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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Friday, July 29, 2005

Waaaii! ^o^
Current song: On The Roof Again
Artist: Eve6
(*leers at Angelsvoice* damn you, you got me hooked XP)

Hey! News everyone! Changing my theme tomorrow! I’m gonna try to change it every Saturday if possible, and if that is too soon, perhaps I’ll do it every other Saturday. So the point is, soak up the Val-ness while you can!! *huggles Val*

Okay, anyway--
^o^ My okasan’s friend and her boyfriend (not my okasan’s b/f, she is married thank you, lol) has a ranch down a little more south of us in KY with of two of my favorite things:
1) motorcycles
2) animals
And the animals include horses! And we were going down there on Sunday to ride them and hang out and stuff , but my dad is working that day so we have to reschedule -_-;;
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no professional rider, lol, but I love farms and I love to be around farm animals, and my dad has ridden horses since he was really little so he can show me anything I don‘t know. I grew up going to rodeos every year when I lived in UT b/c my mom sang the National Anthem at them, so the smell doesn’t bother me either, lol.

Oh that reminds me of something sad…;-;
When I lived in Mantua, UT (tiny little town made of about 700 ppl in a hollowed out part of the mountains in N. UT -_-;; bleh, also pronounced “Man-too-ay”) we lived right next to a dairy farm and there was this Brahma steer (Brahma is a breed of cow) and he was sooo kawaii ^o^ lol
I got attached to him and I named him Buddy, pathetic ne? I was in fifth grade, give me a break, lol. But he was sweet, he let me pet his back and whenever I came into the farm (which I did like every day b/c the guy who ran it was our neighbor and very nice to us) he would perk up and run over and, yes this is slightly disgusting, he would lick my hands and/or face, lol. He was like a dog, a very…large…gray dog…with horns… @__@
But then I went in one day and he was gone, and I looked around and saw him in a trailer along with the other steers and learned they were going to get slaughtered the next day. ToT It made me sad. Then, what’s worse, my dad made burgers later that week. I could have EATEN the poor baby!!
Gee, that sounds weird once I read it….
What?! I’m allowed to have a cow as a friend, aren’t I? AREN’T I?!?! ._. lol

*throws random objects at everyone who has not updated* GR!!
I have at least 10 less friends on my list now, b/c I just deleted some ppl for that same reason, and the fact that they never visited anyway, but the point is, FUCKING HELL I don’t want to have to delete anyone else. ;-;
I mean, besides the fact that you all have lives off of the computer ^^; lol, that is understandable, hai, hai. It still makes me sad though, lol. I’m gonna delete some more ppl after I post this. If I deleted you and you know you come by often, contact me in case it was an accident.
And hardly anyone comments anymore either, I mean it’s not that big of a deal, but it’s nice to at least THINK my life isn’t as boring to everyone else as it is to me. I visit those who update, and I admit, it’s easier said than done, b/c I do get distracted easily and forget to comment sometimes. But even a “lol” or “O_O” is acceptable, I’m that pathetic, I know, lol.
I am in constant need of attention people!!!
Okay, not really…
But I just felt the need to shout something to that extent ._.

Okay, enough small-talk ranting…
I’m happy ^o^ I’m losing weight, w00t!
Gradually, anyway. I am HOPING to look my best when this school year starts, especially in that hell-school I am being transferred to (forever known to myself as Hell High). I want to leave an impression there on my first day, lol. I REALLY want to dye my hair and I’m begging and begging and groveling and then begging some more to my okasan to let me dye it. I showed her a pic of Shun-san’s hair at Akon 13 (pictures #1&2 below, which btw, are incredibly sexy XD) and she said, “that color is pretty.” so I’m desperately hoping that she will allow me to dye it that color, then my ‘bangs’ (which hopefully won’t be bangs anymore b/c I loathe them) black. I REALLY wanted it the color Kami-sama’s hair was (picture #3 below, which is also sexy beyond reason ^_^ hehehe) but my okasan is mean and evil to Kami-sama’s gorgeousness and said that his hair looked like the color of wood ToT ~~ Kanashii desu, ne? *sniff* ~~
So this is the closest I’ve gotten so far *rubs hands together hopefully*
I just wish I could get that software or w/e it is that lets you change the color of your hair in a picture on the comp. incase it turns out you don’t like the color…b/c as much as I want to dye it, I’m a little scared. Since my hair is blondish, if I go darker, it will take forever to dye it back. And if it turns out I look better with my original color, I’m screwed. B/c I have one of the most difficult colors to get with dye ;-;
Damn my strawberry blondness… *sob sob* *cry cry*
Well I guess I’ll have to risk it, won’t I? *takes deep breath* Maybe I can take the cheap approach and go find a wig of that color in a store or something and see myself in a mirror….
Oh shit my eyebrows/eyelashes are blond too
I’ll have to dye my eyebrows black if I dye my bangs black, won’t I? I would NOT leave them translucent blonde, LMAO that would look beyond ridiculous, I meant either the red color or black. I’m thinking black…hm…
Yes probably….

Oh and I got Ceres volumes 8 & 9 from the library ^o^ they made me happy.


PIC #1 (obviously lol)
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PIC #2 (again, way to state the obvious, ne? lol)
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

PIC #3 (Wow, you can tell I’m getting smarter by the second, can’t you?)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Be happy! ^^ lol

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