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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Friday, March 23, 2007

   .:Rambling and sap talk.:.
Time of Post: 5:00
Quote: "Damn, she's such a sweet girl. Dying for a sweet girl like her, is fine with me." -Pip

I just got home from school as I'm posting this. I'm happy because we actually have food in my house for once, not happy with the fact that my parents are fighting, again. And I just try to block it out, but it's..awkward.

Well at least it's Friday, so that's one thing that's good about today. I can stay up late without dreading the upcoming sun, since it usually symbolizes yet another day of school.

So, I plan to spend most of the night reading romance fanfictions. Corney of me? Maybe. But I love the anime romance, just do. Truthfully I am a romantic, although I'm sure it doesn't appear so.

Although I do I become sad, sometimes, just because I don't really see 'true love' that much anymore. I'd love to find the someone just for me, I'd love for my friends to too. But I look around, and for the most part any romance is full of nothing but heartache, shallowness, or no love at all..

I'd like to think that I'll find what I've read about, y'know, the relationship where you love a person more than yourself, and you understand each other, or at least as much as a person could. But, I'm probably just dreaming. Hey, you know how it goes, the believer is happy and the doubter is wise. For this, maybe it's just easier to be the believer.

Hm, I don't know where all that came from. I apologize for the lengthy post too.
Have a good weekend!

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