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myOtaku.com: Chocobo Queen

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

Kitty luv (10/25/07)

i love your site!!! chocobos ROCK my socks!!
any way hope we can be friends visit my site sometime!

Skeet1115 (10/24/07)

Hey I likes site so I hopes you don't mind me adding you as a friend. PEACE!!

dbudzgrrl (09/12/07)

haha yeah i could tell your were bored!!!XD lurver t3h CHOBOS!i might make a cloud one called chocobo head haha ^_^ anyway yeah...that reminds me,never eat waffles with ketchup at 5:00 AM on a thursday...

Lei.Lei (09/11/07)

h3llo ♥

i luv ur site!

i luv the BG ♥

vury kewt

well, feel free 2 message me whenever u want k?



Shattered Peices (08/22/07)

i dunno wat those little birdy things are but theyre perty cute =D

i like chur site. bunches. =]

hope you wont mind me adding you as a friend?

feel free to pm me anytime youd like. im on most of the day anyawys =]

hope to hear from you soon!

shakira lookalike (05/27/07)

Tee hee I'm bored and I realized that I had not signed your guestbook for this site, so yes now I have signed for both sites. Seya later wherever we see each other next.
Peace Out
$~The Almighty Hoho~$
{disapears into a sea of cupids}

Cagalli Yamato (03/15/07)

Hi there! Your site's rather cute. ^^ I'm going to be adding you, if you don't mind. See ya!
