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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm so nervous I cant even concentrate...
I am so nervous....I'm shaking...
In 12 hours I'll be home...just keep thinking that....12 hours....
but then my mind goes to: yeah and in NINE hours you'll be in a dentists office getting metal coils stuck down your teeth and needles shoved into your flesh!!
I hate being such a baby but I'm terrified to petrification of needles and I hate the dentist with a passion...I feel so vulnerable at the dentist's b/c I cannot see what they are doing and I HATE it, absolutely HATE it when they lean back the chair.
I could probably get a piercing, b/c I WANT those. But these ones just make me almost pass out. I cant even watch them pull them out on tv.
I WISH I could pass out...
but my mom promised me sedatives so I WOULD and she didnt get them. That was my only strand of hope that I wouldn't feel anything. Novacaine never works. Anbasol never works. Gas never works.
Basically by the time they start working on it I am high on gas, I have about 10 needle holes in my mouth and my CHEEK will go numb but not my tooth area, and I'm about to cry b/c I can't stand pain in my mouth.

But I guess if I calm down the gas will be able to put me to sleep...I'll just bring Duel Jewel and listen to it while the gas works its magic...
but it seems that everytime I'm JUST about to go to sleep, they walk in to start.

okay im ranting, im sorry...
I'll report later.
And I know the theme hasnt changed but I'll just change it on Saturday since I put that as my day to change it anyway. So you get Karyu-san for another few days *quivery smile*


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