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myOtaku.com: defectiverose13

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

^__^ Happiness!
current task: downloading more music, hopefully going to create a new CD soon!! ^.^
current song: Back in Black AC/DC

well, the above was unnecessary, but oh well, lol. Um..well we had our Science final today (REALLY easy, I finished early =P) and I finally finished the math final today...yes, and the Lang. Arts...all in all not so bad ^_^ Though I do think I failed math o_O I've always sucked in that subject. New poem to be up from me today in Poets Corner ^_^ Feel welcome to check it out if you want to. Grrr...I'm gonna kill Limewire in a minute, it worx great for DLing music, but it won't find Madeth Gray'll or Nightmare songs *sob* If anyone knows any song titles of them, please tell me so I can try to search by song (I have Akahana no Tonakai by Nightmare XD lmao I love it)I'll just have to keep trying ;__; wish me luck!!

(You know what goes here, lol) baibai! ~Areina-chan

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