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myOtaku.com: darthsasuke

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

   Hot grrrl, Oh wait... THAT'S A BOY!!!
I was debating whether to put an embarased face as my icon or the laughing face as my icon. But I have to admit what I did was pretty funny...
Okay, here's what happened I was visiting my friend NachoYes' site and since him and my other friend both like Gaara from Naruto I confused his site as my other friend (who is a girl), Gaaraofthedesert1. I was checking out his site when all of the sudden I saw this picture of a pretty girl. Thinking it was my other friends site I asumed it was a picture of her. So I sent a private message saying that the picture of him was pretty and that my ex would never go back out with me if he saw the picture of of him (who in the picture was a girl). He wrote back to me that he's a guy and that was a picture of someone famous. When I found this out I was so embarassed. I have to admit, it was pretty funny. It was a total blond moment! Thankfully he forgives me, but now I know to ask people if the picture they post is of them;D XD

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