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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

late post...
omg hahaha i went over to Jen&Katie's house today after school for a few hours and it was soooo funny. Jen and I went on the stairs and ate some weird ass candy and waited for the hot Chinese guys (they live upstairs, thus must use the stairs) but they never came lol. We were cracking hilarious jokes and laughing so effing hard I thought I was gonna die.
I TRIED to get Katie to come up with us but she wouldn't and she just went inside T.T

I ate horribley today *cries in hysteria*
First I ate some kids fries at lunch, then I ate a few pieces of gum (not really ATE but you know) and a few of those hard strawberry candies that are soft in the middle (@ Jen's house) and some Smarties, then a few Sunchips, and then a little ice cream and a banana.
*dies from being too fat*

yeah my day was boring otherwise.
I WANT to talk to Katie but she is not online -_____-


P.S. I may not be able to post every day b/c i have to keep up on my grades so that I can go to Sugoicon (anime convention in Oct.) and my mom will give me $100 to blow there *crosses fingers*

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