that. I kept repeating no over and over. I slept for like...4 hours, and they were expecting me to get up and go outside in the hot sun. I thought "screw them!"

...I ended up doing it anyway.

I had to pick strawberries, and I was out there for about 2 hours. The only skin showin' was my arms and face, and my arms...well...they're beat red. At first they were only nice and warm, but now they're on fire, heh XD

And the rain! The glorious rain came to my rescue! If it hadn't had rained, I would've been out there for about 5-6 hours *dies*

Alright, 'nuff of that.

There's a bird on my shoulder and she keeps squeaking T_________T

Something RANDOM about ME!

My favorite genetic/unknown caused disorders/wonders:


Fetus In Fetu


Sickle Cell


Bipolar Disorder

and looooots more. I'm just too lazy to type them all, but at least you got my favorites XD


AND OMG! It's MEEEEE! I thought it was fun to see what your online friends look like, so there be-esth the demented pervert that is myself XD

...( O___o ? )

Hum...my cousin found a porno on VHS the other day just sitting in his room. He doesn't have a VCR, so he had to come watch it in my room. Now he's watching it upstairs on the big screen TV kuz nobody's home but me and him *laughs*

'S it! TTFN, babes.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Num, num....nothing really new.

My stomach hurts T__T

I was chatting on MSN earlier and I had Pipkin on my shoulder and she kept crawling in my hair O________O It was rather annoying, lol. She's currently sitting on my chest as I type this, heh. ^.^

It's like...taking me forevor to finish ONE pic. ONE! *kills it* I suppose it's because I've been distracted and I've been doing other things...eh.

OMFG! I want this!

Isn't it cuuuuuuuuuuuute?! It's a Tonberry plush from the Final Fantasy games ^.^

...I also want this man-beast but I'll never, ever, ever get it T__T :

Yum, lol XD

Ooooh! I also found this funny Advent Children pic:

Alright, enough of that T.T

I watched a cool movie today called "The Libertine" it's based in the 17th century and it has Johnny Depp in it >8D

My dad didn't like it. I know why, too. If you understand Shakespeare, you'll understand the movie, and...well...he doesn't understand Shakespeare O___O

Hm. Yeah.

TTFN, babes

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My parents came home today. So now, for the first time in...two days (?) I'm sitting at the computer fully clothed.


They brought back a kickass fossil, though. It's a giant clam, and it's bigger than my friggin' hand! *huggles it*

My mom...wow. She saw some pics some friends drew for me that I printed out (CERM, CheshireCatGrins, Iloveinuyasha09) and she thought I got them from friends from school. I was like "no! from the internet!"

....she didn't like that very much. T_T I think that's because she's constantly watching these "child predators" shows and shit.


Something RANDOM about ME!

Some of my favorite historical (and not so historical) people:

Martin Luther King Jr. ~ He spoke up for what he belived in and caused a movement that shook the Earth.

Gaius Julius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus (also known as Caligula) ~ simply because he was cruel and violent

Jeffrey Dahmer ~ He was a necrophiliac. 'Nuff said.

Jack the Ripper ~ A mysterious and violent MURDERER. >8D

Adolf Hitler (I'm not racist, I just find him fascinating T.T) ~ ...I already said he's fascinating XD

...that's all I can think of right now. I know I have more, though O__o


Favorite Viruses/diseases/:

Ebola (bloody and painful)

Marburg (a cousin of Ebola, therefore bloody and painful XD )

HIV (It uses your white blood cells to reproduce itself ~ and yet doesn't kill you itself. It's a morbidly calm virus >83 )

Leprosy ( It decays your body while you're still alive. 'Nuff said XD )

...yeah. I have odd favorite things XD


TTFN, babes.

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Monday, July 24, 2006

I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

I cleaned half my room today; therefore one side of my room is messy as hell and the other is as clean as heaven *laughs*

You know what? I want a SANDBOX! Dude, that'd be cool X3

My cousin stopped by, and I had to redress myself...thankfully he didn't stay long, so now I'm nekkid again.

~ Ah, the glories of being all natural XD

Anyway...new art's up (only 2 ;_;) Yuuuup...

If anybody finds any Advent Children doujinshi please tell meh! I'd love you forevor and maybe I'd even draw a pic for ya D:

I've been practicing backgrounds...and they're not all that fun. They take too long to color even though they make the pic look more vibrant and pretty XD


...random picture of DOOOOOM!

A freemason sign :3


My cousin tried to steal my 36 pack of Mountain Dew and I told him my mom hid it and he believed me *snickers* It's aaaaaaaalll miiiiine nooooooowwwww XD


ANOTHER random picture of DOOOOOOM!

...an albino mermaid 8D


EBOLA! *huggles it*

Alright, I'm done now T___T

TTFN, babes.

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew!

Just finished watering the greenhouse! YUUUUUUUP! A big non-fun thing XD

I drew like...2 pics today (though they shalt not be posted yeeeeet!) ~ For I am not finished with them 83


I needesth to cleanesth my room, I do, I do...Yush...

I had a freakish dream last night. It was alot like the other one I had: I was a male pedophiliac O____o;

...I luffed little 6 year old girls >8D

'Nuff said...

Mummy-kins and Daddy-kins are going camping for a couple of days. Know what that means?


I get the house all to myself! ^.^

AAAND I get to run around naked! >8D

...unless, of course, my goddammed cousin comes home. If he does, I hope he has a hangover T__T

*pokes again*

Something RANDOM about ME!

I'm a PACK RAT and I own many, many, many useless things! >8D



TTFN, babes!

~ I hafta get up at SIX tomorraw! *twitch*

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'm tired.
My cousin is annoying.

New art should be up later, if not, pooey. D:



Watched some really crappy movies today. They SUCKED. I stated every last little detail that was wrong or innaccurate, and my family got pissed off and told me to shut up, lol XD

My back hurts for some reason. I mean, it really, really, really hurts. It hurts to lay down even. It sucks, I'm all hunched over right now (like Igor! >8D)

Hm. Yeah.

...Mountain Dew...


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Friday, July 21, 2006

It's midnight-thirty. And Gargoyles is on. Yup. Haven't watched it since I was a little 'chitlin. Friggin' sweet XD

Sorry I haven't been on. I suddenly...got kidnapped. By my dad. To go fishing. For a few days. I had no supplies whatsoever, just my boots and the clothes I was wearing. And a CD player....and CD's. And damn, trucks are not very comfortable to sleep in, especially when there's a half-naked man sleeping closer than 3 feet away from you...and snoring O____o

Um...Oh! I have to tell you somefink funneh XD My dad smelled something really bad, and he followed his nose all the way downstairs into my room and next to the turtle tank. It REEKED. I was gonna clean it out that same day, but he spazzed out and kidnapped me...to go fishing (you already know that story) But he wouldn't shut up about it! Heheh.

Ooooh! One of my tadpoles is officially a frog now! It's like...half an inch long. It's so cute 83

The cat I was babyitting...got out and ran away. My damn cousins got high, and opened the door so the basement wouldn't stink...and the cat got out T________T

Ummerz...Rituki won the little contest thing, my last name is "Hohn" All of you at least got the "H" right X3

...sorta kinda long post...I'll stop now O___o

TTFN, babes.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The contest thing is still on, nobody guessed right yet. XD Here's the "rules" again:

If you guess my LAST name right (that means SPELLING it right) then you get to request a pic of your choice :) You can go look at my art that's already up and try to determine what my last name is in my sig. XD

...it shouldn't be that hard, I don't go all crazy while writing my name XD

PM me if you think you have the answer, comments on posts will be ignored :)

(and hey! if you're a creepy stalker, you might be able to find me up here in the frozen wasteland by lookin' up my name :d )

I had to pick like...a ton of strawberries today. O.O

But ~ whilst doing so, I found like...the prettiest moth ever! It's top wings have a leopard design (the wings are white with brown spots) and the bottom ones have the same design; they're just orange with black spots. The moth's body is orange with black stripes and it's just...pretty. I don't see many pretty moths; they're usually grey or brown T_T It's been dead for awhile, some bug laid its eggs inside of its body O_o;

...I'm keeping it, anyway, it's too pretty to throw away XD

I've been sleepy all day, I almost fell asleep while picking strawberries T_T Afterwards I came inside and SLEPT. Yups.

You know what? Loz (from advent children) has BANGS! I was looking at his hair, and I realized he actually had bangs, he just slicked them back or something. I am so drawing him with his bangs down XD

Nergh...*pokes screen*

TTFN, babes.

(For those of you who asked, "TTFN" means "Tata for now"

..."tata" means goodbye XD

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Uhm...nothing new. Mum and Dad just got back from an overnight camping trip thingy mabobber. Now the house is noisier *dies*


...that was kinda random XD

The cat I'm babysitting is annoying as ever...

...the dog is even more annoying. Though I like yelling at it, it cowers in fear and whines >8D

I can't find any Advent Children doujinshi. I mean come on! Who doesn't wanna draw a little doujinshi with Yazoo, Kadaj, and Loz in them? Nergh! *dies*

New art SHOULD be up later, if not...pooey :d

I have a little contest thingy! Well, not really a contest...or maybe it is...

...anyway! If you guess my LAST name right (that means SPELLING it right) then you get to request a pic of your choice :) You can go look at my art that's already up and try to determine what my last name is in my sig. XD

...it shouldn't be that hard, I don't go all crazy while writing my name XD

PM me if you think you have the answer, comments on posts will be ignored :)

(and hey! if you're a creepy stalker, you might be able to find me up here in the frozen wasteland by lookin' up my name :d )

*laughs* ...yeah.

TTFN, babes.

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