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myOtaku.com: Caprice

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Well, I spent Saturday working on the HTML help site. I got a lot of stuff on there, but there is still so much that needs to be added. And I'm finding that I actually enjoy doing this. I could just keep going for hours typing out how to do this stuff. I come to points where I find myself wanting to go into full detail about certain things, but I have to stop myself because I just don't have the time to put too much detail about any given subject. I should stress that if anyone goes to my HTML help site and still has questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Now, there is one thing I wanted to mention. I know there are a few other help sites out there for myO sites. But the ones I've seen, as good as they are, to me are more like cheat sheets. They give you the codes you need to do certain things without fully explaining how they work. And I'm not trying to disrespect these other sites. What the authors of these sites have done is really great. However, the intention of my help site is to teach people how to use this stuff so they can continue to do it on their own without having to constantly rely on someone giving them the codes.
Again, I stress, no disrespect to others who have created help sites. And in no way am I trying to indicate that mine is better. As it is now, my help site does not have too much of the more advanced help that some of you are looking for. I'm hoping to get more of that on there soon.

And now on to comment replies...


If you need help making sense of CSS, then my help site might be what you need. I think I put it in a way that would be easy to understand. That's one of the reasons that I enjoy doing this is because I know what it's like to be a beginner at this and trying to learn it from sources that have been doing this so long that they seem to have forgotten how to speak like a normal human being.

No, I'm not giving you credit as the one who originated the reply to comments in posts. However, I think you kind of inspired me to start doing it. I had on occasion replied to certain things that people commented on, but not too often. And I don't know how many times Mamma Vash asked me a question and I completely forgot to answer it when I would comment on her post. So, I'd have to say unfortunately many of her questions went unanswered.

That's great that you got those pens. I have a set of Staedtler pigment liner pens in .1 , .3 , .5 , .7 . They are all in black. I like using these pens to line my drawings after I draw them in pencil. What I'd really like to get is a small flat tip one so I can get smooth line width variations, like a calligraphy pen.


You asked what day it was here. I am in Pacific time in the US. I usually post at around 9-10 pm my time, but that is 12-1 am eastern time. The highlighted updated sites reset at 9 my time. So, when I post it is the evening of the day before the date on my posts. In other words, this post says Sunday, but it's only 10 pm Saturday night as I type this. ^_^

Face of Deth

You are welcome for the info on beating the 1500 characters, however I just learned this myself. I got the info from RenoTheTurk.
You might want to open a blank text file in notepad, copy what you have in your profile, then add anything else you'd like to add to your profile with all of it together in the text file. Then copy all of it together, and paste it into your profile.

Wolf of Darkstar

I haven't changed that much. However, we haven't really spoken much since you got back. So who's fault is that? You're never on messenger anymore! Hehe... =P
How's the new job going, or is it?

Dark Cloud

Thanks, I'm glad you like the new look. Yes, you should most definitely get an HTML book. That's the best way to learn it. You can take books with you almost anywhere.


I have experienced a few other blog type sites. Though this is the only one I've become really committed to. There are always certain flaws with the posting thing, especially when people miss a day or two. Though, I'm one of those that tends to read back if I missed a day or two. Particularly my good friends. I don't like to miss things. Or in the case of adding a new friend like yourself. If someone is posting about a particular event that happened before I added that person, I will go back to find out what they are talking about.
Then there is always the case where I may put a reply to someone's comment on here and they may not be here the day I posted it, so they miss it. I'm wondering if I should go back to having more days on here.
Yes, there is a lot of sources out there for learning HTML, it's just having the time and patience to learn it. And it sounds like you don't have a whole lot of time for it right now. I agree, there is a lot of poor design choices out there. However, I am not going to tell people how they should design their pages. After all these are fan sites. And I'm not the kind of person to say, well my page is done right and yours isn't.
As for arranging stuff, well some of it can be done with regular HTML, and then some of it is done with CSS. To me the power is really in CSS, you can do a lot with it. But to me learning HTML is pretty easy, and once you learn it, or while you are learning it, CSS isn't that difficult to learn either.
Good luck to you on it, and I'm always willing to help whenever it's needed.

Well, I'm done for today. Take care everyone.

Catcha later...

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