Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
Time: 8:45 am
Well I didn't go to church today, and I'm kinda glad I didn't. NOthing else to really talk about. Here a poem..
Thank you for being my friend, for always being there for me, when no one else would. Even when everyone else turned their back on me, you were still there to make me smile.
The memories I will not forget, and smiles will not fade. I will always remember my one true friend. Even when you move on, and I am stuck here, you will always be in my heart,as my true friend.
I know that we both must move on, and for me it will be hard to do, but as along as I know that you are still there, I can move on.
Thank you for being there me for though the smiles, tears, and even the tormenting. Good-bye my one true friend I will miss you.
Dedicated To: MiasmaMoon (Thank you for being my friend)
Hope you like it, I thought of it after reading the one that you made...
End Time: 9:15am
Time: 10:33 am
I'm back with another poem.....
There is no way for me to get rid of the way I feel. I want to scream, cry, punch something, or even just do nothing at all. I can't take this anymore. Why must you go? I know that there is nothing I can do, so why even bother asking. I can't help it. All my life I have never really had a friend as great as you. It's only been maybe 2 years that we were friends, but 1 year as best friends. I'm angry. Angry at what is happening. I'm sad. Sad for what I can not do. I cry. Crying because of will will happen in the years to come. Will you forget me, or remember me? There is nothing I do to get rid of the way I feel, I can't find peace. I just can't take his anymore.
End time: 10:38am
Time: 3:14pm
Ok I'm back, I went swimming, and ate dinner so I have nothin else left to do really, I'll look at some more of you sites.
End Time: 3:14pm