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myOtaku.com: chickabiddy

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

another day
well, i didnt paint that wall, and i dont think i'm gonna doit any time soon...o well, theres other days...

remember a while back when sad i dont feel like me?
well i think i'm me again...i dont know its weird, any way i was think bout taken one of those long survey things, dont know tho...
well what should i say...i'm gonna ask questions!!

what do u do when ur at home alone?

what color do u wish ur hair was?

if u could have any pet what would it be?

if u could have one wish , what would it be?

what do u like beter, singing, skool, or reading?

whats ur fav animal?

my answers:
listen to music and play on the computer, and sometimes sream

i like my natuarl hair color, but i like red, and blu and purple, not sure tho

the pets i have now r fine

i dont know


i dont have one

bye bye

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