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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

   .:New theme, again:.
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Time of Post: 5:00
Quote: "I'm not a fighter of good. It's just that I hate people who are bad." -Genkai

well, changed my site around, again. Lol, what do you think? I figured I'd try something other than Hellsing for a change. So, why not Yu Yu Hakusho?

Sorry that the background is abit faded and fuzzy. YYH is an older anime, so I suppose that's why it's harder to find graphics and such for it. But I liked the picture. And think about it, the YYH guys in a band? That's well..to put it bluntly..hot.^^' I can be a fangirl, sometimes but I'm not rabid or anything, so no worries.

New music..Do you all like 80's rock? God I love it.^^~ Somehow I've managed to smack Yu Yu Hakusho with said music..yes, this is a rather bizarre theme.

Anime and 80's rock..keys to my soul, right there. XD I'm an odd one, that I am.

Anyway, new fanart is up, finally. I submitted one a while ago, I just hate how it takes so long to show up. Ah well.
Well I'm off to visit sites and then draw.
Thanks for stopping by~

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