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Saturday, November 5, 2005

Survey Day

Life on Display
Birthdate:April 16
Zodiac sign:Aries
Hair color:Brown
...Like it?:Yeah
Eye color:Dark Brown
...Like it?:Yeah
Shoe size:11
Are you in school?:Yes
If so, what grade?:11
What is your favorite...
Singer/Band?:Steven Curtis Chapman
Song?:"Dive" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Movie scene?:none
Movie based on a book?:none
Are you...
A loner?:Yes
... or just a hermit?:No
The future...
Do you see yourself getting married?:Yes
What college do you attend/wish to attend?:Virginia Tech
Career plans, if any?:Marine Military Police
3 biggest goals in life::Grow dld, Get a girlfriend, Get married
Where do you stand on...
Gay marriage:Wrong
President Bush:Ok
The war in Iraq:Worth the cost
Onions on McDonald's cheesburgers:Wrong
Premarital sex:Wrong
The current national obsession with rap "music":Very Wrong
Other questions I forgot to ask...
Do you like yourself?:Yes
What's your favorite thing about yourself?:My strength
Least favorite?:my stupidity
Who was your first best friend?:Gavin
Where do you live?:Tennessee
Favorite musical genre?:Christian
Favorite movie genre?:Action/Commedy
Do you like the word genre as much as I?:No
Who is your hero?:Me
Why?:Because we have experienced the same things
What song best describes your personality?:"Dive" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Are your moods erratic?:No
Do you consider yourself eccentric?:No
Do people understand you?:No
Ever pretended to be somebody else?:Yes
How do you feel about Ashlee Simpson?:Don't care
Who do you think is the most beautiful man on earth?:Me (lol)
Woman?:There are two of them Stasi and Jenna
Do you think school is pointless?:No
Why or why not?:It teaches you stuuf
If you could give yourself one magical power, what would it be?:Control of the elements- Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood, Ice, Thunder(lightning), Light, and Darkness
Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character?:No
Ever read To Kill A Mockingbird?:Yes
What about the entire Bible?:No
Was Michael Jackson's verdict fair?:I didn't pay attention to it
Do you want to travel?:Yes
Do you get along with your parents?:For the most part yes
Favorite Golden Girl::none
Favorite TV show::70's Show
Favorite European country::UK
Are you a Democrat or Republican?:Republican
Do you realize Candace made this herself?:No
How annoying are those stupid smiley faces on instant messaging programs!!:Very
What's your screen-name, by the way?:lilshadow489 (AIM) grilledwithonions (YIM)
Do you spell out screen-name like I do?:No
Do you think I'm weird now?:Not really
Are you in my Psychology class?:No
Do you have *any* classes with me?:No
Do you consider me a friend?:No
What are you most afraid of?:Heights
Is that a phobia or a normal fear?:Yes
Do you like the idea of Time?:No
What is your religion?:Christian
Do you sometimes feel silly for believing?:Yes
Are you ever lonely?:Yes, like right now
Are you a big believer in love?:Yes, it always hurts though
Are you stubborn?:Yes
Do you like to learn?:Depends what I'm learning
Favorite subject::Chemistry
Would you like to be someone else for a day?:No
Do you believe in aliens?:No
What about reincarnation?:No
Do you agree reincarnation would be cool?:No
Don't worry, you've already made it to human, you can't move down.:It isn't real who cares
No, really. I'm serious.:IT ISN'T REAL SO WHO CARES
How do you feel about Jehovah's Witnesses?:Don't care
What's your dream car?:Any car that I can get for free
Are you the kind of person who HAS to ALWAYS be doing something?:No
Do you think 30's is old?:No
What about 40's?:No
What language would you like to know fluently?:Japanese
What is your favorite number?:13
What about your favorite organ?:Heart
Do you spell like a fool when online?:Yes
What is your favorite name?:Michael
Can you relate to your peers?:Yes
If the universe could have a theme song, what should it be?:"Dive" by Steven Curtis Chapman
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

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I took this survey a long time ago, so I took it again to see what has changed

This is my wonderful, weird, awesome, SHITRIFFIC, random survey!!
this is my survey
if you had a pet earwig what would you name it?:Bob
do you write poems?:No
do you consider plaid a color?:Yes
are you on a diet?:No
are you in a relationship?:I wish
do you have pets?:Yes
what do you like to do in your spare time?:Play on the comp and figure ways to get that speacial someone to like me
what kind of music do you like?:Christian
can a cow turn red if left out in the sun too long?:No
have you ever swallowed a bug?:Yes
have you gotten stung by a bee?:No
does size matter?:No
do you like roses?:No
what color?:Red if anything
do you like food?:Yes
do you think you're too fat?:Sometimes
do you excercise?:Yes
have you ever touched a chicken?:Yes
do you drink?:No
do you smoke?:No
do you do drugs?:No
are you gay?:HELL NO!!!!!!!!!
are you a lesbian?:I'm a guy, what do you think?
are you straight?:Yes
do you like to hug random people?:Not really
are you depressed?:Yes
would you give your second cousin's fourth cousin twice removed a kidney?:Yes
do you go through other people's things:No
do you like clothes?:Yes
do you do the dew?:Yes
do you like parties?:Yes
are you a homebody?:If I don't know what that is... I'm guessing No
do you go out in public?:Yes
do you have pasty skin?:No
do you go to camp?:Yes
are you a senior citizen?:No
do you like senior citizens?:... in which way???
is your grandmother alive?:One of them yes
have you ever eaten something that was alive?:A bug flew into my mouth
do you like chocolate?:Yes
do you have plaid pants?:Yes
do you have a band t-shirt?:No
have you ever heard of coheed and cambria?:No
do you eat?:Yes
do you throw up your food?:No
The Opposite Sex
should your perfect match be chubby, fat, or skinny?:Those words are all ofensive She should be herself
best hair color?:Anything but Black and Red
best eye color?:Blue
height?:Shorter than me
long or short eye lashes?:Long
their favorite sport?:Rugby
should they be funny?:Yes
should they be sweet?:Yes
should they play an instrument?:No
should they care about you?:Yes
should they love you?:Yes
should they be sympathetic?:Yes
should the guy be a little feminine?:It would never be a guy
should the girl have big boobs?:Not necessary
should they like your friends?:They don't have too
Ok I'm Done With That
do you brush after every meal?:No
do you watch tv?:Yes
do you watch nickelodeon?:I don't have cable
do you like pizza?:Yes
if your brother swallowed his girlfriend what would you do?:...?
do you think santa is real?:I know he is real
who is your favorite reindeer?:Comet
who is your favorite of the seven dwarfs?:Dopey
do you believe in magic?:No
how about fairies?:No
what do you think of gay marriage?:Wrong
sex before marriage?:Wrong
syblings?:What about them
cousins?:What aboutt them
have you ever bitten someone?:Yes
do you find your grandparents unbearably annoying?:No
do you know how to spell unbearably?:No
can you mow a lawn?:Yes
do you have a job?:No
does food eat you?:No
do you write books?:I tried but no
are you a teenager?:Yes
do you like cake?:Yes
do you have friends?:Define 'friend' and I'll give you an answer
how many?:I have about 6 'friends'
is it summer right now?:No
well this is almost over, but stick around theres more questions:Ok
but i have to fill up these last few spots:Why
does your house have roaches?:No
do you have a cat?:Yes
do you watch mtv?:I don't have cable
do eat chips?:Yes
favorite kind?:Pringles
its almost over:Woopie
do you have a sister?:Yes
whats your middle name?:Edwardo
do you like pictures taken of yourself?:Don't really care
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

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For those of you who are just npw joining me I have succesfully lost all the girls I have ever cared about... Go me!!!

About a week ago Jenna turned me down (after a month of relentlous work just trying to get her to notice me she finally likes me then someone says that he likes her and I lose) for an old crush

Yesterday Stasi turned me down because I don't go the same school as her

In case you can't tell I'm pissed and depressed. For the first time ever I have nothing left that I can do (that doesn't involve killing someone) I have exhausted all of my resources on Jenna, I lost years ago with Stasi I just tryed to rekindle something which was dead. I really suck at life.


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Friday, November 4, 2005

I'm in a better mood
Well I got to school in a nervous fit. I had a floppy disk (you can't read my hand writing so I typed it) with basically my heart on it. It was exactly how I felt, the only question was would I take it to Jenna... I went down to rotc and put it in her CMC box but it was difficult to see because it blended in so I put a peice of paper under it so she would check her box. I was curious and nervous as hell, but the curious won so I went hurridly down to rotc after 2nd block, I normally see Jenna during this short time period. She was not there, I checked her box and the paper was pushed back and the disk was moved, this could mean she just saw my name on the disk and shoved it back or that she read it. I really don't know. All I know is that in 4th block she stopped by didn't even make eye contact with me, she headed to the staff office but turned and left... I have no idea what that means. So school lets out Jenna is gone and the disk is still in her box... I still don't know what that means. SO I got to rugby practice and lift weights until I die (I have to now in order to relieve stress, the only problem is when I do that I get stronger so when I do lose my temper I'll really hurt some one... what should I do) So right as I'm picking up my gear and well Stasi calls me (Stasi is my ex-girlfriend from middle school the only reason we aren't going out is because she goes to a different school) I was extatic this girl was my first love and girlfriend. First I prayed to God and told him to stop messing with me because I'm being driven nuts. I anwser and she needs a ride home of course I agree (like hell I would say no) then I called my mom and asked if she would give Stasi a ride home after tonights football game. She said yes woot a chance to talk to Stasi. I go home shower and put on my uniform(I had to command a colorgaurd for the game which ment I get in for free) we only messed up twice so I was pleased after that I changed and put on deodarent. I headed down and walked through the gate, I left immediatley in order to go see stasi but her school kicked me out of the stands when I cheered when my team scored a touchdown (go figure) So I spent the first half in my side with the girls that did colorgaurd with me Sonja mentioned Jenna and I was back in depressed mode. Then Stasi called me and asked me to come over... I ran... I got over there and Sarah (another ex was there) They were best friends so I wasn't afaird, they both greeted me with a hug, which doesn't say much. I really wanted to talk to Satsi but sarah dragged me off to talk with all my old friends from middle school. We walked over to my side and after an awkward silence I hugged her good bye and rejoined my friends... at about 5 minutes left in the game we were losing 17 to 14 I went over to Stasis side so she could glote. But right when I said hi her school BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! really loud... I turned around and my school had just scored a touchdown. End game was 21 to 17 we won, I really didn't care I was there for Stasi, which didn't really get me anything because she told me she only liked to date guys in her school so she can see them everyday... this sucks, God has to be messing with me... I can't drive so I called my mom to come pick us up Stasi got cold so I walked her up to the gym where she curled up in a ball and layed on the floor. During this time I made a copuple more passes and plenty of misses towards Stasi she smiled and knoked them all down. My mom arrived and we drove her back to her house I offered to walk her up to her house but she declined, sigh I'm just not good with girls, I don't think I'll ever get a girlfriend.


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Thursday, November 3, 2005

   (Veiwer Disgression Is Advised) FUCK!!!
Yeah that is exactly how my day went. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and felt lousy already I get to school and head down to rotc everything goes normal till inbetween 2nd and 3rd block which is when I normally see Jenna, well I had already come up with something witty to say but first I had to use one of my hugs... big mistake she sighed when she gave me the hug... this did not make my day better, I decided to keep my mouth shut and wait to see what happened next... FUCK!!!... 3rd block was a waist all I did was sit there and mope around to understand where I went wrong... It did not come to me. After 3rd block ended I had to suck it up and take charge of 4th block heaven know that Zach (dude in 2nd command of unit) won't. I barley did anything but when we played flagfootball I forgot about my problems and I cracked a smile here or there. After class my problems all came back in a giant wave of hurt... FUCK!!!... The only good thing is I took the time to look around and well, alot of people do care, Sonja, Kristi, and Nicole aside from laughing at me were really concerned and wanted to know why I was being a deusch (my vocabulary sucks when it comes to spelling) Then right after I blatantly told Sonja,"I'm pissed because Jenna chose Shawn over me" She laughed, which made me crack a smile. and said no way. Then Jenna walks in, goes straight towards me and asks are you upset Ithink to my self 'No shit what do you think I've only been turned down by the girl of my dreams fo some guy that said he 'likes' her' I nod my head, she gives me a hug and says, "This one is free... I'm just trying to do what I think is right" ... FUCK!!!... I respond trying to pretend I'm ok, "Can't argue with a freebie" and head out the door to take a make up chem 2 test... I was too distracted to even think about chemistry (aka I failed it) I headed back to rotc to grab some pizza from the pizza party and the forst thing I see is Jenna and Shawn sitting next to each other... FUCK!!!... I ignore them grab to slices eat them and leave, I had to get out of there before I knocked the shit out of Shawn, I ran up to the pull up bars and did a couple sets of 5 then I ran around the school, It still didn't help I still wanted to kill Shawn, but if I did that I'm pretty sure Jenna would get mad. So I suck it up and head back and what do I see a group of rotc guys 'wrastling' (backyard last one standing wrestling) Of course I immediatley want to challenge Shawn but he is busy with someone else, so I blow off my steam on 4 guys before I settle down I won 2 lost 1 and tied the last one. I felt great next to come was the rotc booster club meeting, which is what we were all waiting for while we beat the crap out of each other. I sit down and Shawn has the nerve to sit next to me and say, "Hows it goin" I stare him down and think 'Its goin alright it would be goin alot better if I just gutted you right here and threw your carcas off the empire state builing' but all I really say is,"It's goin" *Surprisingly* (That stands for sarcasm) he decides to move to the opposite end of the room, now it went boring until halfway through the meeting Jenna's mom comes through the door and sits next to me... FUCK!!!... Can you say awkward all I had to do was mention Shanw and Jenna and her mom would have killed Shawn herself but I decided not to because Jenna would kill me if I did and I wouldn't want to be ratted out either. The meeting ends and I head home. Thinking thinking what can I do that might tip the scale in my favor I have to do something but what... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I need to talk to her but I never have enough time or its never the right place... it has to be soon other wise I'll never get in... I'll just right a note... man but that is lame I want to just say it to her face... Its that or nothing... Wish me luck


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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Holy Poop, What A Day
Today is the Area Manager Inspection (see last post for details) So I get to school and I have to get my sister (Thank you Sam) to sew on my button so I can wear my leadership agulette. She does that and then tossed me a couple cough drops and then I was on my way to ROTC. Of course I'm a little bit nervous because I asked 'K' out yesterday she said she'd think about it. So pretty much all of AMI and lunch was us giving each other the awkward I dont know what to say looks, And I got tired of that so I broke the silence with a simple "Hi" she returned the favor and she loosened up. Nowunfortunately I wasn't allowed to skip 3rd block so I had to go to Drivers Ed, Now I'm an ok driver and so Is my friend but the 3rd guy the "gay guy" just sucks at driving, we almost crashed twice while he was driving, but I'm still alive so I can't complain.

And Now back to 'K'
Ok so we got back to school just in time for 4th lunch so I grab a strawberry milk and continue down to ROTC of course expecting to see 'K' but not really ready for what was to come next. So I get down trhereand she is talking to 'O',She has her nerf football in her hand so, me trying to make some form of communication, I asked her to toss it here. We passed it around for a while (she really stinks at football) Then (evil music plays in the background) 'T' walks in


'K'- Jenna
'O'- Natasha
'T'- Shawn

Ok so Shawn walks in and immediately starts hitting/hanging on Jenna, and sadly I have no right to be jealous since I'm not going out with her, so that means I cant kick his @$$. So I have to deal with it and all the while she is with Shawn she starts to give me the awkward I dont know what to say glances, she does this for like eleventybillion times, for the next 2 hours... So school ends and then 'K' offers me a ride home...at the time I was thinking (WTF!!! she's got some nerve to flirt with Shawn and then ask me to spend 15 minutes alone in a car with her how awkward and stupid is that) So I decline kindly and head over to my mini van (well my mom's but I drive it) I get in and she sees something is wrong...

Now at this time you can imagine that I'm really really REALLY PISSED!!

I get in the car my mom instantly sees I'm pissed asks me about it I say nothin and say I'll need an hour of me time to get over it (It turned into and hour and 30 minutes) she sighs and we go home.

Me Time- My time alone when I go and blow off steam by working out running or riding my bike.

Now for me time you need the appropriate attire for me time this includes: Red under armor shirt, red gym shorts, my red go fasters (sneakers) + my red helmet and my red bike. (Red has been called my power color)

SO now I'm ready I grab some stuff and a gatorade, I am now ready to blow off some steam, I hopped on my bike and pedaled out 4.7 miles. I arrived on the greenway and began to exhaust myselffor about 45 minutes of pull ups push ups sit ups and dips (now there is more purpose here than you tink by me working out my muscles are now going to swell for the next 30-45 minutes as they try and heal from the murder i just committed on them...) So I head home as fast as possible but instead of turning right at the entrandce to my neighborhod I turn left and head towards Jenna's house. I get to the top of the hilland pull out my "gear" (Axe, mints, and stridex pads) I make myself somewhat pleasing to the 5 senses and speed down the hill towards her house I enter her culdasac and chicken ouut I slowly pedal too the top of the hill beating my self up along the way. NOw I'm up AT the top of the hill and I pull out 2 quarters I flip them like a thousand times before it finally tells me to go back down there, so I do. Now I'm at Jennas door step I ring the door bell and her dogs go nuts but instead of Jenna her little sister answers the door "Hey Havoshinshnitzer" (she says my real last name not this one) She calls Jenna, She appears and I blatantly ASK "So do you have an answer to my question from yesterday" SHe sighs closes the door and sits on her porch steps.
(every time she says michael in real life she says my last name)
"I'm in a bit of a delema", she sighs,"I like you its just well I've liked shawn since freshman year and well he's cute... and well, your cute too!"
I respond, "Eh, what can I say?"
(That Helped a little for her to relax but she was still to tense)
"Michael I've been trying to find a time to talk to you(she offered me a ride home) but I never really had a chance I didnt want to do it during AMI and definatley not during lunch with all those people around..."
Me-"How about right now?"
Jenna-"See you are so cute!"
Me"I know, dont forget humble too"
(She loosened up some more and I was satisfied hat she would be completely honest now)
(It turns out that Shawn said he liked her as well but he still wanted to try and get back with his ex girlfriend, Shawn said to give him a week then he could get back to her)
Me- "OK, well Jenna I just want you to know you're my first chioce ok..."
Jenna-"AAWWW your so cute""Oh crap theres my dad!"
I needed to get the poop out of there so I headed to my bike and said "Hey Jenna I just want you to know No matter what the out come of this is you still owe me six hugs"
Jenna-"Thats true!"
She laughed and went inside Me Time is now officially over so I head home and spend the next 2 hours prettending to do home work while I eat candy and plan on how to win Jenna, I have a week so wish me luck


Wait is 'cute' a good thing???

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005

...Finally (did I spell that right?)
Ok so today is the first day I have seen 'K' in like what 6-7 days I prayed to God all through 1st block that I would get a chance to aproach her and carry on a conversation, of course I had my chance because today was (AMI) Area Manager Inspection practice, And we are both in rotc so I got to skip 2nd block and get away with it (ha ha ha) So while Msgt Shouted at the others for messing up I got to flirt with 'K' (Of course he shouted at me too) it was fun for the most part, anyways I hit on her on the way to third bloack she smiled then brushed my arm off her shoulder, the next time I saw her was an accident, I had to pee so I went through the lunch room and bumped into 'K' didn't say much cause she was with her freinds (and I had to pee really badly) in 4th block she stopped by to use the unit phone to call her mom again I was flirting with her she left to go to the bank (stupud me i had the chance and i blew it) jk she came back to my surprise 30 minutes later. On her way out I walked over to her and said "hey, _________ will you go out with me?" she laughed and said "Where?" ha ha ha ha ha very funny so I said back "Doesn't matter as long as its with you" she smiled and told me she'd have to think about it so me bein me I got down on my knee and pulled out the box and said "maybe this will hel;p you think it over" I opened it she laughed and ate the hersheys kiss... then peeled out of the school parkin lot


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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Well not much to say so Ill just ask all of you a simple question

Whcich do you prefer Cats or Dogs?

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

I just got back from Paris Island, the place where they make marines. My jrotc unit was there on a field trip so that is why I haven't postedfor the last couple of days. We got to run the Obstacle course (O Course) We beat the other school that was there. We also did some pars of the confidence course, we weren't aloud to do all of them some of them were 'too' dangerous for those like us to do them (like a repel off a 40foot cliff) We had 2 Drill Instructers to yell at us and teach us new drill movements. The food was worthy of the grade F, The eggs weren't yeloow and the cinamin rolls were well Im not sure what was wrong with them but there was definately something wrong. I was put in charge of Athletics. I made sure that evry guy did there push ups and pull ups and if they stunk at it I put them on the machine to help them out, any way it was an 8 hour drive so I still am tired bye now.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

OK, so me bring an idiot, I have just now learned that 'K' is sick with pnemonia (which is why I didn't see her at school yesterday or today)... How do you spell pnemonia? Anyways so in first block (US History) we goofed off as usual and had fun with our intern teacher. After that class had ended I went straight to second block (Chem 2) I reached into my backpack to get out my ring box with the hershey kiss inside, to my surprise it was gone. So I ran back to my first block class and Jessica was there (If your bored enough you can read my past with her) she wanted to know what I was looking for and why I was turning over desks, I gave up looking with one minute to run back to Chem 2 (I made it) So I gave up and decided I should just ask 'K' out the old fashioned way with nothin up my sleeve (at this time I did not know she was sick) So wwhen class got out I ran down to her second block (rotc) hoping to catch her. Instead I ran into 'O' and then was informed of 'K's position. I sighed and felt like crying but I was still glad I didn't have to show up empty handed...(Now after school and about 10 minutes ago) I went to my room grabbed my hershey kiss bag then to samantha's room to get another ring case (when she reads I took another ring box she'll kill me) Sat down with my dog and looked for an excuse to call 'K' (I need one cause her parents are like that, I can't just say "Hey, is your daughter there?") Then it came to me we have a field trip tommorrow (we are going to Paris Island, I could see if she has a sea-bag list(list of stuff we need to bring)) So i called her and her parents picked up I explained and asked 'K' if she had a sea-bag list (just now realizing I actually need one) Unfortunately she didn't but I got to talk to her for 11 minutes about whats up.

My plan was for her to say yes and me to go over to her house to get the list and ask her out at the same time... Once again my plan has been foiled, tommorrow I am goin to try and catch her before she gets to her 7 o'clock class

well I gotta go start packing my friend just emailed me this list


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