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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

nooo! Save the AB!! OoO
Current song: Tentation
Artist: Moi Dix Mois


Don’t do it without me!!!!!!! *cries*

*deep breath* okay. I’m good now. *exhales slowly*
Omg I was soooo excited on Tuesday! I found tons of new Duel Jewel pics and clips that I have never seen b4! Some were so cute I was literally freaking out and bouncing up and down in my chair XD
I’ve had too much sugar yesterday, I’m a total spaz when I’m hyper .__. …gods I’m immature sometimes, lol.
But one site that had the best clips (besides the live I DLEd a long time ago) wouldn’t work!! I almost cried, I was so frustrated. I tried to get them to work for hours, I’m not exaggerating, HOURS.
But anyway, all the pics were adorable and I was like this: ^O^ OH MY GOSH ITS DUEL JEWEL!
Lol No wonder Hana says I’m magic and always finding new Duel Jewel stuff…I have lack-of-life syndrome and have nothing better to do other than LOOK for it XD
My mom must have thought I was getting killed I was screaming so much.
Yuck, if I do that again shoot me. I hate feeling like a crazed fan-girl.
I’m not normally like this, honestly. Just when I’m…hyperactive to an extreme extent.
Promise me you’ll whack me with a dead fish or something next time I do a rabid fangirl shriek.
Disrespectful girls who see their “favorite band” and shriek and molest and spaz out, not b/c they love their music, but b/c they are really hot, should just be dragged off the premises. Even if they do love their music and don’t only like them b/c of looks, they are still normal people, and deserve to be respected and NOT, I repeat, NOT physically violated. Yes, yes, I KNOW how tempting it is, lol, but refrain people! Refrain for the sake of their dignity!! Jrockers are people too!
Very amazingly overly-hot people who are astoundingly skilled in music, but normal all the same. ^______^
Granted, I WOULD probably hyperventilate in the presence of Duel Jewel even being 20 yards away from me, but I would try my best to regain control and approach as calmly as possible. I will NOT be remembered as just another rabid psycho she-bitch freak-fanatic. No, I want to be remembered by Duel Jewel as a normally calm, yet still enthusiastic, fun and interesting fan. Yes. That is my goal. Lol
Moral of the story: Being a “fangirl” is generally acceptable. It doesn’t have to mean you’re crazy, it can just mean you’re a fan, and coincidentally, a girl. Being a “RABID fangirl” speaks for itself. It is a deadly disease that must be eliminated, or there will be conflict. Very painful, very fatal conflict. *leers at rabidness*
Oh my goodness…
Has anyone else heard about this brainwashing thing they are doing to help ppl lose weight?
I’m watching the news as I type this, hence the freak-out in the beginning of the post, and they are saying that by telling people that certain foods (centered on fattening ones) made them sick when they were young, thus brainwashing them into believing false memories, they will not eat those foods and stay healthier.
I am SO moving to Tokyo. *rolls eyes*
I’m sorry, but seriously. Even if it does work….jeez….
My gods….
I can’t even think of a smart-ass comment in reply to that. X_____x
Yeah… Most definitely moving to Tokyo.
Quiz results I didn’t feel like putting in my results page just yet, lol:

Mwahahahahaha…Man people use this picture of them a LOT. O_O Not that it’s bad or anything, lol. ^__^
duel jewel group pic
wow!! you are a Duel Jewel expert!! *applause* nice

How well do you know Duel Jewel?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, I’m really lazy right now…
So that will count as the picture.
Gomen nasai guys!! T.T
Have a good day everybody ^o^


Oh OH!!
P.S. !!! While looking around for Duel Jewel I encountered pictures of a band called BLOOD who was at the same convention as them! It was a review of the convention by a BLOOD fan (lucky biotch ran into Duel Jewel in an elevator!! ToT *cries*). She had many encounters with BLOOD members and there were numerous pictures taken by her and her friends. They each sounded so interesting (the members) and the things they had said and done were so cute, lol. One of them reminded me of Shun at Akon 13 .___. (Kaede?)
Lol, but anyway, I know I’ve heard of them from somewhere before….*ponders*…..I just don’t remember where XD gomen. Probably some random sites…@___@
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could listen to them, perhaps a preview of their songs or something? I DLed one song called “Byakuya” and I like it so far -.^ I am really very interested in them from what I read (in lamence terms: I was laughing my ass off at their little antics! XD) and I’m researching them a little more to see if they would be my type of musicians. If you talk to me a lot you should know a little about my musical taste, so if you have listened to BLOOD I’d like to hear your opinions on them and whatnot ^^ Arigato gozaimasu! *bow bow*

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