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myOtaku.com: Cool Silver

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   Teachers R evil!!! *plans plot to kill them*
Srry for not being on in a while. Well, anyways....... yesturday was soo boring! I got lots of h.w. Also,(a lot of u may have heard this but i shall say it again) my english teacher Mrs. Briteman is soo evil.(espechally with her sunglasses thing she is soo cool. But that is anther story) She gave our class The Rules. They are so evil. And I know alot of u have seen them but i will post them anyway. And herrrreee they are*dramtic music plays*:
Rules for February:
1.All students must remove coats, hats, and gum before class
2.All students must meet and greet the teacher @ the door before class
Rules For March
1.No students may go 2 their locker once class has started
2.No student may have a cell phone turned on in class
Rules For April
1.Students in the front may ask questions before students in the back
2.Students in the back must wait quietly until they are called upon
Rules For May
1. No student in the back may complain about a grade
2.no student in the back may come 2 class unprepared
Rules For June
1. No student in the back may speak at all in class
2. Students in the back may come after school 2 ask any questions
After all that at the way end of class she says that they r fake! She is just soo evil! What does she have aganist people in the back any way. Well anywaz today was not that bad ecpt for all the H.W. Mr. Rox gave us wich wasn't that bad.(Mr. ROX os soo evil i want to kill him!) Then after skool I hung out with Krissy. o0o here is a funny story that was made up that u all should here: *in a high tacky teen vioce and u see a teenage gril wearing sandels, a midriff tubetop, sunglasses, and short shorts* Hi my name is Princess Queen Princess. I am next in line for the throne of a beutiful country called It's Been Nice Knowing Ya. And my paraents were just doing a tradition with me that when it is soon for the new queen or king to take the throne that they should know how they got potty trained and i thought it was so interresting that u all should know.*a big light flashes and u see a blank screen for a little while* (Princess Narrating) So this is me*U see a little girl wearing a pink nightgown and a huge gold crown on her head* a cute little thing *little girl blinks* I loved my mini potty *mini potty suddenly appears* It was my best friend! *little girl hugs potty and hearts are appearing* We did everything together. Played dolls*little girl play dolls with potty and putin the dolls in it*, Have tea partys*little girl sits with the potty at a table and pours tea in the potty*, and even go to the bathroom together lol *little gril sits on potty.* Life was great. Untill one day i needed to go to the bathroom and potty was gone. I search all over the house for it. And called for it *in British Accent* "I want my potty!" No one brought it to me, not my paraents, not the grads, no one! So I called again *in British Accent*, "I want my potty!" No answer again. So I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. *dramtic music plays* I had to use the big, the scary, toilet! *DUN DUN DUN DA!* Then my paranets saw me use Tiolet and that day they made me saw good bye to my best friend potty my life flet empty without potty. I missed her so much. But then i became friends with toilet. She reminded me a lot like potty. we did some of the same together but what sucked is that she was guled to the floor and i could'nt move her. But, she will never be the same as potty. *shouts* I will never forget u potty! So that is my story don't forget it. Well maybe the story is not that funny. OMG it is snowing again like it has been all day. Yeah! Many things got canceled and when things close there is allways a possibility that school will close so i am hoping!-TTYL in life

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