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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

   "Jesus High"

Something amazing happened today at Youth Group... I can't say much because I don't know much, but it was great... it put me in a great mood, and I'm currently shaking with the Holy Spirit. ^^ Gaaah, it makes me wanna sing!

ME: But... why not?

Heh. Whatever. ^^ Today was awesome... I mean, REALLY awesome. I saw some potential marching band uniforms, and they looked SOOOO cool! It reminded me of the Marines.

Speaking of the Marines, they set up a booth today at my high school, and my brother was winning the girls posters and T-shirts. Ain't he a ladie's man?

Whatever. ^^

Anywho, the highlight of today is my total Jesus High, which is keeping my brain from really thinking clearly. In a way, I feel drunk. >.< That can't be good.

Heh heh... I better stop before I break something. ~_~

~Clair, the JESUS HIGH-D!~

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

   I'll See You at the Pole

That's right, "See You At the Pole" is tomorrow at 7:00, and I don't want to get up in time. T.T

But let's back up a week and a half. I'm over my sickness, thank God, just in time for the Potato Bowl Parade that I worked so hard on. ^^ I was so happy when September 11th came around, because I'd finally be able to march for meh family. ^_^ Unfortuately, my family came late and ended up just seeing us at the very end.

Now, I'm sure everyone's had the privledge to watch a parade. It's great fun, especially when they give out candy. *ahem* In any case, it's a basic fact that the farther you walk, the more tired you get. If you've ever tried marching and playing nonstop for an hour, you'd know that it gets... well... tiring. And at the very end, your 'gates' are out of step, and your music's decibal volume gets lowered by 45%. Yep, my mom, dad, and dear brothers saw me at my worst. *sigh* It made me pretty sad that they didn't get to see the beginning, when the bad was so pretty... but hey... stuff happens. u.u

In any case, school: I've missed so much Biology class because of marching practace that I'm needing to go in for tutoring help. 0.o Now, I won't lie and say that I'm brilliant when it comes to the sciences, but I'm not extremely stupid, either. I'm finding myself curled up at 9:30 under the covers of my bed with my biology textbook, trying desperately to understand words like "sclerenchyma" and "collenchyma". *sigh* Usually I'd be nestled up with a nice manga volume...

... speaking of Manga, the school's 'manga circle' is back in full swing-- currently I'm borrowing Soliar's Ruroni Kenshin volumes, Mosie's Alice 19th, and Jensa's Pet Shop of Horrors. And, I've currently lent out my entire Love Hina series, Chobits, and Gundam SEED. >.> Of course, it's not like I ever have any time to read 'em. ^^

Which brings me to this topic: why am I sitting at my computer typing when I should be studying?

*heh heh* loopholes. It's meh "break". ^^

So, 'till I remember what I forgot, this is:

=Signing Off=

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Saturday, September 4, 2004

   Still Ill...

Sorry, I didn't mean for the subject heading to rhyme. >.< But anyway, as it reads, I'm still sick. In fact, I daresay I've gotten worse. *sigh* And I'm... MISSING THE FOOTBALL GAME!!!!! *sobs in a corner* WHY??? AND THEY'RE NOT TELEVISING IT!!!!

*deep breaths* But that's okay, beacuse I got tickets to the Junior World Hockey Tournament in December. Yay!

Well, there's really nothing for me to do right now, besides take online quizzes and play video games. But, I'm suck in all my games and I don't really feel like playing half of 'em, so screw that idea. >.< Online quizzes, here I come! *charges*

~Clair, the Immortally Sick~

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Friday, September 3, 2004


Fridays have to be one of my favorite days of the week. You can work your butt off in school and then go home to a nice weekend. Of course, not every Friday's my walk in fantasyland, as today I woke up an hour early with a sore throat.

It's things like that that scream, "YOUR DAY'S GONNA SUCK!!!". And maaaaan, was it right. It was one of those days at school where you go there tired and with a sore throat, then your alleged sickness slowly progresses and grows until your mouth is dry, scratchy, your voice is gone, and you've got a headache and a cold. *sigh* I've forgotten what September was like here in North Dakota. (flu season!)

And that's not the half of it. I got free tickets to the college football game tomorrow, and I was planning on going with Nick, but now I'm ill. With God's grace I'll wake up tomorrow and will be cured, but hey, you never know. *sigh*

But onto the good points of the day! I finally inked and colored in a couple of my sketches. I finally got around creating a character in my head... heh. I'm trying out a new art style, and it's SO DIFFERENT from the one I'm currently using. But it's also a lot easier. (very angular, compared to my sketchy, rounded drawings right now.)

In any case, nothing else really happened today (minus us looking at dead fish in "cancer fluid" during third hour.)


Oh, by "cancer fluid" I mean preservatives.

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Thursday, September 2, 2004

   Another Day, Another English Class

Today was pretty generic, nothing big happened. Accounting was fun, Band is getting better, in Biology I did a great job working with a 'key' or something... Dichanomous or something? Whatever. German was okay, as was lunch (tasted bad). in geometry we took a relatively easy quiz. I can't beleive how easy that class is coming, especially considering how bad I seem to such at mathematics. In Health we played some communication game, which was really fun. I normally don't like conversing with people outside of my bubble because they end up being bitchy, but these people were really nice. I guess I really should start expanding my horizons, huh? English is BY FAR my least favorite class. It's that first-year teacher with absolutely NO work experience. *sigh* I guess some things just can't be helped. Maybe I'll switch classes or drop it or something. I'm REALLY hating that woman.

On another key, I just ate supper, and it was yummy. For some reason, food always puts me in such a good mood. ^^ Ahhhh, complaining aside, today hasn't been half-bad. ^^

~Clair, the Immortal~

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

   Still Tired.

Okay, I've now been in school for a full week, and I STILL can't wake up on time. In fact, I've partially given up, and am letting myself wake up a half hour later then normal. *sigh* I'm finally getting into the swing of my classes, although the presence of the upcoming Potato Bowl Parade is kind of shuffling everything around. Heck, I keep missing my Biology class for Band practice. Argh! That means two hours of marching and playing my French Horn. (MARCHING French Horn, that is! Mr. Morlock came through and took some from the Universith. *yay!* Let's just ignore that I have to duct tape my mouthpice in order for it to stay in...)

But back to the original topic! Being tired. I discovered that if I drink a lot of coffee before school, I have more energy, but I have to go to the bathroom halfway through second hour, which just so happens to be band. Let's stay away from the topic of band for a bit. As much as I love it, I don't love it THAT much. ^^

I have a symphony audition coming up soon-- I decided to go in for Viola again. Like I said: enough French Horn!

I got in touch with my friend who moved down to Omaha a few days ago, and we started talking about the garage band we started several years ago. We had to stop because he was our lead guitar, and our other one sucked at performing. Anywho, he said that he can go to three punk rock concerts for five bucks. *sobs* I'm so jealous. When I get down to Nebraska to visit him, we're going to go to concerts nightly. ^^ Heh, I can't wait.

And speaking of traveling, I'm considering going on the German Exchange program. I've always wanted to go to another country (Canada doesn't count, especially when I live three hours from the Border. I LOVE Canada, it just feels like an extention of my backyard. XI) My dad was inspired to take mom to their 25th anniversary celebration in England next year, and promised to take us kids on a vacation to Europe another time. *sigh* I guess that living in a small(ish) midwestern town DOESN'T have its perks.

On another note, I'm finally getting along with Cai's boyfreind. It took me a while to open up to him, but she now has my stamp of approval. ^^ *cheers for myself*

On the Forbidden topic again... (something I forgot to add)... the city's making a "mass band" for the football game's half-time, meaning that I get to memorize more songs and march for even longer. Only I have to make it look pretty because we're going to be making patterns. (I think we should get paid. *sob*

Anywho, that's all for now...


(I'm going to bed. >.<)

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Friday, August 27, 2004

   AN INSPIRATION OF GIGANTUOUS PROPORTIONS!!!!! *random peasants cheer loudly*

Well, it's not much of an inspiration, more like a... realization.

School sucks.

((ME: ^^ Hah, got you all excited for nothing. *snickers*
YOU: *decks Clair* I'm only reading your {censored} blog because I'm being paid.
ME: Crap. *sobs in a corner*))

Well, whatever. As you possibly know, school's been happening for a whopping two days now, and I'm tired. Not the kind of tired that makes you want to sit down and die, more like the kind where you're just emotionally exhausted. I never really realized how much school takes out of you. Oh, well. >.< I've managed to scare a couple Freshmen. Apparently they don't like how I dress. ^^ ((i.e. "do you have any normal clothes?" or "do you ALWAYS wear black"?)) I think it's hilarious. A couple of them just plain avoid me. ^^ Heh heh heh... just wait 'till I get around to re-dyeing my hair. *evil laughter* I'm hoping to freak out the teacher...

In any case, marching band's started up again, which is good. The conductor went over to the university to get some marching French Horns, so I'm looking foreward to not lugging that huge thing around at the parade. (Yesh-- the Potato Bowl parade. Ironically, this year it's on September 11th. Too bad I'm not marching with the Air Force like I did last year. ^^ Maybe they'd give me candy. ^^)) In any case, the uniform calls for black shoes, so Marin and I are wearing our Dress Blues shoes. We want to run to the Civil Air Patrol float and kick at it, saying that the shoes betrayed them, and now march with the band.


MARIN: I got it.
JAINA: I got it, too.
SEA MONKEY: I don't get it.
RANDOM PEASANT 145: I dont--- *falls off a cliff*

And I don't care if you don't get that, either. ^^

In any case, it's time to eat, so I'll stop rambling on about nothing. >.<

~Clair, the Immortal~

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Ah, yesh... it's been a while since I was last here. ^^ I've been home from my GREAT and REFRESHING vacation for a little over a week now, and I feel goooood. ^^ After two days of straight driving, my family, family freinds and I arrived at our Smoky Moutain campground. It was beautiful! It was by FAR my favorite out-of-state campground I've ever been to. (Jaina and I had fun in the pool) After that, we skee-daddled over to Cumberland Gap, Lincoln's Birthplace, and Mammoth caves. (I HATED the Mammoth Caves campground-- it was like the resort from Hell. You couldn't do ANYTHING if you were under the age of 18. >.<) Oh, well. WE stopped at some other places, but I'm currently drawing a blank on their names. Obviously, they weren't that important. ^^

Other then that, life's been pretty smooth. I did the same as anyone would in the time I've been home-- make one or two tough decisions, and spend the rest of your Summer Vacation hanging out with your homies. ^^ I haven't had a full day at my house for a week. ^^

School starts up again on Thursday, and I'm having mixed emotions. Grr... my summer really blew by me! As a "last hurrah", a group of freinds and I are going back to the Panda Buffet right before school starts, remeniscent of the last day of school three months ago. ^^ Good idea, Soliar!

In any case, it's good to be back home and not be bereathing cave-air. ^^

~Clair, the Refreshed~

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Sunday, August 1, 2004


As expected when you've been waking up at 6 am each morning, that's exactly what I did today. I was really mad at myself, especially since I was supposed to be able to sleep in today. >.< I ended up falling asleep again anyway, but not for long, as I had to go to church. (It's amazing I didn't fall asleep in the service. Too bad one of the more interesting pastors was preaching...)

Anyways, after church my family and I went to Panda Buffet, where I stuffed my face. I haven't eaten that good in weeks... Ahh, the wonders of good food. REALLY GOOD FOOD. FOOD SO GOOD IT WAS COOKED IN FRONT OF YOU!!! *slurps noodles*

Anyway, I learned that we're not leaving until Tuesday morning. Around 3 am. *curses* Ah, well. That gives me an extra day to do laundry and pack.

And my freind also recently had foot surgery... gotta remember to go visit her tomorrow... she's laid up in bed. That'd REALLY suck. I mean, what do you honestly do in bed besides sleep??? (don't answer that.)

Anywho, I really gotta get going... it's seven pm and I'm sooooo tired, I think I'll kick it early. >.<

~Clair, the Extremely Tired~

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Saturday, July 31, 2004


GUESS WHO WAS GONE AT IMC FOR A WEEK??? That's right! Which is a main reason I haven't updated at all in the last who knows how long. *slaps self* Sorry!!! I always spend the two weeks before camp practicing my butt off so that I can do well at my audition and stuff. (It's difficult going to a camp where you play an average of eight hours a day. T.T)

Not much has happened, really. I was really confused about my relationship with my signifigant other for a short period of time, but lots of viola playing cleared up my brain quick and easy. ^^ Thanks, Viola! *huggles* And sorry, Daniel!!!! T.T I didn't mean to be bitchy.

Erm... I'm leaving on a two week vacation to IMC on Monday, so I probably won't get around to checking everyone's updates. I'll do it when I get back! PROMISE!!!!! (Or, possibly, tomorrow, if I get all my stupid laundry done.)

In other words, Just pretend I dropped off the face of the planet for a bit, and we'll all be golden!

In the meantime, I'm going to go take a looooooooong bubble bath.

~Clair, the VERY TIRED~

p.s. Tala-san!!! AGAIN, SORRY!!!! *sob*

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