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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

again with long posts!!!! lol gomen *bows head in shame*
Current song: none -___- damn my dad watching tv. I have a song stuck in my head, does that count? Lol. Nazi Halo by Jack off Jill (damn u nirvana_faerie, lol)

I saw a pic of Marilyn Manson in his high school yearbook. It was on this television show called Celebrity Yearbook or something like that.
LOL it was so weird looking o_O he went to a Catholic school, which explains quite a lot. ^^;;

We went to the Shanghai Garden again yesterday. The staff there is so sweet ^^
Unlike the AB where all of the waitresses close in on me and my friends (whom they see at Jen/Katie’s house) like crazed vultures ._. I think they just hate us b/c we are always indirectly hitting on their boyfriends…assuming the hot male staff of the AB are their b/fs…hm…
But at the SG there was this tiny little chibi (maybe two yrs old, but if so then just barely) and he was so cute ^O^ he belonged to a staff member b/c he was hugging onto their legs and he kept smiling and peeking around corners to look at me and my dad ^^ I wanted to hug him, he was so adorable.
I rode my dad’s Harley there and it wasn’t so bad this time, but I admit I got a little scare when I loosened my grip for a moment and almost fell off. O_O that woke me up, lol.

My dad built an entertainment center today so I had to paint some of it, but I got lazy in the middle of it and let my dad finish XD
I’m so mean, I know, but he offered.
He is rearranging the living room behind me. Damn the vacuum is loud -___-

I’m still debating on whether I should dye my hair…I found this coloring shampoo that HT carries online (damn it, I don’t like shopping there, so crowded, besides I think the one here doesn’t have it b/c I remember scouring every inch of their hair color display). I wanted it b/c it IS temporary and they had it in purple and red ^o^ my 2 favorite colors.
Grr…I’m sick of ranting on my hair color, I’m sure you guys are too. Lol.
But what if I dye it and then discover I looked better and a strawberry-blonde? I can’t exactly dye it back, my hair color is almost impossible to get precisely the same. I guess it all depends on how much I’m willing to take a risk. *sigh* Such bad timing, I’m starting freshman year and if I look terrible, well…actually I don’t really care if THEY think I look terrible b/c if I look how I want to look they would think I was a freak anyway XD, but if I don’t like the way I look, THEN I care. You get it? Lol

My dad just turned the radio on over the TV. Curse him. *glare glare*

I feel giggly today. Good thing I didn’t go to the AB or I’d be a total nerd XD I’d start up my idiocy vibes by giggling and blushing every time the waiter looked at me XD
Oh wait…
I do that anyway.
Gods I’m such a girly freak -.-

I found my ‘Anime Freak’ shirt! Woo! I’ve been looking for it for a while ^^
It was hidden within the depths of one of my many laundry baskets *shifty eyes* ^^;;
I have a bad habit of letting my clothes pile up until the point comes when I either cannot maneuver my way through my room without coming in contact with an article of clothing, or I have no choice but to wash it b/c I’ll have to wear dirty clothes the next day if I don’t. Sad, ne?
I’ll never survive on my own. That is why they invented disposable utensils and plates. So people like me can continue to live independently. *nod nod*

I talked to Hana for about 3 hours on the phone yesterday O_o I’ve never talked to her that long b4, nor ever on the phone. It was a mass of very interesting conversations, actually. I enjoy talking with Hana, she’s very nice and funny, lol.

I suppose you’ll want another few pictures *dramatic sigh*
Lol j/k I’d love to ^o^
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Mana-sama is so hot. How weird is that to say? XD

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Did I say Mana-sama? I meant Gaku-san *drool*

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And last but not least, Ni~ya-san of Naitomea ^o^ He is so pretty, isn’t he? I love his hair in this photo, my favorite color, purple! Yay! Lol

That’s it for today!


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