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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Saturday, March 31, 2007

.:Final theme this time:.
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Time of Post: 3:30
Quote: "Hahaha, if you're a vampire, then I'm bloody queen of England!" -Pip

I just can't decide, can I? Lol, I think I'm sticking with this one. I really liked the last theme, but I missed having a Seras avatar, so I changed it, and naturally I have to take the whole theme with it so it would match.

But I love YYH, so I kept some stuff around. Hade to change me beloved music, though, because it didn't suit the flowery Pip background.

How does it look? I personally like the outcome, although I hope it doesn't look too..well, girly, with the light colors.

Anyways, spring break started for me, and I mean to spend it drawing..although it's not much a break considering I'm stuck at home with my mother. She is in one of her moods where she acts very weird. I wish my father would get home soon.

Hm, I may go over to my Ami-chan's house later..which reminds me, I need to call her.
Ok, I'm babbling.^^' Talk to you all later.

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