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myOtaku.com: Cooly Fooly

Saturday, September 9, 2006

   Sry!! Lots of stuff
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Sorry about not being on alot...i have school now TT;; and i hate posting so late in the evening because no one reads the posts and its so late. =_=;; *siiiigh* well yeah...anyways...


volleyball is pretty ok so far, my team and i have had a couple of troubles....TT;; dont all teams? just alot of hypocracy..*raspberry* XP but in our school were trying to come up with 70 community service acts for celebrating 70 years that the school has been around...yeah i know community service? well, i thought we should do something cool. (the volleyball team and i that is :P)

Here's my idea:
Had anyone ever read "Sadako and the thousand paper cranes"? well if you havent, its about a girl who gets Leukimia from Atomic Radiation. she believes that in making 1000 paper cranes, she'll get a wish to get better. my idea was that our team could make a thousand paper cranes and put them in lil chinese boxes. then we'd give them out to sick children in the hospital. we were thinking of buying them the book, but its kind of sad. but hey we'll see how it goes :3 so....what do you think? X3


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